Mary's Corner

Mary Queen of Heaven Catholic Church
426 N. West Avenue
Elmhurst, Illinois 60126-2171
Parish Office: 630/279-5700
Fax: 630/279-4667

It is good to be home! After my son's wedding, I took a few extra days to get some more writing done on my doctoral thesis. I stayed up at Mundelein Seminary at the retreat house and finished almost another complete chapter. There is hope that I may finish by December, after all!

It was very secluded at Mundelein, helpful for needed quiet but also somewhat isolating from the events of the world. Still, when I would go out to the car, I would listen to public radio and try to catch up on world news. This was still very different than regular daily life, when I can access news anytime through the internet at my fingertips.

This morning, I signed on to my computer and the first headline I saw read, "War hits home for U.S. Senator." The story was about the death of a Marine in Iraq who was the nephew of a senator from Montana. The headline made the suggestion that when people we know are involved in war or tragedy, these kinds of things have more meaning for us because they become more personal.

While I was away from home, most of the bits and pieces I heard about the news had to do with the Middle East, especially the attack on Lebanon by Israel, intended to target militant Hezbollah. With this fighting, there has been devastation of Lebanese infrastructure and loss of civilian life. Like the senator referred to in today's headline, this news of the continued suffering of the Lebanese people "hit home" for me because of our friends from Our Lady of Lebanon. As you know, our parish provided a home to this Lebanese Maronite Rite parish of Eastern Rite Catholics for two years while their own new church building was being constructed.

While I was away, I left a telephone message for my friend, Father Alfred, the pastor of Our Lady of Lebanon. On my first day back in the office, I had a conversation with him. He said that he is having a letter sent to me about what is happening in Lebanon so that I can share this with you. I will do this when it arrives. In the meantime, I also learned that Fr. Alfred has been having some health problems, especially with some chest pain. He is going to be undergoing some tests in the next week and I would ask you to please keep him in your prayers. I know that these days have been stressful for him and his people.

While my access to news was somewhat limited in the last couple of weeks, most of what I heard had to do with Israeli and U.S. insistence that there could not be a cease-fire until other conditions were met. This never made any sense to me. The United Nations Secretary General has issued an appeal for an immediate cease-fire to allow desperately needed humanitarian aid to reach victims. While that is happening, said the Secretary General, work can continue on developing the framework needed for a lasting ceasefire and a sustainable solution to the conflicts. He begged people to put aside their differences so that this might happen.

Please pray that there will be a cease-fire. Whatever political candidates one may support, our Catholic faith cannot be subordinated to political allegiance. On the contrary, it is the teaching of the Catholic Church that we should be responsible citizens, actively seeking to pursue greater justice and peace. As our U.S. Bishops say in their document "Faithful Citizenship:" Politics cannot be merely about ideological conflict, the search for partisan advantage, or political contributions. It should be about fundamental moral choices. How do we protect human life and dignity? How do we fairly share the blessings and burdens of the challenges we face? What kind of nation do we want to be? What kind of world do we want to shape?

This week, our Pope has also issued an appeal for an immediate cease-fire in the Middle East. There have been more than 500 deaths in Lebanon in the last two weeks. In the air raid on city of Qana alone, there were 60 civilian deaths, including 37 children. The situation is becoming more serious day-by-day and hatred and vengeance are growing. The Pope says: These facts clearly demonstrate that you cannot reestablish justice, create a new order and build an authentic peace by turning to the instrument of violence.

The Pope has called upon leaders of governments around the world to do everything possible to achieve a cease-fire and "begin building, through dialogue, a lasting and stable coexistence among all the people of the Middle East." Most of all, says the Pope, there is the need for prayer. As Catholics of the United States, we should urge our own government leaders to support an immediate cease-fire, even as we work together with others to ensure lasting peace.

