Dear Friends,
A few months ago, I introduced you to my grandson, with an early ultrasound picture. My son Eric and daughter-in-law Jessica gave me for Christmas the opportunity to be present for 3-D ultrasounds of the baby, once earlier and again last Friday. In the picture printed today, you can see the baby at 6 1/2 months into the pregnancy.
Of course, this baby is very special because I am his grandmother. He is also very special because I am Catholic. I believe that every human life is sacred and has dignity, no matter under what circumstances.
Sometimes, even those of us who believe strongly in this value find ourselves challenged by it. Catholics are not immune from the news stories that bombard us. Nor should we be. For there to be integrity to what we say we believe, we must engage those beliefs with the real world. Sometimes, this means that we have to confront our own feelings about those who have committed acts of terror, or murder, or rape, or sexual or physical abuse of children
Sometimes, it even means confronting our feelings about our church and its leaders. At last week's parish pastoral council meeting, we received a letter from a parishioner who was upset about the fact that Bishop Imesch is going to be here for our parish Anniversary Mass. This sparked very animated discussion at the meeting because recent news reports have bombarded us with stories about our diocese and neighboring Chicago and everyone in the church has very strong feelings about what we have learned of the history of clerical sexual abuse.
I have been told that it is not so much Bishop Imesch himself who has sparked a negative reaction on the part of some parishioners but it is what they feel he represents, the "baggage" of the failure of the hierarchy to deal well with this problem. I know the parishioner who wrote last week's letter and she is someone who has dedicated her life to children. She is intelligent, well-reasoned and she is a loving person. She is also honest about the fact that she is struggling spiritually with her feelings about all of this.
That is a good thing. Far better to struggle than to simply condemn. Far better to struggle than to ignore. Far better to struggle than to do what is even worse and blame the victims. There are people in our parish who do all of these things.
It seems to me that this is a time when we should allow ourselves to be really challenged by what we say we believe. Do we really believe in the sanctity of all human life? Then we must work for the protection of children, for more accountability in the church, and for justice in the courts for victims. It also means that we must be able to take a hard look at our feelings towards the bishops of our church, and consider that each one of these men is more than the sum of the collective sins and mistakes of the past.
Bishop Imesch will be here for our Anniversary Mass, not because he asked to come but because we asked him. I will understand if anyone feels they must attend a different Mass that weekend. But I hope that all of us will consider what a precious gift it is that we have life to share with one another. "Choose life" should not only be a slogan we use about the unborn. It should be our attitude toward all persons because of their inherent dignity. Every day of our lives we have the opportunity to bring new life into the world - not only people like Eric and Jessica who are going to have a new baby. Every day we have the opportunity to bring new life into the world by being people of real love for one another, no matter what the circumstances.
A side note to parents or anyone interested: I do have a 30 minute DVD of this ultrasound. I would be happy to share this with anyone who would like to look at it with their children, or out of interest themselves in gestational development. It is probably best for children who are a little older, because sometimes artifacts of the ultrasound process distort the pictures. If you would like to borrow the DVD, just call the parish office.
