Mary's Corner

Mary Queen of Heaven Catholic Church
426 N. West Avenue
Elmhurst, Illinois 60126-2171
Parish Office: 630/279-5700
Fax: 630/279-4667

75th Anniversary Celebration

	St. Vincent Ferrer Parish, River Forest, is celebrating its 
75th anniversary throughout the coming year.  There will be a 
Dinner/Dance on Saturday, Feb. 11 at the Hyatt Regency O'Hare.  
All parishioners past and present, alumni and friends are welcome 
to attend.  Please contact the Parish Office at 708-366-7090 for 
more information.

Volunteer Work 
To Fit Your Shedule

	Debbie and Randy Styka need a few helpers every month or 
two, on a Sunday morning early, probably 5:30 to 7:30 a.m.  
Bethel Church and Mary Queen will be taking care of the 2nd 
Sat/Sun of each month to serve the homeless at a PADS site at 
Elmhurst Presbyterian Church on Spring & St. Charles in Elmhurst.  
Duties may include serving breakfast, cleaning up after 
breakfast, and putting away bedding.  
	Call Debbie at 941-7224 if you can help one time or more.  
She will add you to her monthly e-mail reminder list.  Thank you 
for considering this work.

(Moms Offering Moms Support)

	Elmhurst Catholic M.O.M.S. is a social and spiritual 
organization that provides an opportunity for mothers of young 
children from Elmhurst Catholic parishes to meet other mothers.  
Bi-monthly meetings include a mother/child activity or a guest 
speaker with babysitting provided.  There are no membership fees 
and everyone is welcome.  M.O.M.S meets in Msgr. Plunkett Hall, 
lower level of the Immaculate Conception chapel, Elmhurst from 
9:30 to 11:00 a.m.

	Please join M.O.M.S. on Thursday, February 9, for our 
annual Valentine's Day party, which will include music, games, 
treats, and a special story time provided by the Elmhurst Public 
Library Children's Services department. For more information 
please contact Kelly at 833-7223.

50th  Anniversary Celebration

	Mary Queen of Heaven's 50th Anniversary Celebration will 
begin on April 2nd, 2006 at the 10:30 a.m. Mass.  Bishop Imesch 
will be the principal celebrant and a very special liturgy is 
planned to mark 50 years of spiritual growth.  Immediately 
following the Mass all who attend are invited to Barrett Hall for 
Fellowship and the opportunity to visit rooms in the school 
building, which will contain memorabilia from the past and also 
the present.

	The Anniversary Committee meets every two weeks planning 
and working on a calendar of events that will carry us through to 
April 2007.  Much help and many hands are needed to work on the 
various events that are scheduled, and we invite you to attend a 
meeting and see where you could offer your expertise.

	Presently we are still looking for help in these particular 

1.	Memorabilia from the past (pictures, booklets, newspaper 
articles, video's, etc.)  Perhaps you just can recall a single 
event or a series of events from the past and would like to 
share them.  May we suggest that you write your thoughts down, 
contact either Sheila or Ellen at the numbers listed below and 
someone will be happy to stop by and pick up what you have 
written.  Aside from having things for people to read or look 
at in the Memorabilia Room(s), we would like to put some of 
your stories in the bulletin.

2.	Names and addresses of previous parishioners or school alumni 
are extremely important.  We want to be able to invite them to 
our celebration on April 2 and the other events that we have 
scheduled throughout the year.  For more information or 
questions:  contact Sheila Reiter 833-6657 or Ellen Walker 

3.	A 50th Anniversary Cookbook with best recipes from MQH 
parishioners is planned.  Recipes should be carefully printed 
or typed and checked for accuracy.  Recipe forms were in last 
week's bulletin and are available in the vestibule of church.  
They can be placed in the basket in the vestibule or sent to 
the rectory to the attention of Mary Nanak or Ellen Walker.  
We thank you for your participation in this project and if you 
have any questions, please call Mary (530-4502) or Ellen (279-

Rental and Use of Barrett Hall 
and Social Hall

	The renting and use of Barrett Hall and the Social Hall 
depends upon the event.  Barrett Hall is available for things 
related to the sacraments or ministries of the church.  For 
example, in Barrett Hall we have had multiple wedding receptions, 
gatherings after funerals and memorial services, and retreats for 
religious groups.  We do not use Barrett Hall for individual 
celebrations when many children together receive a sacrament for 
the first time, although we try to have group receptions there 
when possible.  The Social Hall (in the school building), as well 
as classrooms at certain times, are available for rent for 
private parties or meetings of groups or organizations from 
outside the parish.  We will accommodate what requests we can, at 
times when adequate staffing is available.  
	All facility rentals require an application and approval.  
In addition, there is the necessary purchase of insurance through 
the Diocese of Joliet.  
	For more information about the use or rental of Barrett 
Hall for religious events, please contact the Pastoral Life 
Coordinator, Mary Foley.  For information about the use or rental 
of the Social Hall or classrooms for a private party or a meeting 
of an organization outside of the parish, please contact the 
Parish Business Manager, Richard Kaffka.  Both can be reached at 
the parish office at (630) 279-5700.