And we should be active in our own prayer lives, too. The destruction taking place in Lebanon should have a human face for us. The innocent people of Lebanon are our brothers and sisters. We have prayed with them in this church, we have eaten with them here in Barrett Hall. In our time of sharing our parish home, we learned to get past the initial pettiness of who did or didn't clean the microwave to really trying to live together in love and peace. We accomplished this successfully by respecting our varied religious and cultural customs, accommodating the need of each other to express these with integrity, and together growing in understanding through the process. I know that my life is richer from the friendships that were formed and still remain. May all of us learn to be better peacemakers and may we work and pray for peace in our world.

Mary M. Foley, Pastoral Life Coordinator

July Celebrations

	We welcome into the Mary Queen of Heaven Parish Family the 
following who were baptized in July:

Christian Cesare Favia
Nicola Ruggieri, Jr.
Christina Eboh Tresslar

A Vocation View
	To taste and see the goodness of the Lord means to be drawn 
closer to God.  "Try, then, to imitate God as children of His 
that He loves, and follow Christ by loving as He loved you."  Be 
a presence of god's love in the world today.  Do what you can to 
bring to life God's love.

L.O.S.S. Support Group
(Loving Outreach to Survivors of Suicide)

	Through the collaboration of Catholic Charities (the 
Archdiocese of Chicago and the Diocese of Joliet), support groups 
are in place for anyone who has lost a relative or friend to 
suicide.  A trained facilitator and a mental health professional 
assist these groups.  The groups meet from 7:00 to 9:00 P.M. on 
either the first Tuesday of the month, the third Wednesday or the 
fourth Tuesday of the month.  The next meeting dates are as 

Aug. 16 -   St. Paul the Apostle Activity Center 
	      130 Woodlawn in Joliet 
Aug. 22 -   St. Daniel the Prophet Parish Center
                     101 West Loop Drive in Wheaton 

Ministry of Prayer and Praise

	In this week's bulletin, you will find a copy of our 2nd 
Ministry of Prayer and Praise newsletter.  People who are 
commissioned to this ministry will receive a monthly newsletter, 
along with a prayerbook, rosary, and certificate of 
commissioning.  People who serve in this ministry make a 
commitment to pray daily for our parish and its special 

	This ministry provides a special opportunity for homebound 
people to participate in the life of the parish, but the ministry 
is open to anyone who wants to make the commitment.  If you would 
like to become part of this ministry, please call the parish 
office at 279-5700.

MQH Parish Feast Day

	The feast day of Mary Queen of Heaven will be celebrated on 
Sunday, August 20, with an outdoor Mass at 10:30 a.m.  This year 
being the 50th anniversary of our parish, the outdoor mass is 
especially significant.  We hope you and your family will join 
other parishioners in celebrating 50 years of faith in our 

	Our Mass will be held between the church and school 
building, directly behind Barrett Hall.  Should the weather be 
inclement, Mass will be held in the Church.

	Following Mass there will be fellowship.  This is a great 
opportunity for our parish families to meet and become better 
acquainted with each other, while enjoying conversation and 
refreshments (coffee, tea, juice and sweets).  We look forward to 
seeing you and your family on this special occasion.

Religious Education

	There are just 5 weeks left until the opening of the MQHRE 
06/07 year.  We cannot do it without you.  Please note the 
positions that still need to be filled.

Are you called to be a catechist??

	Are you aware that at your Baptism, all Christians are 
commissioned to do the work of Jesus? Did you know that all 
Catholics are called to further the teaching mission of Jesus? 
Have you heard that by sharing your faith with children, you 
deepen your own faith in the process? Do you know that without 
our volunteer catechists, we do not have a Religious Education 
	Please consider joining our team of dedicated men and women 
just like yourself who weekly share their Faith with the young 
people of the parish. We still have openings that must be filled. 
Help our children to get to know our God.

	All sessions meet on Wednesdays. Please bear in mind 
because of the size of our program we have almost 70 catechist 
and aide positions to fill. We need only nine more. We are 
blessed. If you can help, please call the REO today. Classes 
begin in just a few weeks.

Have you registered yet?   

