Mary's Corner

Mary Queen of Heaven Catholic Church
426 N. West Avenue
Elmhurst, Illinois 60126-2171
Parish Office: 630/279-5700
Fax: 630/279-4667

Evangelization: The word comes from the Greek verb "evangelizo," meaning "to convey good news" of a wedding, party, athletic victory, etc. Among the early Christians the word evangelization was used as a missionary term "announcing the good News of Jesus." Today, the word implies preaching, witnessing, proclaiming, inviting, and announcing. The U.S. Bishops defined evangelization as "bringing the Good News of Jesus into every human situation and seeking to convert individuals and society by the divine power of the Gospel itself." (Go and Make Disciples, p. 2)

Catholic Evangelization: The U.S. Bishops made it clear that evangelization is important for Catholics. "We can see what it means by looking at what happens to evangelized people. Not only are they related to Jesus by accepting his Gospel and receiving his Spirit; even more, their lives are changed by becoming disciples, that is, participants in the Church, celebrating God's love in worship and serving others as Jesus did." (Go and Make Disciples, p. 10)

Conversion (metanoia): An on-going process of radical and profound changes of heart and mind. The U.S. Bishops say this kind of conversion is two-fold:

1. Conversion of Self: "Conversion is the change of our lives that comes about through the power of the Holy Sprit. All who accept the Gospel undergo change as we continually put on the mind of Christ by rejecting sin and becoming more faithful disciples in the Church. Unless we undergo conversion, we have not truly accepted the Gospel." (Go and Make Disciples, p. 12)

2. Conversion of Society: Our faith is not a private happening, but seeks to touch the world by the strength of our conviction. As we are transformed into holiness, we must let our faith speak to the world around us; radiating the love of Jesus by the way we speak, think and act. "The fruit of evangelization is changed lives and a changed world - holiness and justice, spirituality and peace." (Go and Make Disciples, p. 10)

Disciple: From the Greek "mathetes" which means "the learner." A disciple is one who responds to Christ's call, begins to follow Jesus, and molds his or her life in imitation of Christ's. A disciple is seriously committed to the Word, worship, service, evangelization, and community.

New Evangelization: Beginning in 1983, Pope John Paul called for a "new evangelization." He was hoping for renewed methods, ideas, energy, language and zeal among Catholics in spreading the gospel message to people who are unchurched. He also envisions an outreach to re-evangelize active, inactive, and alienated Catholics.

Proselytizing: Trying to pressure, manipulate, scare, or force someone into converting to a religion. This is not evangelization.

Steward: One who receives God's gifts gratefully, cherishes and tends them in a responsible and accountable manner, shares them in justice and love with others, and returns them with increase to the Lord.

Stewardship: Christian stewardship holds every person accountable to God for the personal care of all that we have and all that we are as individuals, as a church, as a citizen, and as a human being. Stewardship is the way we live out our discipleship.

Witness: To verify that something has been seen, felt or experienced. As Christians, we witness to what we believe about Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church by sharing our faith stories, buy living authentic Christian lives and by inviting others to learn or experience the Catholic faith.

A Vocation View

Some people do not respond to God's call 
because they feel they are not worthy to do God's work.  
And they are not - nobody is!  
But still God calls.  
There is enough ministry for many more.  
Answer God's Call

Senior Fair Offers Facts,
Freebies and fun on October 20

	The fair will take place from 8:30-12:30 at the DuPage 
County fairgrounds, 2015 W. Manchester Road, Wheaton.  Free 
Parking is available.

	Many free health services will be available, including 
blood pressure, glucose, vision, hearing, podiatry and bone 
density screenings as well as brochures, giveaways, raffle prizes 
and refreshments.  For a nominal charge, DuPage County residents 
can obtain flu shots (subject to availability, and appointments 
are necessary).

	A representative from the Low Income Home Energy Assistance 
Program will be there to accept applications and provide 
information on help with heating bills.

	For more information or to make an appointment for a flu 
shot, call DuPage County Senior Citizen Services at 630-407-6500 
or toll free at 1-800-942-9412.