Mary M. Foley, Pastoral Life Coordinator
St. Joseph Table Christ the King Parish in Lombard is holding its annual St. Joseph Table Sunday, March 19, at 1-3 p.m. in their school gymnasium at 115 E. 15th St. The tradition behind this event is the offering of simple food dishes in return for a free-will donation. All the proceeds go to the needy and less fortunate. For further information or any questions, call the rectory at 630-629-1717, x16. Katrina Disaster Recovery Catholic Construction Corps The Diocese of Joliet Catholic Construction Corps needs additional volunteers to fill the teams committed to Katrina Hurricane Disaster Recovery. Please help us help the people in the Gulf. Future trip dates are: March 26 - April 1, April 29 - May 7 and May 6 - May 13. Please respond to Peace and Social Justice Office at 815- 834-4028 or Vern Witte at 630-882-8919. If you decide to volunteer for one of these opportunities, please also inform MQH parishioner Jan Alexander at 782-6065. Irish Mass Thursday, March 16, at 7:30 p.m. At Saints Peter & Paul Church, in Naperville A mass to honor all Fire and Police personnel and of course, St. Patrick. The celebrant is Fr. Michael O'Keefe. One hundred thousand welcomes to everyone who would like to attend. This past Sunday Kyle Nannini moved from being a catechumen to being called THE ELECT. This is the final stage of formation prior to receiving the Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist) at the Easter Vigil. It was wonderful to see his family and the entire faith community witness his decision by signing the Book of the Elect. We look forward to the time when Kyle and the candidates, Frannie Gallagher, Lionel Montenegro and Dee Leoni will join us at the Eucharistic table! A special thank you goes to Mary Nanak for preparing a luncheon for the RCIA prior to our trip to the cathedral. It was delicious and so appreciated! MQH Parish Pastoral Council Minutes Posted Minutes of the Parish Pastoral Council Meeting on January 23, 2006 are now on display in the back of the church. Anyone wishing to obtain a personal copy should contact the parish office. Religious Education News You a Catechist? Why Not? This is the time to start thinking if you are being called as a catechist in our Religious Education Program next school year. It's also a great time to come by on a Wednesday and see what goes on after the children arrive. The only qualification is that you love children and you want to share your faith with them. Everything else is provided. The monetary cash pay is not terrific; in fact it's non-existent. But the perks are incredible. Each year we lose a few catechists due to moves, jobs, or maybe moving on to another ministry in the parish. I'm sure this year will be no exception. Our sessions currently meet on Wednesdays, 3:15 to 4:30 for Pre-school through Grade 4, 5:15 to 6:30 p.m. for Pre-School to Grade 8 and 7:15 to 8:30 p.m. for Grades 5 through 8. So if you like the little ones or maybe the junior high is where your interests lie, please call for more information. Lenten Project This project has been so successful in the past; we are doing it again. We are collecting items for Easter baskets, which will be donated to Marillac House on Chicago's West Side. Each Wednesday during Lent, there will be a "Basket" in the hall of the school for donations of candy, small stuffed animals, grass, or other items appropriate for a child's Easter basket. Sister Antoinette, who is on the staff at Marillac, is really looking forward to our collection. Please be generous. Mark your calendar: Saturday, March 18 - Market Day Pickup in the Social Hall 9:30- 10:30 a.m. 8th Grade Confirmation Final Interviews in School 9:00- 11:00 a.m. Family Mass at 5:00 p.m. in church If you have questions or need more information, please call Mary Ann Woods at the REO, 832-8962. Time for Some Youth Group News The Lock-In is Scheduled for Friday, April 28, at 7 p.m. and Saturday, April 29, at 9:30 a.m. Everyone attending must have a permission slip. The fee is $15. Permission slips are available in the religious education office or from Mrs. Gusloff. Our Destiny members have been working very hard to make sure this year's lock-in is as great or better than last year. Don't miss your opportunity to participate. For more info., call Kathleen Gusloff at 832- 4348/email We need your help!!! Service Project for soldiers in Iraq Some of the 8th graders at R.E. are collecting items and donating them to the Yellow Ribbon Support Group because soldiers aren't supplied with daily items. Some things you can bring in are: * Plastic disposable razors * Travel size shaving cream, deodorant, mouth wash, and hand sanitizer * Individually packaged peanuts, raisins, beef jerkey, rice krispie treats, breakfast bars and pop tarts There will be a box at the back of church on the weekend of March 11/12 for your donations. Thanks for your support! A box will also be at RE on March 15th. 50th Anniversary Celebration Mary Queen of Heaven 50th Anniversary Celebration begins Sunday, April 