       Registrations are still being taken in the REO for the 
coming year. Our opening event is September 13th.  It will be here 
before we know it. If you have not registered, please do so ASAP. 
Pass the word to your friends and neighbors. Classes are filling 

	For more info on any of the above, please call Mary Ann 
Woods at the REO, 832-8962.

Following are those grade levels where you are needed:
Session 1 - 3:15
Grade Two - 3 openings   Grade Three - 1 opening
Session 2 - 5:15
Grade One - 1      Grade Three - 1     Grade 5 - 1      Grade 
Seven  - 2  
Session 3 - 7:15
Grade Six - 1

Prayer  Requests
	To pray for our sick is an important privilege of our 
parish family.  We hope that you will pray for these 
persons every day, alone or as a family.

	Natalie Baker			Pam Bondfide
	Heather Brennan			Kathleen Bryers		
	Doresa Brugler			Pat Caffarelli		
	Rose Caffarelli			KathyCalzante		
	Cosmore Ciancio			Dennis Ciancio		
	Paul Cirone			Margaret Conroy
	Cynthia Catalano Family		Ida Corriedo		
	Trudi Dolato			Baby Dobrowolski	
	Virginia Feret			Modesta Goggins	
	Mary Hagerty			Anna Heffel		
	Jen Huwalt			Tom Huwalt		
	Pat Holmes			Michelle Humann	
	Maureen James			Kathy Johnston		
	Irene Kmieciak			Bernadette Kohn	
	Tim Kowalski			Baby Emma Lynde	
	Rovert Manion			Raymond Mitchell	
	Bobbi Nannini			Geri Pstrzoch		
	Baby Faith Reid			Rob Restivo		
	Joaquina Scroppo		Jess Smith			
	Rachael Thompson		Ted Vecchio		
	Cathy Ward

Rest in Peace
Fr. Michael Ginter
Phyllis O'Donnell

	If you or a family member would like to be included in our 
prayers, please call the rectory at 279-5700.  Also, please let 
us know when a name should be removed.

Building Effective Relationships With our Teens 
For parents of children ages 13-19

Tuesday, August 8, 7-9 p.m.
	This two-hour workshop teaches participants practical, 
usable skills and insights on how to parent effectively during 
the challenging teen years.

Building Effective Relationships With our 
School Aged Children
For parents of children ages 5-12

Tuesday, August 15, 7-9 p.m.

	This two-hour workshop helps parents build on their 
existing strengths in order to win greater cooperation with their 
elementary aged children.  In addition, it assists them in 
providing their children with the tools they need to survive and 
thrive in today's society.

All workshops held at Catholic Charities, in Lombard.

$20 per person; $25  per couple.  Pre-registration required.
Instructor:  James Gilligan, MSW, LSW

	For more information, please call-630-710-8226 or e-mail

"Out of Poverty" Program

	Catholic Charities plans to hold an "Out of Poverty" 
program in September in an effort to prevent homelessness and 
improve people's lives.  There are no explicit criteria for 
attendance other than individuals who find themselves in need of 
assistance in moving out of poverty.  The program helps the 
participants to take control of their goals, time, and money for 
a prosperous and self-sufficient future. The program is for 10 
weeks, once a week, and is free. 

	The classes will be held in our office at 26 W. St. Charles 
Road, Lombard, on Mondays from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and will 
start on Monday, September 18.

	Please call Dennis Haffron at 630-495-8008, ext. 45 with 
any questions and to be included on a list for the next class. 

Diocesan Wedding Anniversary Mass
Registration Form

Celebrate the Anniversaries of Marriage at the 
Cathedral of St. Raymond, Joliet 
Sunday, August 20, 2006, at 3:00 p.m.

	The 28th Annual Diocesan Wedding Anniversary Mass will be 
celebrated on Sunday, August 20, 2006 at 3:00 p.m. at the 
Cathedral of St. Raymond in Joliet.  All couples and their 
families, no matter how many years married, are invited to attend 
the event (maximum of four guests per couple, please).  During 
the liturgy, our new bishop of Joliet, J. Peter Sartain, will 
lead the couples in a renewal of their marriage vows.  Couples 
celebrating 25, 50, and more than 50 years of marriage will 
receive a special certificate.  Please pre-register by completing 
and returning the form by August 11, 2006.  For more information, 
please call 815-838-5334.