	Sponsors include:  DuPage County Senior Citizen Services, DuPage 
County Health department, Northeastern Illinois Area Agency on Aging, 
Metropolitan family Services, and Association of Senior Service 

Food For Revival
Healing Meals

	One night nearly four years ago my youngest sister's 
wonderful, seemingly virile 40-year-old husband died, leaving his 
wife, 7-year-old son, 4-year-old daughter, and soon-to-be-born 
child.  The pain, utter despair, sadness and numbness of this 
life-changing event, flogged us with instant realities that 
dominated each minute of each day.

	Only with the passing of time did we realize the blessings 
among the horrific tragedy.  Our eyes, though wearier than ever, 
still saw the goodness and comfort that came from the rallying 
efforts of truly generous and kind neighbors and parishioners who 
provided a basic necessity:   loving, nourishing, healing meals 
for my sister's mourning family.

	Dinnertime hits right when all the energy you could muster 
for the day begins to fade and the foreboding loneliness of 
nightfall creeps in.  If it were not for these miracle workers, 
my sister's family simply would not have functioned.   

	With this same spirit and intention, we are "officially" 
establishing a Healing Meals ministry.   I humbly ask each person 
in the parish who wishes to make a small but significant 
contribution to another, to reach out and offer a meal to the 
hurting, the numb.  

	If and when a fellow parishioner experiences illness or 
loss, we will collectively share the happy experience of 
providing a meal that truly heals.    Great cooking skills are 
not required.   Nutritious, hearty carry-out food or a restaurant 
gift certificate is equally appreciated.  

	If you will please contact me at with your 
name, phone number and email address, I will add you to the list, 
provide you with the simple details of the ministry program, and 
then contact you---a miracle worker---for the gift of a 
nourishing healing meal for a family truly in need.   Thank you 
for your consideration and help.						Jill 
Adams McDonough

English as a Second Language

	Literacy in Action DuPage offers English as a Second 
Language classes to adults who want to learn or improve their 
skills in the English language. 

	If there is sufficient interest, classes will be offered at 
MQH starting in October. If you or someone you know would like to 
learn English or improve their English speaking skills, please 
contact the church office.

Parish News

"Evening Under the Stars"
Auction/Dinner Dance

	Plans are well underway for our 50th Anniversary "Evening 
Under the Stars" Auction/Dinner Dance, which will be held on 
Friday, November 3, at Alta Villa Banquets in Addison, Illinois.

	Letters have been sent to businesses and parishioners 
seeking donations for our Live and Silent Auctions.  We are in 
need of people to help follow up on these letters.  Many hands 
are needed to call and visit the businesses we have written to in 
an effort to obtain as many donations as possible.  Do you have 
some time to spare to help us with this task?  Without the help 
of willing parishioners, the task of obtaining items from 
businesses for the auction will make our efforts fruitless.  WE 

	There are also many other areas where volunteers are 
needed:  helping with decorations, parishioner donations, ticket 
sales, raffle tickets, etc.  If you would be willing to help, we 
invite you to attend our next meeting on Thursday, October 5, at 
7:30 p.m. in Barrett hall.  Or you may call Sheila Reiter at 630-
833-6657 and let her know you are willing to help in a certain 

	This year we have engaged a new DJ for the Dinner 
Dance/Auction.  Guests of the dance may request songs in advance.  
If there is a particular song you would like to hear, you can 
access the request web page at  Once 
the web page is accessed you can type in a request or search for 
songs by both artist and song title.  The DJ will do his best to 
play all the songs that are requested.  If you have any 
questions, please contact Eileen Glick at 630-833-5725 or by 

	This is the ninth year for our "Evening Under the Stars" 
Auction/Dinner Dance any many are looking forward to a wonderful 
evening socializing with parishioners and friends, and the 
opportunity to purchase auction items at great prices that can be 
given as gifts for the holidays or special occasions.