2, at the 10:30 a.m. Mass. Following Mass all are invited to fellowship in Barrett Hall and to visit the school building which will contain memorabilia (the past and present.). The Anniversary Committee meets each month working on plans that will take place throughout the year and culminate with a closing celebration in April 2007. Much help is needed to work on the various events, and we invite you to join us and offer your expertise. Our next meeting is Tuesday, March 14, at 8:00 p.m. in Barrett Hall. Watch bulletin for a calendar of events. We are still looking for help in the following areas: Memorabilia from the past: A record of all pictures, newspaper articles, & videos will be kept, and you will receive them back after our celebration. Please share your memorabilia or memories with us, so that we can provide a history of our parish. Memories: Perhaps you are one of the founding parishioners and can recall an event or a series of events from the past and would like to share with us. "I have very fond memories of various things happening though the years at Mary Queen of Heaven. One in particular was being asked by Fr. O'Keefe to serve as President of "Mary's Guild" (CCW). I had refused several times before. After accepting, it became one of the highlights of my life. My husband, Ray, cut the grass and kept the parish grounds neat for 34 years. I always knew that if he wasn't at home I could find him at Mary Queen. Over the last 50 years, I have many wonderful memories of my association with the various priests, nuns and families that have resided in our parish." Vi Sabel, parishioner Names and addresses of previous parishioners or school alumni are extremely important so we can invite them to our celebration on April 2, and the other events scheduled throughout the year. For more information or questions: contact Sheila Reiter 833-6657 or Ellen Walker 279-4021. 50th Anniversary Cookbook: We are still accepting recipes for our . Recipe forms are available in the vestibule of church. They can be placed in the basket in the vestibule or sent to the rectory to the attention of Mary Nanak (530-4502) or Ellen Walker (279-4021). St. Charles Borromeo Council of Catholic Women presents.... BLACK MAGIC Dinner & Fashion Show, March 31 White Pines Golf Club, 500 W. Jefferson, Bensenville Fashions by Boutie Q Boutique of Elmhurst. Entree choice: Pork Tenderloin or Salmon Filet. Tickets are $40 per person. For more information, contact M. Schall 847-455-1421. Community News Lenten Food Collection Our St. Vincent dePaul food collection will be held the weekend of April 8 and 9. The food will be distributed to needy families in our community for Easter. We are collecting non-perishable items of canned vegetables, fruit, soap, pastas, rice, spaghetti sauce, prepared foods, coffee, tea, juice, boxed cake mixes, peanut butter, jelly, paper products (Kleenex, toilet paper, paper towels), hand soap, and laundry detergent. Boxes will be available in the church vestibule to accept your donations. Fellowship Sunday March 19, after 10:30 a.m. Mass Hosted by Wings to Heaven Youth Group All are invited to come and visit with fellow parishioners and enjoy some light refreshments. Council of Catholic Women "Woman of the Year" Elections The election for the "Woman of the Year" will be held next weekend (March 18/19). Please review the insert in today's bulletin giving some background information on the nominees to assist with your vote. Easter Egg Hop-N-Grab Saturday, April 15 The annual Parish Easter Egg Hop-N-Grab will be held on Saturday, April 15, at approximately 11:30 a.m. after the Blessing of the Baskets. Children ages 1-10 with a parent or guardian are invited to join the event. There will be treats, prizes, music and face painting for every one. There will be popcorn and cotton candy for sale, all proceeds to go to Mary Queen of Heaven to fund events like this. We are looking for volunteers ages 11 and up. This is a great way to help out and have some fun; 8th graders can earn service hours also. We would like prize donations for this event. These can be candy, small items to fit in eggs or larger ones for prizes such as jump ropes, sidewalk chalk, coloring books etc. If you would like to volunteer or donate items, please call Genet Pinkerton at 834-6521. There will be boxes located at school for your donations. This event is being organized by Ruth Maple, Sandy Ondrla, Kathy Rhea and Genet Pinkerton. Is your marriage tearing you apart? If your marriage has become troubled or stressed, unloving or uncaring, or if your relationship has grown cold or distant, if you are thinking of separation or divorce, or if you are already separated or divorced, but you want to try again - then Retrouvaille is the program that can help you. For more information, call 1-800-470-2230. All names are kept in strictest confidence. There are no group discussions. Hope is only a phone call away! The next Joliet Diocese Retrouvaille Program will be held April 7-9 at the St. Charles Pastoral Center in Romeoville. Call