Mary's Corner

Mary Queen of Heaven Catholic Church
426 N. West Avenue
Elmhurst, Illinois 60126-2171
Parish Office: 630/279-5700
Fax: 630/279-4667

Market Day

	Orders for February are due Monday, February 19, at noon.  
Turn in your order form in the box in the back of church or at 
the rectory.  Pickup on Saturday, February 24, from 9:30 - 10:30 
a.m. in the Social Hall.  

	If you have questions or would like to place an order, 
please call Maria at 279-2238 or Karen at 279-4108.

A Vocation View
	Try not to pray for an easy life; rather, pray to be a 
strong person.  Strong in trust, hope, care, love.  Follow the 

Host Families Sought for
Children of Northern Ireland

	The Irish Children's Fund is seeking host families to 
welcome children from Belfast, Northern Ireland into their homes 
for one month in the summer of 2007.  This will be the twenty-
sixth summer that the ICF has brought an equal number of Catholic 
and Protestant children to the Chicagoland area.  

	During their visit, the children will participate in 
activities designed to foster the spirit of cooperation and 
friendship, bridging the divide between the two communities.

	Upon returning to Northern Ireland, the children have a 
follow-up program available to them through which they can 
continue to come together in ICF sponsored activities and 
maintain the friendships formed in the United States.

	For additional information, call (630) 833-1910 or 

	Open your home and hearts this summer....and build a lifetime 
of memories and friendships.

Volunteers for Katrina Missions

	People from the parish have previously indicated that they 
were interested in participating in a Katrina disaster recovery 
mission.  The Katrina Hurricane aftermath is still a very real 
disaster to the people in the Gulf Coast.  There is a great need 
in terms of volunteers to help in the recovery.
	The Catholic Construction Corps of the Joliet Diocese has 
been active in providing volunteer help over the past year and we 
plan to continue to provide help.  It has secured two work weeks 
with the Mennonite Disaster Service and will schedule additional 
weeks as needed.
	The first week is February 19-23 and the second is March 5-
9.  (We will be traveling on Saturday and Sunday prior to the 
work weeks and returning on the following Saturday and Sunday.
	If your are interested in volunteering for this service 
work, please call Milt Honel (279-7078, Bill Barnds (782-5966) or 
the Office of Peace and Social Justice at the Diocese of Joliet 

	Please respond as soon as possible:  We will be scheduling 
an information and planning session shortly.

Family Dinner and Game Night 
Next Saturday, February 17th 

	The 50th Anniversary Committee in conjunction with the 
Religious Education Program and the Mary Queen of Heaven Men's 
Group are sponsoring a "Family Dinner and Game Night" on 
Saturday, February 17, immediately following the 5:00 p.m. Family 
Mass.  Mark your calendar now and invite your family and 
relatives to attend.  It's an evening planned for all: moms, 
dads, grandparents, relatives, children of all ages, parishioners 
of all ages. 

	Dinner will be served in Barrett Hall and the Family Game 
Rooms will be in the school building.  There are plans being made 
for several game rooms with fun for all ages.  There will be a 
game room for younger children, several rooms for older children, 
teens and their families.  Plenty of games for other parishioners 
and seniors too.  A cake walk, a room with raffle baskets, 
cookbooks to purchase, spirit clothing, 50th Anniversary MQH key 
chains, etc.  Some of the activities we have planned are Uno, 
Yahtzee, Various Card Games, Bunco, and Kid's Bingo and Adult's 
Bingo.  A room for "Twister" and room for the younger children 
with the Candyland, Chutes and Ladders, Bozo's Buckets, a Bean 
Bag Toss, etc. 

	Dinner at the "Family Game Night" will include a salad, 
Mostaccioli, Meatballs, bread, butter, coffee, tea, pop and 
dessert (make your own Sundae) served buffet style.  Donation for 
dinner is $8.00 per adult (ages 12 and up), $4.00 per child (ages 
6 thru 11), children 5 and under are free.  

	Your ticket donation includes dinner and entrance to the 
game night activities (with exception of the Cake Walk and 
Raffles, Spirit Wear and Key Chains).  All children are expected 
to be accompanied by a parent(s) or an adult who is responsible 
for their well being.

	Tickets will be available for purchase after all the Masses 
this weekend of February 11/12, and can also be purchased at our 
Religious Education Office on Wednesdays.  

	For more information, please contact Sheila Reiter (833-
6657),  Phylis Twardowski (279-6239) or Karen Vicary (279-4108).

Eucharistic Adoration

	Eucharistic Adoration will be held on this Monday, February 
12, from 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.  Come and spend one hour with the 

Religious Education News


	We are still in need of assistant catechists at a few grade 
levels at  the 5:30 session on Wednesdays beginning immediately.  
Please call the REO for more information if you are interested. 
	Please be sure to join us for Family Mass this Saturday, 
February 17, at 5:00 p.m. and plan on staying to have dinner and 
fun at the RE-sponsored Family Game Night.  This night continues 
the 50th Anniversary Celebration of the Parish.