	The ticket donation is $40 per person.  The proceeds from 
this benefit will be used to help support our Church Mission of 
reaching out to those who are hungry, sick and otherwise in need; 
supporting our youth who are the future of the Church and our 
world; and supporting the various ministries in our parish which 
allow us to live our lives through faith, hope, and loving 
service to all.

Parenting Classes
October 7 through November 11
6 Saturdays from 10 a.m. to Noon
Offered by Catholic Charities of the Joliet Diocese

	Are you a stressed out parent who wants to learn effective 
discipline, communication and better ways to deal with your 

	Classes will be held at 26 W. St. Charles Road in Lombard 
and are $20 per class or $25 per couple per class.  To register, 
or for more information, call Catholic Charities toll-free intake 
line at 1-800-240-7011.

Community News

Volunteer Tutors Needed

	The Sisters of St. Joseph of LaGrange Park are in need of 
volunteers for its adult literacy program, School on Wheels.  
Tutors are needed to teach one hour per week from 9 a.m.-2 p.m. 
or 3-8 p.m. in Cicero, Hodgkins, Lombard, Summit, Westmont, or 

	Two-day training will be provided on Saturdays, October 7 
and October 14, from 9 a.m. until 2 p.m.  Volunteers must attend 
both training sessions.  No prior second language skills are 
needed.  For more information, call (708) 354-9200:  ext. 5060,  
5085, or  5037.

Panel Discussion on Immigration Reform: 
How do we fix the system?

Wednesday, October 11, at 7:30 p.m.

St. Margaret Mary Catholic Church
1450 Green Trails Dr. in Naperville. 

	The panelist are Mr. Mehrdad Azemun, senior organizer for 
the Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights, and Mr. 
Curt Mercadante, Republican Party campaign activist and 
professional consultant. For more information, contact Tom 
Cordaro at 369-0777.

Enrich your Relationship 
with Our Lord

Please join us at Eucharistic Adoration 
Monday, October 2,
From 9:00 a.m. until 7:00 p.m.
Your prayer life will be enriched.

Eucharistic Adoration

	About 16 months ago, in May 2005, the Worship Commission 
launched monthly Eucharistic Adoration with Exposition of the 
Blessed Sacrament.  This was in response to the Year of the 
Eucharist begun by Pope John Paul II, which extended from October 
2005 and concluded in October 2005.  Now that we have a history 
of several months, we would like to use this space in the 
bulletin to provide some background and information related to 
this form of public worship of Jesus in the Eucharist. We hope 
and pray that the information you read here may inspire you to 
"come and worship" with us on the first Monday of the month 
(except when the first Monday is a national holiday).  Following 
are some quotes from Catechism of the Catholic Church, 1994 
English translation.


1378. "Worship of the EUCHARIST:  In the liturgy of the Mass we 
express our faith in the real presence of Christ under the 
species of bread and wine by, among other ways, genuflecting or 
bowing deeply as a sign of adoration of the Lord.  'The Catholic 
Church has always offered and still offers to the sacrament of 
the EUCHARIST ...... adoration, not only during Mass, but also 
outside of it, reserving the consecrated hosts with the utmost 
care, exposing them to the solemn veneration of the faithful, and 
carrying them in procession.' [Paul VI, MF 56.]"  (Catechism of 
the Catholic Church)
1379. "The tabernacle was first intended for the reservation of 
the EUCHARIST in a worthy place so that it could be brought to 
the sick and those absent outside of Mass. As faith in the real 
presence of Christ in his EUCHARIST deepened, the Church became 
conscious of the meaning of silent adoration of the Lord present 
under the Eucharistic species. It is for this reason that the 
tabernacle should be located in an especially worthy place in the 
church and should be constructed in such a way that it emphasizes 
and manifests the truth of the real presence of Christ in the 
Blessed Sacrament." (Catechism of the Catholic Church)

What is Eucharistic Adoration?

Eucharistic Adoration is an expression of our love for Jesus, who 
loves us so much that He never wants to leave us and so stays 
with us day and night in the Blessed Sacrament.  For He says: 
"Behold I am with you always," because "I have loved you with an 
everlasting love.  And constant is my affection for you," (Mt 28: 
20; Jer 31:3). 