Prayer  Requests		
    To pray for our sick is an important privilege of our 
parish family.  We hope that you will pray for these 
persons every day, alone or as a family.  Thank you.
	Pam Bondfide	Heather Brennan
	Katherine Brennan	Kathleen Bryers
	Doresa Brugler	Pat Caffarelli
	Rose Caffarelli	Kathy Calzante
	Dennis Ciancio	Cosmore Ciancio
	Family of Cynthia Catalano	Paul Cirone
	Rhonda Colletti	Margaret Conroy
	Baby Samantha Dobrowolski	Trudi Dolato
	Dino Fuggitti	Anna Heffel
	Jen Huwalt	Tom Huwalt
	Pat Holmes	Michelle Humann
	Maureen James	Tom Janicke 
	Richard Johnson	Irene Kmieciak
	Bernadette Kohn	Tim Kowalski
	Baby Emma Lynde	Robert Manion
	Bobbi Nannini	Geri Pstrzoch
	Baby Faith Reid	Jess Smith
	Karen Sutkus	Cathy Ward

	If you or a family member would like to be included in our 
prayers, please call the rectory at 279-5700.  Also, please let 
us know when a name should be removed.

Mary Queen CCW Dance Event

	MQH CCW invites you to a dance party!  Singles and couples 
welcome.  Two dance instructors will teach us popular social 
dances.  Perhaps we will learn the Salsa or Swing or Hustle or 
Foxtrot or Line dances!  There will be something for everyone.  
Drinks and light appetizers included.  Only $20 per person.  
Ticket sales deadline is today.   

		Saturday, February 11
		7:30 - 10:30 p.m.
		Dupage Dance Center
		Naperville Road & Ogden Avenue
		1153 E. Ogden, Naperville

	Sign up in the vestibule after Mass.  Or, call Mary 
Connelly at 782-7626 or Marie McCall at 617-6067.

Peace and Justice Committee

	A reminder to all members and potential members that the 
next parish P & J committee meeting will be held at 7:00 pm on 
Thursday, February 9, in the lower level of the Parish House.

	The mission of the P & J committee is to inform our 
parishioners regarding the USA Bishops' Catholic Social Teachings 
and to encourage and support appropriate actions which promote 
these teachings:

	1. 	Life and dignity of the human person
	2. 	Call to family, community and participation
	3. 	Rights and responsibilities
	4. 	Option for the poor and vulnerable
	5. 	The dignity of work and rights of workers
	6. 	Solidarity
	7. 	Care for God's creation

	These titles may seem a bit abstract.  Attend the P & J 
committee meetings to see how we try to flesh out the Bishops' 
Catholic Social Teachings with such activities as the STEP WALK, 
BREAD FOR THE WORLD Offering of Letters, scheduling speakers for 
our parish, promoting the use of Trade Free coffee at parish 
functions, etc.

	We are an active group and we welcome new members. If you 
would like more information about the Bishops' Catholic Social 
Teachings or more information about the P & J committee, feel 
free to contact Milt Honel at 279-7086 or Bill Barnds at 782-
5966, co-chairs of the P & J committee.

Marriage Ministry
We're still newlyweds!
	Our expanded Marriage Ministry is still in the newlywed 
stage of it's formation, but we are beginning to branch out!  
Come celebrate your marriage with the community.  On the weekend 
of February 11 and 12, there will be a special blessing of all 
married and engaged couples at all Masses in honor of National 
Marriage Day, which is February 12.
	Also - - come meet the neighbors!  The Marriage Ministry is 
planning the first of our double-date nights for Saturday, 
February 18, at 7:30 p.m.  All married couples are invited to 
come.  We will be meeting in Barrett Hall where couples will be 
selected by chance to go to dinner together.  It is an 
opportunity to meet new couples in our parish community and 
perhaps get to know some better.  The only cost is your dinners 
and that will be determined by you.  So come and meet your 
	Plans for the future:  Dinner-theater night, talks by 
marriage counselors, moonlight picnic, 50+ anniversary Mass, 10 
great date nights.  For more information or to join the Marriage 
Ministry, please contact Don or Ellen Walker at 630-279-4021.

