Dear Friends,
This weekend, members of our Finance Council are speaking at all Masses, to introduce the annual report which will shortly be mailed to all parishioners. I know that the idea of a financial report means different things to different people. For some, drawing such attention to finances and material matters may seem to detract from proclamation of the Gospel and spiritual matters. In great contrast, for others, anything less than a balanced budget and zero deficit reflects failure and a need to point fingers or blame. Neither is a truly Christian perspective.
From the very beginning of the Church, people in Christian communities have been called to share what they have to support the ministries of the Church. The poor must be cared for, those who mourn must be comforted, sinners must be welcomed, social injustices must be confronted and corrected. People have a right to the sacraments of the church and beautiful worship is a sign of our love for God. Handing on the Catholic faith and making disciples from generation to generation requires religious education and spiritual formation for the Church's members. All of this is at the heart of the Gospel. All of this flows from Jesus' great commandment that we love the Lord, our God, with our whole heart, our whole mind, and our whole soul, and love our neighbor as ourselves. And as from the beginning, from the time of the earliest Christian communities, this requires the participation of all the faithful in sharing their time, talent, and treasure, including their financial resources. The Church - and the preaching of the Gospel - depends upon this.
The Church - all of us, leaders and people - are also called to be responsible stewards of all that is entrusted to us. We are entrusted with the financial donations of parishioners and should be responsible to develop good budgeting processes and watch spending and costs. At the same time, we are entrusted with the Gospel itself, and the faithful are obliged -- not only by canon law, but out of love for God - to provide the means for the Church to exercise its ministry.
Our parish is a wonderful parish, with a past, a present, and a future. Those who have been here a long time have witnessed much change over the years. Nothing that is alive can grow without change. New leadership and new generations may bring new styles, new ministries, new people. When there seems to be too much change at once, when there is not enough sensitivity on the part of those making changes, or when some are resistant to change, it is very easy for people to become upset and angry. Some of this has happened here. At the same time, what has also happened here is that many people have been attracted to the good things that have always been part of the tradition of this parish - among them, a sense of family and welcome, and a great emphasis on the religious education of children - and they have also been attracted to some of the new changes here, and the parish has grown. Let us take the best of our past and work together in the present to build a future that holds hope for stronger bonds of love and unity and a strengthening of our apostolic mission.
Spiritual life involves the here and now and something beyond. The realities of our life in the world are realities, even for spiritual people. One reality we have is that our parish has been operating at a deficit for three years. The parish used to depend upon the rental of the school building as a major source of income. The loss of rent means that without another way of increasing parish income, we will continue to eat away at our savings.
However, there is another part of our present reality. The past use of our school building limited the ministries of the church, including the religious education of our children. Since we have begun using our school building to primarily support the ministries of our parish, we have witnessed phenomenal growth in our Religious Education program over the last two years, as enrollment has grown from 400 students to more than 500. We now also use the building for Bible Study, for Welcoming Catholics Home, for RCIA, for teen group, for music ministry, and for other activities of the parish.
This points to something else about our present reality that is beyond us. The mission of the church is not maintenance but evangelization. When we invest our lives, our talents, and our resources in service of the Church - which belongs not to me or to you but to God - the measure with which we measure will be given unto us. We are still operating at a deficit but our income has slowly been increasing, our parish has more members, and our ministries are growing.
It is diocesan expectation that parishes support their operating budgets through the Sunday collection and so we appeal to you now to study our annual report when you receive it. Please look at all of the ways that we are being faithful to the Gospel and continue to give as best as you can. The more we give of ourselves out of love for God, the more richly we will be blessed. May God continue to bless you and I will see you in a couple of weeks.