Prayer  Requests

	To pray for our sick is an important privilege of our 
parish family.  We hope that you will pray for these 
persons every day.

	Natalie Baker		Pam Bondfide
	Heather Brennan		Kathleen Bryers		
	Doresa Brugler		Pat Caffarelli		
	Rose Caffarelli		Kathy Calzante		
	Cosmore Ciancio		Dennis Ciancio		
	Paul Cirone		Margaret Conroy
	Cynthia Catalano Family		Ida Corriedo		
	Trudi Dolato		Baby Dobrowolski	
	Virginia Feret		Modesta Goggins	
	Mary Hagerty		Anna Heffel		
	Jen Huwalt		Tom Huwalt		
	Michelle Humann		Maureen James		
	Kathy Johnston		Irene Kmieciak		
	Bernadette Kohn		Tim Kowalski		
	Baby Emma Lynde		Robert Manion		
	Dennis McCabe		Raymond Mitchell	
	Fred Moss		Geri Pstrzoch	
	Baby Faith Reid		Robert Restivo	
	Della Schroedl		Joaquina Scroppo	
	Jess Smith		Mary Spierowski	
	Rachael Thompson	Cathy Ward

Rest In Peace

Patricia Holmes			Bobbi Nannini

	If you or a family member would like to be included in our 
prayers, please call the rectory at 279-5700.  Also, please let 
us know when a name should be removed.

Christian Worship Commission

Mary Queen of Heaven Church
Stewardship Campaign 2006

As we continue our journey in becoming 
faithful stewards of Mary Queen of Heaven, we 
should be mindful of the many gifts that God 
has given to us.  The beautiful trees that 
are just beginning to change colors are a 
good example of a gift from God.  As we move 
through the different seasons, trees undergo 
a transformation that parallels birth, life 
and resurrection.  

Trees played a very important role in the 
life of Jesus, and their gift can be found in 
many biblical stories.  We can surmise that 
trees were used to build the manger and 
cradle that housed Jesus in his early life.  
As Jesus continued his life and evangelized 
to the people, he traveled with Peter, a 
fisherman by trade, using wooden boats.  The 
wooden cross is an important symbol in our 
Christian faith, not only because of the 
crucifixion but because it points to the 
resurrection and the continuation of life.  

In our own day and on our own parish grounds, 
beautiful trees provide us with many gifts: 
gifts of beauty, gifts of food and shelter 
for the animals, and gifts of shade and 
protection.  We must be good stewards of the 
gift of our trees if they are to survive for 
future generations.  Beginning this winter, 
we will start a schedule of regular trimming 
for our trees.  By becoming better stewards 
of these gifts entrusted to us and nurturing 
their growth, the gift of these trees will be 
multiplied for years to come.  Like the 
trees, our parish is vibrant and can provide 
gifts for generations to come, but we need 
the financial commitment of its stewards to 
ensure its continued growth.

This week, all parishioners will be receiving 
a letter and a pledge card, asking for your 
financial commitment for the coming year.  
Mary Queen of Heaven offers many wonderful 
ministries, services, and programs.  These 
all require financial support to continue and 
flourish.  We ask that all parishioners be 
faithful stewards so that we can continue our 
tradition of being a welcoming Catholic 
community that works to further the mission 
of Jesus.  

During this time of year, the trees around 
our parish give up their leaves and their 
seeds in order that life may continue.  As we 
enter the time of our Sunday offertory 
renewal, let us consider what financial 
sacrifice we will make to further the life of 
Mary Queen.  Please give generously.
Sheila Reiter and Derrick StaRosa,
Co-Chairs, Stewardship Committee

A Glossary of Terms

Wedding Banns

There is a promise of marriage between

(1)	Timothy Hurley and Kerry O'Reilly 
		who will be married on Saturday, October 21

May God grant many blessings to you!