Bishop Blanchette Scholarship
(Sponsored by the Joliet Diocese of Catholic Women)

	Planning on attending a Catholic High School?  Please 
consider applying for this scholarship.  To be eligible, a 
candidate must be Catholic, have a minimum scholastic average of 
C+ and have need of financial assistance.

	All applications must be received by February 17th to be 
considered.  If you are interested, please call Diane Bernstein 
at 279-7252 for additional details.

MQH  Eucharistic Adoration

Monday, February 6
9:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.

All are invited to attend.

Fellowship Sunday

February 19th after 10:30 Mass
Hosted by our Eucharistic Ministers.

	All are invited to come and visit with fellow parishioners 
and enjoy some light refreshments.

St. Charles Borromeo 
School Registrations

	Do you have a child entering Kindergarten through Eighth 
grade in the 2006-2007 year?  St. Charles Borromeo School is 
currently accepting registrations.  St. Charles Borromeo inspires 
academic excellence and spiritual growth in a nurturing 
environment, fostering the traditions of Catholic worship and 
Christian behavior.  St. Charles Borromeo offers full day 
Kindergarten, after school care, as well as many other great 
programs.  The school is located on the Elmhurst/Bensenville 
border at 145 East Grand Avenue.  Please call the school office 
at 766-0116 for more information or to arrange a tour of the 

Elmhurst College presents
Islamic Scholar and Spokeswoman
Thursday, February 16, at 7:30 p.m.
Frick Center's Founders Lounge

	Dr. Mona Siddiqui, an internationally renowned scholar on 
both ethical issues in Islam and classical Islamic law, will 
deliver Elmhurst College's annual al-Ghazali (Muslim) lecture. 
Admission is free and open to the public.  A reception will 
follow the lecture.
	Dr. Siddiqui is senior lecturer in Arabic and Islamic 
studies (and head of the department of theology and religious 
studies) at the University of Glasgow.  In addition, she is a 
prominent consultant and contributor to the international media 
on issues of Islam.
	The annual al-Ghazali lecture is part of the religious 
lecture series at Elmhurst college.  Each year, the series 
presents interesting and informative lectures from four different 
religious faith traditions.  The Muslim faith lecture is named 
after al-Ghazali (died 1112), a pivotal figure in Islamic 
history.  For more information, visit or call 

An Evening of Entertainment

	An Evening of Entertainment will be held on Friday and 
Saturday, February 24 & 25, at St. Scholastica School and Parish 
Center, 7720 Janes Avenue, Woodridge, IL.  The event price 
includes musical entertainment and dinner. There will be a cash 
bar. Tickets for An Evening of Entertainment are $30 each and 
will be on sale after many masses or by calling the Evening of 
Entertainment information line at 630-985-2351 X404.  Cash, 
credit cards and checks are accepted. 

	This fundraising event will take place in the spirit of 
Mardi Gras, featuring a glittering casino room, festive food and 
drink and wonderful entertainment   

Identity Theft 

	Elmhurst Senior Citizen Commission is having a meeting on 
February 18 at 10:00 a.m. at City Hall on the subject of identity 

Religious Education News

	Thank you to all who made our annual Confirmation Retreat a 
success. Thanks to our 8th grade catechists, Tom & Kathleen 
Gusloff and Ron & Joyce Smith, Joni Giammarino and Judy Socha. 
You are doing a wonderful job preparing our candidates for 
Confirmation and it shows. Thanks to all who gave time to help 
during the day in addition to our catechists; David Gusloff, 
Marisa Stefani, Raquel Nataras, and Stephanie Japczyk. 
	A very special huge thanks to Mrs. Gusloff who facilitated 
the day.  Those who were there know what an incredible job she 
did.   But most of all thank you to our 57 Confirmation 
candidates. You are an amazing group of young people. Your 
parents should be very proud of you.  I know that we are.

Are you being called to be a catechist?
	It is never too early to start thinking about being a 
catechist for the 2006/2007 RE year. With our ever-growing 
enrollment, each year the need for catechists increases. Just an 
FYI, above we talked about our 57 Confirmation candidates. In the 
year 2003 we had 37. 
	Every year there are catechists who cannot return for one 
reason or another. I am sure that this year will be no different. 
So if you have always wondered what goes on in the building after 
you drop your children off, this is the perfect time to stop by 
and say "hi". Remember you don't have to be a theologian; you 
just have to love children, love your faith and want to share it. 
We are looking forward to hearing from you.

Mark your calendar:
	Wednesday, February 8, at 7:00 p.m. in Barrett Hall there 
will be a meeting for parents of those children who will be 
celebrating First Communion in the spring.
	Saturday, February 11, at 5:00 p.m. - Family Mass. All of 
our Religious Education families are asked to attend.
If you have any questions or need more information, please call 
Mary Ann Woods at the REO, 832-8962.