Enrich your Relationship with Our Lord

	Sign up for Eucharistic Adoration for Monday, August 7
9:00 a.m.-7:00 p.m.    

	We would like to have more permanent Adorers. If you are 
interested or have any questions please call Kay Diggins at 630-
530-7124 or Renee Bladek at 630-832-1812.

Lands of the Bible

      Synopsis Week One
        In our first week of studying the Lands of the Bible we 
will survey the places of the Bible as pilgrims through the ages 
have experienced them.  Connections will be made between the 
journeys of our biblical ancestors and our own experiences as a 
pilgrim people today.

Wings to Heaven

Hot dog and game night
All 5th-8th graders

Wednesday, Aug. 16th,
6 - 8 p.m.

Social Hall/school building

r.s.v.p. Kathleen Gusloff 
832-4348 or email

Come and find out what
Wings to Heaven Youth 
GroupIs all about... fun.. 
food, games & JESUS!!!

Dinner & Dialogue 
With the Wheaton Franciscans

	This session on Franciscan Spirituality will be presented 
on Monday, August 14, 2006 from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m., at Our 
Lady of the Angels Convent, 26 W. 171 Roosevelt Road, Wheaton.

	The "Dinner..." will begin with a simple meal, followed by a 
prayer, engaging presentations, and then a table discussion.  
This session, The Prophet lives a life of nonviolence by becoming 
instruments of peace.  Cost $15 for this session or $20 for the 
two remaining sessions.  To register, please call the Justice, 
Peace and Integrity of Creation Office at 630-784-2555, or email 
us at

Sign-up for Bible Study

Lands of the Bible

	It is still not too late to sign up for our next Bible 
Study, Lands of the Bible.  We will meet for 8 weeks from August 
8 to the week of September 25.  Please join us to learn about the 
Holy Lands where Jesus once walked.	For more information on 
sighing up, please call Lynn Suwanski at -630-530-2523.

2nd Resurrection Parish Reunion
Sunday, September 17th, Drury Lane Oakbrook

	The event is a gathering of parishioners and alumni from 
Resurrection Church and School, formerly located at 5082 West 
Jackson Blvd. in Chicago.
	For reservation forms or additional information, write to 
Kay Cahill, P.O.Box 72016, Roselle, IL 60172, or call 630-894-
5964.  E-mail,

Volunteer Tutors Needed

	The Sisters of St. Joseph of La Grange Park are in need of 
volunteers for its adult literacy program, School on Wheels.  
Tutors are needed to teach one hour per week from 9 a.m. to 2 
p.m. or 3 p.m. to 8 p.m. in Cicero, Hodgkins, Lombard, Summit, 
Westmont, and Woodridge.  Two-day training will be provided from 
9 a.m. to 2 p.m. on August 28th and 29th and August 30th and 31st.  
Volunteers must attend one two-day training session.  No prior 
second language skills are needed.  For more information, call 
78-354-9200 Ext. 5060, 5085, or 5037.

The Diocese of Joliet
The 19th Annual Bishop's Mass
With Persons With Special Needs

Sunday, October 15, 2006
12:00 noon
Cathedral of St. Raymond
604 N. Raynor Ave., Joliet

Please join us to celebrate Liturgy
with Bishop J. Peter Sartain

Luncheon immediately following
in the Joyce Center (Gym)

Please call Jen at (815) 727-6411 for
luncheon reservations.

Interpreter for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing 
will be provided.

2006 Joliet Diocese
Catholic Charismatic Healing Mass

Father Paul Hottinger, Presider

St Joseph Catholic Church
4801 Main Street, Downers Grove

Friday, August 18
7:30 p.m. Mass
Doors open at 6:30 p.m.

Sacrament of Reconciliation-6:30 p.m.

For information please call 630-954-0216

(Sponsoring Prayer group:  Aylesford, Darien)

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