?	Note:  This week, we will begin a series of informational 
pieces on our parish theme for the Year of Stewardship 
and Evangelizaton.  Today, we atart with some basic 

Clergy Appreciation Dinner

Sponsored by
The Diocese of Joliet Chapter
Knights of Columbus

Monday, November 6
Bolingbrook Golf Club
Formal Attire; Dinner $45 per person

Bishop J. Peter Sartain
Bishop Joseph L. Imesch
Bishop roger L. Kaffer

Proceeds will provide continued support of 
Diocesan Vocation Efforts.  
Donations to Diocesan Vocation Support Welcomed!  

Contact: Co-chairman Ron Ziemba at 815-609-9224 
or E-mail:

St. Vincent DePaul Clothing Drive

October 14th & 15th

	Our fall clothing drive for the St. Vincent DePaul Society 
will be held the weekend of October 14/15.  The SVDP Truck will 
be in our parking lot from 8:30 a.m. on Saturday, Oct. 14, until 
1 p.m. on Sunday, Oct. 15.
	Your donations will benefit the needy!  So now is as good a 
time as ever to clean your dressers, closets and cabinets.  Clear 
out all of those items that you no longer need.  Especially 
needed are clean gently used clothing, coats, shoes and 
	Small household items are also needed:  Dishes, glassware, 
cookware, small clean working appliances, knick-knacks, lamps, 
linens, toys, books, jewelry, etc.
	We will have bags in the church vestibule for your 
convenience the weekend of October 7 & 8.  Please fill them with 
your donations!  You may also use your own heavy duty bags and 
boxes.  Be sure to bring them with when you come to Mass the 
weekend of October 14/15, or they can be placed in the truck 
anytime during the day on Saturday, October 14.
	For donations of furniture and other large items, please 
call 630-231-4658 to schedule a pick-up from your home.
	Receipts are always available.  Thank you for helping us to 
help others!

Yoga at Mary Queen,
Welcomes all ages, including teenagers.

	If you have not tried Yoga yet, come and try it out.  Yoga 
is scheduled right after CCD class at 8:30 p.m.

A New Class starts Wednesday, October 4
For four Wednesday nights
8:30 to 9:30 p.m.

4 classes, $16 per person OR
4 classes, $24 per family (ages 14 thru adult)
All monies received will be donated to Mary Queen.

Call Debbie at 941-7224

Required:  Please bring a non-slip yoga mat (can be purchased at 
Sport Authority, TG-MAX, etc. for $10-$20, sometimes available at 
Sears, Target)

YOU can be the one to HELP!!

	The Catholic Construction Corps project of our Diocese is 
soliciting volunteers to participate in helping to repair homes 
damaged by the Katrina hurricane. Our parish Peace and Justice 
committee has been given the responsibility to coordinate our 
parish efforts.  We have been able to secure several additional 
time slots for volunteers to participate in recovery efforts. 

	All trips are for one week. In most cases the volunteers will 
be traveling on Sat. and Sun. and returning on the following Sat. 
and Sun.  These dates include travel days:  	Oct. 7 through 
Oct. 15, 
		Oct. 21 through Oct. 29, 
		Nov. 11 through Nov. 19

	If you are interested, please call Rosalie and Milt Honel, 
parishioners, at 279-7086. We would be delighted to share our 
experience with you or answer your questions. These Diocesan 
Katrina recovery trips are wonderful opportunities to "walk the 

	With the start of RE, please be very cautious in the 
parking lot on Wednesday afternoons and evenings. Our little ones 
and even our not so little ones are our precious gifts from God.

	We still need one more person to help in Gr. 7 at 5:15.  
Please consider joining our team of dedicated men and women just 
like yourself who weekly share their Faith with the young people 
of the parish.  If someone does not step forward, we may have to 
reconsider having 7th grade meet at 5:15.

Religious Education News

Reminder to all RE families and friends

	Classes for the 06/07 year are in full swing.  We continue 
to accept registrations for this year. If you have not registered 
yet, do so now before it is too late. Pass the word to your 
friends and neighbors. 
For more info on any of the above, please call Mary Ann Woods at 
the REO, 832-8962.

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