Mary Foley, Pastoral Life Coordinator
Mary Queen CCW Dance Event MQH CCW invites you to a dance party! Singles and couples welcome. Two dance instructors will teach us popular social dances. Perhaps we will learn the Salsa or Swing or Hustle or Foxtrot or Line dances! There will be something for everyone. Drinks and light appetizers included. Only $20 per person. Saturday, February 11 7:30 - 10:30 p.m. Dupage Dance Center Naperville Road & Ogden Avenue 1153 E. Ogden, Naperville Sign up in the vestibule after Mass. Or, call Mary Connelly at 782-7626 or Marie McCall at 617-6067. Peace and Justice Committee A reminder to all members and potential members that the next parish P & J committee meeting will be held at 7:00 pm on Feb. 9, 2006 in the lower level of the Parish House. The mission of the P & J committee is to inform our parishioners regarding the USA Bishops? Catholic Social Teachings and to encourage and support appropriate actions which promote these teachings: 1. Life and dignity of the human person 2. Call to family, community and participation 3. Rights and responsibilities 4. Option for the poor and vulnerable 5. The dignity of work and rights of workers 6. Solidarity 7. Care for God?s creation These titles may seem a bit abstract. Attend the P & J committee meetings to see how we try to flesh out the Bishops? Catholic Social Teachings with such activities as the STEP WALK, BREAD FOR THE WORLD Offering of Letters, scheduling speakers for our parish, promoting the use of Trade Free coffee at parish functions, etc. We are an active group and we welcome new members. If you would like more information about the Bishops? Catholic Social Teachings or more information about the P & J committee, feel free to contact Milt Honel at 279-7086 or Bill Barnds at 782-5966, co-chairs of the P & J committee. Religious Education News Mark your calendars: Wednesday, February 8th at 7:15 p.m. in Barrett Hall. There will be a special meeting for all parents of children who will be making their First Communion this Spring. Friar Johnpaul Cafiero, OFM. Will facilitate. All are expected to attend. If you have questions or need more information, please call Mary Ann Woods at the REO, 832-8962. Continue to exercise extreme caution in the parking lot on Wednesday afternoons and evenings. Winter weather makes dropping off and picking up children a real challenge. Remember our children are precious. Let's all strive to insure their safety. Prayer Requests To pray for our sick is an important privilege of our parish family. We hope that you will pray for these persons every day, alone or as a family. Thank you. Pam Bondfide Heather Brennan Katherine Brennan Kathleen Bryers Doresa Brugler Pat Caffarelli Rose Caffarelli Kathy Calzante Dennis Ciancio Cosmore Ciancio Family of Cynthia Catalano Paul Cirone Rhonda Colletti Margaret Conroy Baby Samantha Dobrowolski Trudi Dolato Dino Fuggitti Anna Heffel Jen Huwalt Tom Huwalt Pat Holmes Michelle Humann Maureen James Tom Janicke Richard Johnson Irene Kmieciak Bernadette Kohn Tim Kowalski Baby Emma Lynde Robert Manion Bobbi Nannini Geri Pstrzoch Baby Faith Reid Jess Smith Karen Sutkus Cathy Ward If you or a family member would like to be included in our prayers, please call the rectory at 279-5700. Also, please let us know when a name should be removed. Effective Choices, Effecting Parenting Offering a variety of workshops and seminars to assist you in becoming the parent you want to be. Building Effective Relationships With Our Teens For parents of children ages 13 - 19 Tuesday, January 31, at 7 - 9 P.M. Tuesday, February 28, at 7 - 9 P.M. At Catholic Charities in Lombard This two-hour workshop teaches participants practical, usable skills and insights on how to parent effectively during the challenging teen years. For info or to pre-register, please call 630-710-8226. $20 single; $25 per couple; Pre- registration required. A Day of Meditation Using Sound Wheaton Franciscan Campus Maura Hall: Oasis Room 26W171 Roosevelt Rd., Wheaton Saturday, February 4, 2006 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. and 2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Sr. Alana Gorski, OSF The Wheaton Franciscan Sisters invite you to a day of prayer using the most wondrous of Diving Instruments, the voice. One will learn to resonate with one's own body and chakras to help balance and raise one's own consciousness. Various techniques in Name as Mantra, Breath and Sound, Vowels as Mantras, toning and Vocal Harmonics will be shared followed by experiencing the method. No experience is necessary. All are welcome, beginners as well as experienced sounders. Wear comfortable clothing. For those interested in additional time with Sr. Alana for sounding experience, Friday evening and Sunday morning group sessions may also be arranged. To register please contact the Collaborative Ministries office at 630-462-4936. 50th Anniversary Celebration Mary Queen of Heaven's 50th Anniversary Celebration will begin on April 2nd, 2006 at the 10:30 a.m. Mass. Bishop Imesch will be the principal celebrant and a very special liturgy is planned to mark 50 years of spiritual growth. Immediately following the Mass all who attend are invited to Barrett Hall for Fellowship and the opportunity to visit rooms in the school building which will contain memorabilia from the past and also the present. The Anniversary Committee meets every two weeks working and planning on a calendar of events that will carry us through to April of 2007. Much help and many hands are needed to work on the various events that are scheduled and we invite you to attend a meeting and see where you could offer your expertise. Presently we are still looking for help in these particular areas: 1. Memorabilia from the past (pictures, booklets, newspaper articles, video's, etc.) Perhaps you just can recall a single event or a series of events from the past and would like to share them. May we suggest that you write your thoughts down, contact either Sheila or Ellen at the numbers listed below and someone will be happy to stop by and pick up what you have written. Aside from having things for people to read or look at In the Memorabilia Room(s) we would like to put some of your stories in the bulletin. 