for other dates and locations. Fans for Alabama Do you have clean and working electric fans that you would like to send to Alabama to help Hurricane Katrina victims battle the scorching heat which will be hitting them soon? The Webb- Harada family of Mary Queen of Heaven is heading back down to Alabama over spring break to again work with the victims of Hurricane Katrina. They are collecting electric fans to distribute to families in the Bayou La Batre area. Many of the families they met during their last trip are still living in house trailers that were underwater during the floods and fans will be crucial to their survival according to Tejuiana Gill of the Lighthouse Community Daycare Center. If you would like to help, please contact Deb Webb at 630- 941-8092 or just drop off your fans at 168 Poplar Avenue in Elmhurst. We are leaving Sat., March 25. Thank you in advance for your support. Prayer Requests To pray for our sick is an important privilege of our parish family. We hope that you will pray for these persons every day, alone or as a family. Pam Bondfide Heather Brennan Kathleen Bryers Doresa Brugler Pat Caffarelli Rose Caffarelli Kathy Calzante Dennis Ciancio Family of Cynthia Catalano Cosmore Ciancio Paul Cirone Rhonda Colletti Margaret Conroy Trudi Dolato Baby Samantha Dobrowolski Dino Fuggitti Mary Hagerty Anna Heffel Jen Huwalt Tom Huwalt Pat Holmes Michelle Humann Maureen James Tom Janicke Richard Johnson Irene Kmieciak Bernadette Kohn Tim Kowalski Baby Emma Lynde Robert Manion Bobbi Nannini Phyllis O'Donnell Geri Pstrzoch Baby Faith Reid Jess Smith Karen Sutkus Cathy Ward If you or a family member would like to be included in our prayers, please call the rectory at 279-5700. Also, please let us know when a name should be removed. Call for Volunteers S.T.E.P. Hunger Walk Event Steps Toward eliminating Poverty An all-ages event Sunday, May 21 At Mary Queen of Heaven What is S.T.E.P.? S.T.E.P., unlike other walks, includes opportunities for prayer, education, advocacy and cultural awareness. Prayer: We will open our hearts to Christ who will guide us in our efforts to assist those in need. The Walk: Our walk is symbolic of walking with our brothers and sisters who walk for miles everyday to survive. Education: We will learn about global, national and local poverty issues. Advocacy: Advocacy involves working for justice. We will learn how we (children to adults) can become proactive in battling poverty and related issues. This will enable each one of us to realize that Christ's compassion is active, not passive. Cultural awareness: Through music, food, art, videos and displays, we will learn about cultures living in poverty and promote awareness that we are created in "oneness" and in Christ. Fundraising (optional): This event is sponsored by the Peace and Justice ministries at MQH, IC and Visitation. If you would like to volunteer please call John Menarek at 834- 4075/email Market Day Orders for March are due Monday, March 13, at noon. Turn in your order form in the box at the back of church or at the rectory. Pickup on Saturday, March 18, from 9:30 - 10:30 a.m. in the Social Hall. If you have questions or would like to place an order, please call Maria at 279-2238 or Karen at 279-4108. Only Say The Word and I Shall Be Healed: Scripture and Women's Self-Esteem An Evening of Reflection for Women With Mary Foley, Pastoral Life Coordinator All adult women of the parish are invited Tuesday, March 21 7:00 p.m. in Barrett Hall Sponsored by the Mary Queen of Heaven CCW Rest in Peace, Nancy Moroney Mary, thank you and the Mary Queen of Heaven family. The service and accompanying music was wonderful tribute to a wonderful lady. It could not have happened without your guidance and the beautiful voices in the choir. I will hold Nancy in my heart forever until we are linked again. Thank you, Mark, Molly and Myles Moroney, Irene VanPatten Eileen, Sahara and Emily DeNotto Christian Worship Commission A Vocation View If you need an example of a person responding to a vocational call, look at Abraham - called in old age to leave his country, father a child, then asked to sacrifice the child. What faith! Vocation is a risky response to a unique call from God. The following prayer has been recommended to our parishes by the Chancellor and the Presbyteral Council of the Diocese of Joliet A Prayer for our Diocese Lord of justice, peace and compassion, We thank you for the gift of your presence among us. Hold us close to your heart with your gentle hands. Bless with your love, our bishops, priests, deacons and religious, and all who minister in our Diocese. May they be signs of your compassion. Bless all the members of our Church with trust in you and trust in each other. Bless all with peace of heart. Place your healing hand on those who are hurt or angry. Give us the grace to ask forgiveness of those whom we have hurt, to forgive those who have hurt us, and to forgive those who have hurt others. We pray this in your name, Jesus, the Lord of compassion and forgiveness and our healer. Amen.