Attention Parents of First Communicants:  There will be a special 
gathering for all parents & guardians of 2nd graders on Wednesday, 
February 14, at 7:15 p.m. in Barrett Hall.  Yes, we know that it 
is Valentine's Day, but what better way to celebrate than by 
doing something very special for one of the loves of your life, 
your second grader.  Besides you will be home by 8:30 p.m..  
Please call us if you cannot attend this very important session.

	For more info on any of the above, please call Mary Ann 
Woods at the REO, 832-8962.

- Journey Of Faith-
Small Faith Community 

at Mary Queen of Heaven

The Tuesday afternoon Community, Journey Of Faith, would like to 
welcome new members.  Would that be you?

*	   Not a Bible study group, although Scripture is a key 
*	   Not a social group, even though socializing and caring for 
one another as friends is very important
*	   Not a prayer group, but prayer is its foundation
*	   Not a ministry committee, but service is a vital aspect of 
community life.

A Small Faith Community is all of these. It is an opportunity to 
come together in a manner similar to the very first Christians 
almost 2,000 years ago, in each other's homes.  A small church 
within a larger one.  

How can you tell if this is for you?  
Call Monica Babcock at 630-279-4844 

Diocesan News

New Catholic Charities Program
"Out of Poverty"
   Starting Monday, February 26
For 10 consecutive Mondays, at 9:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Catholic Charities, 26 W St Charles Rd, in Lombard.
    Catholic Charities plans to hold an "Out Of Poverty" program 
in an effort to prevent homelessness and improve people's lives.  
"Out of Poverty" is a program of personal change which affirms 
that change is possible. 
    By following a step-by-step process within a group context, 
participants take responsibility for their life and choices, 
commit to learn and practice new behavior, and finally share 
experiences and thus find a road to a more prosperous life. In 
letting go of unproductive thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, and 
replacing them with new ones, participants move towards a better 
quality of life.
    If you know of someone you think could benefit from this 
program, please encourage them to enroll by contacting Dennis 
Haffron ( or Larry Cada ( 

Finding Work Without Losing Heart:
A Retreat for Women and Men in Job Transition

When:  February 20 and 21, this two-day retreat begins with 
registration at 8:00 a.m. on Tuesday and concludes with dinner 
Wednesday evening.
Where: Warrenville Cenacle, in Warrenville, Il
Cost: The actual participant cost of the retreat is $95, covering 
materials, meals and overnight accommodation in a private room 
at the Cenacle retreat center.  For those who cannot afford 
$95, a minimum fee of $15 is acceptable.  If your financial 
situation allows, please give more than the minimum. 
Register: Call 312-906-9908 or visit 

Making the retreat: 
*	Participants come to understand the stages of a transition and 
how the transition process is fundamental to human development.
*	The spiritual and psychological dimensions of transition are 
explored to help answer, "Who am I now?", "Where is God in all 
this?", "What's next for me?" 
*	Lead speakers are persons who have endeavored job or career 
transition and speak from their experience.
*	Structured personal reflection and thoughtful exercises provide 
the opportunity to gain insight and wisdom.
*	Participants learn ways to pray and find peace during a time of 
transition and how to make this time fertile for growing deeper 
in their relationship with God. 
*	Spiritual directors and bereavement counselors are available 
for one-on-one consultation.


	If you have been recently widowed and are still struggling 
with the loss, or if you seem stuck in one spot, this program is 
designed to help you move on with your life while treasuring your 
past and its precious memories.

	You are invited to join us for a 2-day, faith-based program 
designed especially for widowed men and women.

	What:		Retreat for Widowed Men & Women
	When:		February 24 & 25, 2007
	Where:		St. Hubert's Parish in Hoffman Estates

	Register by calling:   708-354-7211

St. Charles Borromeo Grade School
Now accepting Fall 2007 registrations for all grades:

Full-day Kindergarten - 8th grade with 
After-school Day Care until 6:00 pm

145 E. Grand Avenue, Bensenville 
For more information, please call 630-766-0116.

Community News

10 Session Group

	The L.O.S.S. (Loving Outreach to Survivors of Suicide) 
Program provides services to those who are grieving a death by 
suicide of a family member or close friend.  Eight weekly 
sessions and 2 monthly follow-up meetings for those grieving the 
death of a loved one will be offered.  Meetings are held from 7 
to 9 p.m. at the:

Offices of Catholic Charities
(Diocese of Joliet)

26 West St. Charles Rd.
Lombard, IL 60148

Mondays, March 19 thru May 7,
June 4 and July 9

	We need at least 10 people signed up to convene a group. 
Call 1-800-240-7011 to register or for additional information.  
The deadline to register is March 14.     L.O.S.S. is a program 
provided by Catholic Charities.

Diocese of Joliet

Stations of the Cross
Friday, February 23, at 7:00 p.m.

	Stations of the Cross are being held in Church during the 
Friday's of Lent.  Perhaps you and your family could make a 
special effort to attend this devotion.