	"Our nation cannot afford a shrill and shallow debate that 
distorts reality and reduces the options to 'cut and run' versus 
'stay the course.' Instead we need a forthright discussion that 
begins with an honest assessment of the situation in Iraq and 
acknowledges both the mistakes that have been made and the signs 
of hope that have appeared.... Our nation's military forces 
should remain in Iraq only as long as it takes for a responsible 
transition, leaving sooner rather than later."

Excerpt from Toward a Responsible Transition in Iraq.   A Statement 
of Bishop Thomas G. Wenski, 
Bishop of Orlando, Chairman, USCCB Committee on International Policy, 
January 12, 2006.

MQH Peace & Justice Committee
Sunday Scripture Reflection

Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time [B], 
February 5, 2006 

Readings: 	Job 7:1-4, 6-7 	1 Corinthians 9:16-
19, 22-23 	Mark 1:29-39

	Full employment is the foundation of a just economy. 
The most urgent priority for domestic economic policy is 
the creation of new jobs with adequate pay and decent 
working conditions. We must make it possible as a nation 
for every one who is seeking a job to find employment 
within a reasonable amount of time. Our emphasis on this 
goal is based on the conviction that human work has a 
special dignity and is a key to achieving justice in 

Pastoral Letter of the US Bishops,
Economic Justice for All, 136

Thoughts for Your Consideration 
	In the first reading Job uses the image of oppressed 
workers - a worker who sees all of life as drudgery, a slave who 
longs for the shade, a hireling who waits for wages. Oppressive 
treatment of workers is not in God's plan. Catholic Social 
Teaching tries to speak up for oppressed labor. It is not God's 
desire that human beings be oppressed by any form of slavery or 
be inadequately compensated for their work. 
	In the gospel Jesus spends a day dealing with those who are 
burdened by sickness or various demons. Jesus offers healing. God 
desires healing. Catholic Social Teaching reminds us that God 
wants good things for all the people. Personal, loving care for 
those in need is at the heart of our religious practice. Adequate 
health care is a human right for all God's people. 
	Catholic Social Teaching is a powerful message to share 
with our world as it faces so many problems. There is something 
exciting when it is shared with the world. It is a source of 
liberation. Jesus desires to move on to the other towns and keep 
sharing the message with everyone. In the second reading, Paul 
talks of his great desire to make any sacrifice to share the 
power of this good news. Our social teaching can be a source of 
liberation for all in need. It is to be shared free of charge to 

Questions of Faith
	When in your life have you felt the need for healing or 
when did your community need healing? 
	How did healing come about?

Prayer - Meditation
	Let us, then, pray with all fervor for this peace which our 
divine Redeemer came to bring us. May He banish from the souls of 
all whatever might endanger peace. May He transform all people 
into witnesses of truth, justice and love. May He illumine with 
His light the minds of rulers, so that, besides caring for the 
proper material welfare of their peoples, they may also guarantee 
them the fairest gift of peace.
	Finally, may Christ inflame the desires of all people to 
break through the barriers which divide them, to strengthen the 
bonds of mutual love, to learn to understand one another, and to 
pardon those who have done them wrong. Through His power and 
inspiration may all peoples welcome each other to their hearts as 
sisters and brothers, and may the peace they long for ever flower 
and ever reign among them.
John XXIII, Pacem in Terris
(Used with permission from The Center of Concern, Education for 
Justice [] Fr. John Bucki, S.J. editor and writer.)

Immaculate Conception H.S.
Makeup Placement Test 
Saturday, Feb. 11 at 9 a.m.

	Open to all 8th grade students who have not taken a private 
high school placement test.  Pre-registration is required, and 
there is a $30 fee.  Please bring two #2 pencils. No calculators 
or dictionaries allowed.  To pre-register, please call 630-530-

Market Day

Orders are due by Feb. 13 at noon. 
Pickup on Feb. 18, at 9:30-10:30 a.m. 
in the Social Hall.

Yoga Classes at Mary Queen
8:30 p.m. Wednesdays, Feb. 8, 15, & 22
We welcome couples, parents and children, 
singles, active seniors.  
3 classes:  $12 per person or $18 per family
Please  call 941-7224 if you think you will be signing up.
All monies will be donated to Mary Queen of Heaven.

Diocesan News

Joliet Diocese Catholic	
Charismatic Healing Mass

Friday, February  18; Mass at 7:30 p.m.
Sacrament of Reconciliation - 6:30 p.m.

Father Mike Lane, Presider
St. Joseph Catholic Church, Downers Grove

For information, please call 630-964-0216

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