2. Names and addresses of previous parishioners or school alumni are extremely important. We want to be able to invite them to our celebration on April 2nd and the other events that we have scheduled through out the year. For more information or questions: con tact Sheila Reiter 833-6657 or Ellen Walker 279- 4021. 3. A 50th Anniversary Cookbook with best recipes from MQH parishioners is planned. Recipes should be carefully printed or typed and checked for accuracy. Recipe forms were in last week's bulletin and are available in the vestibule of church. They can be placed in the basket in the vestibule or sent to the rec tory to the attention of Mary Nanak or Ellen Walker. We thank you for your participation in this project and if you have any questions, please call Mary (530- 4502) or Ellen (279-4021). Our next scheduled Anniversary Committee meeting is Tuesday, January 31st at 7:30 p.m. in Barrett Hall. Hope to see you there! Marriage Ministry We're still newlyweds! Our expanded Marriage Ministry is still in the newlywed stage of it's formation, but we are beginning to branch out! Come celebrate your marriage with the community. On the weekend of February 11 and 12, there will be a special blessing of all married and engaged couples at all Masses in honor of National Marriage Day, which is February 12. Also - - come meet the neighbors! The Marriage Ministry is planning the first of our double-date nights for Saturday, February 18, at 7:30 p.m. All married couples are invited to come. We will be meeting in Barrett Hall where couples will be selected by chance to go to dinner together. It is an opportunity to meet new couples in our parish community and perhaps get to know some better. The only cost is your dinners and that will be determined by you. So come and meet your neighbors! Plans for the future: Dinner-theater night, talks by marriage counselors, moonlight picnic, 50+ anniversary Mass, 10 great date nights. For more information or to join the Marriage Ministry, please contact Don or Ellen Walker at 630-279-4021. Catholic Engaged Encounter A weekend marriage preparation program The engaged couples who attend give the program high marks. The next two programs are February 10-12 and March 10-12 at the St. Charles Pastoral Center in Romeoville. For more information, please call the Engaged Encounter hotline at 630-375-7072. Volunteer Tutors Needed The Sisters of St. Joseph of LaGrange Park are in need of volunteers for its adult literacy program, School on Wheels. Tutors are needed to teach one hour per week from 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. or 3:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. in Woodridge, Hodgkins, Berwyn, Summit, Villa Park and Westmont. Training will be provided on Saturday, February 4th and February 11th from 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. You must attend both training sessions. No prior second language skills are needed. For more information call 708-354-9200 ext. 5060, 5085 or 5037. Rental and Use of Barrett Hall and Social Hall The renting and use of Barrett Hall and the Social Hall depends upon the event. Barrett Hall is available for things related to the sacraments or ministries of the church. For example, in Barrett Hall we have had multiple wedding receptions, gatherings after funerals and memorial services, and retreats for religious groups. We do not use Barrett Hall for individual celebrations when many children together receive a sacrament for the first time, although we try to have group receptions there when possible. The Social Hall (in the school building), as well as classrooms at certain times, are available for rent for private parties or meetings of groups or organizations from outside the parish. We will accommodate what requests we can, at times when adequate staffing is available. All facility rentals require an application and approval. In addition, there is the necessary purchase of insurance through the Diocese of Joliet. For more information about the use or rental of Barrett Hall for religious events, please contact the Pastoral Life Coordinator, Mary Foley. For information about the use or rental of the Social Hall or classrooms for a private party or a meeting of an organization outside of the parish, please contact the Parish Business Manager, Richard Kaffka. Both can be reached at the parish office at (630) 279-5700. Upcoming Parish Pastoral Council Discernment (Hold these dates!) Planning for next is around the corner already! We will begin discernment in March for next year's new members of the Parish Pastoral Council. Keep in mind these important dates: Feb. 18-19 and Feb. 25-26: Detailed information about the discernment process will appear in the bulletin. March 3-4: Current PPC members will speak at weekend Masses about the discernment process. April 8-9 and April 15-16: Nominations taken at all weekend Masses. Monday, April 24: Mandatory PPC orientation for those who accept nomination. May: Mandatory discernment session for nominees who wish to continue the process (date pending confirmation by facilitator. June: Those who are discerned to serve the PPC attend their first meeting of the council.