MQH Council of Catholic Women
"Woman of the Year" Nominations

Weekends of February 10/11 and 17/18

    Nominations slips will be distributed in the pews.  All 
parishioners, ages 18 and older, will be asked to nominate a 
woman they feel leads a life of faith and love and who has given 
generously of her time and talent to the various ministries and 
organizations in our parish.  They will also be asked to give a 
reason why they feel their nominee should be chosen.  To be 
eligible for the "Woman of the Year", nominees must be MQH 
parishioners, not on the Parish staff, over 18 years of age, and 
not have held the title in the last 10 years.  The following 
weekend, February 24/25, information on the nominees will appear 
in the bulletin to assist you in electing the "Woman of the 
Year."  The election for the "Woman of the Year" will be held the 
weekend of March 3/4.  

	Mary Queen of Heaven Preschool registration continues!  
Please see our website at and contact 
the parish office for more information and registration.  

	Preschool tours scheduled on request.

Thank You!

	Thank you to our Religious Education children for using 
their church envelopes and letting us know the ways they have 
been sharing their time and talent with others!  Thanks to our 
children, too, for the $169.72 they contributed to our parish in 

Second City Comedy Group
Comes to Villa Park!

Saturday, February 24, at 7:00 p.m.

At Willowbrook High School, Villa Park
(All proceeds benefit St. Alexander  School, Villa Park)

Performance:  Truth, Justice or the American Way.

Tickets are $30.00 and can be purchased at
Anyways Restaurant, Aurelio's Pizza, Kopper Kitchen, Restaurant, 
McNally's Irish Pub, Mike's Market, Mr. Z. Supermarket, Pioneer 
Garden & Feed, or download an order form at  

	This show contains mature subject matter; parental guidance 
is advised.  Call 333-3524 for more information.

Joliet Diocese
Catholic Charismatic Healing Mass

Father Mario Quijedas, Presider

St. Joseph Catholic Church
4801 Main Street, Downers Grove

Friday, February 16
7:30 p.m. Mass
Doors open at 6:30 p.m.

Sacrament of Reconciliation-6:30 pm.
Sponsoring Prayer Group:  Aylesford, Darien
For information please call 630-964-0216.

January Celebrations

	We welcome into the Mary Queen of Heaven Parish Family the 
following who were baptized in January:

Emma Elizabeth Gurecki
Torran Christopher Origitano

Does My Life Make A Difference?

	This was the theme of our parish mission held last 
Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday.  As you know, we had with 
us Father Richard Fragomeni as mission leader and this 
event was truly inspiring to all who were able to be 
present.  It is the desire of the committees who worked to 
prepare for this mission (the Adult Education and 
Spirituality Committee and the Liturgy Committee) that 
those who were not able to attend the mission still are 
able to participate in its spirit.
	Each night, we looked at the question, "Does My Life 
Make A Difference?" from three perspectives.  The first 
night, our focus was "God Thinks So!"  On this evening, we 
reflected on the fact that our lives make such a difference 
to God that God loved us even before we were born, even as 
we were knit in our mother's womb (Psalm 139).  After an 
inspiring evening of prayer, song, meditation, and personal 
testimony, we were given the homework assignment to try to 
get beyond our self-doubt and self-hatred and think about 
the fact that we are important to God.  
    The second evening's focus was "The World Expects So!" 
and with the same format as the evening before, we 
reflected upon how the world needs us to be who we say we 
are: people who see the face of Christ in others as we feed 
the hungry, welcome the stranger, clothe the naked, take 
care of the sick, visit those who are alone, etc. (Matt. 
25: 31-40).  Our homework assignment was to reflect upon 
what God is calling us to do in our own lives.
    On the third night, our focus was, "How Do You Do So?" 
and we considered how we are called as believers in Christ 
to be evangelizers in our world.  More will be written 
about this next week.
    In the weeks to come, you are invited to share in the 
experience of those who were able to participate in the 
parish mission.  In the pews of church, you will find cards 
that say, "Go and Make A Difference."  This comes from a 
page in the mission booklet, on which participants were 
invited to write down one thing they would commit to doing 
to make a difference in the world.  You are invited to take 
a card from church and do the same.  The card is yours to 
keep; whatever you write is private.  Once you make a 
commitment to "Go Make A Difference," you are invited to 
write your name in the book you will find at the back of 
church.  There, you will find the names of fellow 
parishioners who have made the same commitment to make a 
difference in our world.

A Message from the Parish Finance 

Mid-Year Report
We are very grateful to all the parishioners who increased 
their donations this year.  This is helping us to make good 
progress.  Our financial situation continues to improve 
each year and we expect to end this year with less of a 
deficit than was projected.  We are continuing to work 
toward full financial stability.  Thank you for your 
generosity and let us keep up the good work!  A complete 
mid-year financial report will be mailed to all 
parishioners at the end of the month.

Development Committee
We are looking for people who would like to be part of a 
new Development Committee, which will serve as a 
subcommittee of the Finance Council.  The Development 
Committee will be trained in diocesan and parish finance 
policy and relevant canon law, and will be responsible for 
seeking sources of grant funding and for implementing and 
overseeing parish fundraising activities.  We are looking 
for people skilled in grant writing, marketing, and 
fundraising.  Please contact the parish office at (630) 
279-5700 if you can volunteer some time to the parish by 
serving on our new Development Committee.  We want to begin 
this new effort very soon! 

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