Mary's Corner

Mary Queen of Heaven Catholic Church
426 N. West Avenue
Elmhurst, Illinois 60126-2171
Parish Office: 630/279-5700
Fax: 630/279-4667

Easter - 75% off!

So read the flashing marquis in front of a nearby drugstore chain. How sad, I thought, for some people to only celebrate Easter for one day. How glad I am that Catholics take the time to really try to take in the meaning of the resurrection in our lives during these 50 days (and every Sunday of the year)!

While Easter is a long celebration for us, I would like to take the time to thank all of those who helped with our particular celebrations of Holy Week and Easter Sunday. They were so beautiful. Our music ministry (who outdid themselves this past Sunday) is wonderful. We have so much talent in this parish and we have much to be thankful for in the musicians who give of their time and talent, and in our Music Director, Molly Lindberg, who seeks and draws out this talent. That is what pastoral ministry is all about, recognizing the gifts that God has given to the church and calling them forward.

All of the members of our Liturgy Committee worked very hard, as they do every year, to prepare for all of our special liturgies. The altar servers and presiders, and all of the children and adults who are part of our Living Stations on Good Friday, take extra time to practice in advance. Our Art and Environment Committee works tirelessly, night after night, and behind the scenes, to transform our worship space for each night and day we celebrate. Our Sacristans are also preparing the different things we need for each of our liturgies. Eucharistic Ministers, Lectors, Ushers and Greeters are serving on multiple occasions within days of each other. Sister Marlene works every year to be sure that our Triduum booklet and worship aids are all prepared and ready.

There are countless people who are deserving of praise! I want to thank them all, and all of you, too, for your support of our parish. Our Easter collection reflected the generosity of our parishioners (that total should be published next week, as we have still been receiving Easter donations). My thanks to everyone for every way you give of your time, talent, and treasure.

While I am thanking people, I would also like to thank our Director of Religious Education, Mary Ann Woods, and her assistant, Karen Vicary, and all of our catechists and helpers who have worked tirelessly this year to help with the faith formation of our 525 children in Religious Education. Thanks, too, to Ruth Maple and the Voices of Angels who helped with our Family Masses this year. Many of these people also had part in preparing for a number of important sacramental celebrations coming up over the next few weeks, including several First Communion sessions, and Confirmation, which is coming up on May 12. My heartfelt thanks to you, one and all.

This weekend, something else is happening behind the scenes that I would like you to know about. Our parishioner Judy Fuchsen will be once again traveling on a mission trip to Sucre, Bolivia. She was formally commissioned last Sunday at St. Raymond Cathedral, and at Mary Queen of Heaven on Thursday of this past week.

The Diocese of Joliet has been sending missionaries since 1994, and in the last years has expanded their mission program to include not only Sucre, Bolivia, but also the Navajo Nation in Arizona, the Philippines, Kenya, and Quito, Ecuador. These missions are both medical and construction and are for two- week periods.

Judy's participation in this mission to Bolivia is a spiritual event for our parish. She represents Mary Queen of Heaven as part of our larger Church of Joliet. Please keep her in your prayers during this time of her journey. Pray, too, for those who will be served through this missionary work, that they may recognize the face of Christ in those who serve them and that they may be the face of Christ for the missionaries when they arrive. This is the kind of mutual service that is symbolized in our foot-washing on Holy Thursday.

Today, we make another connection with the Church of Joliet, as we welcome Bishop Kaffer the celebrate with us the close of our parish's 50th anniversary year. May we have a wonderful celebration! Let us rejoice in all of the ways that God has blessed this parish and let us be thankful for all of the ways that Mary Queen of Heaven parishioners, young and old, have ministered to the larger community - and even unto the ends of the earth!

We have not discounted Easter. Jesus is alive and we continue to celebrate his resurrection!

Mary Foley, Pastoral Life Coordinator

A Vocation View
Let people know that Jesus has the solution.
Cast your net on the other side of life.
Listen to God's Son 
And tell the world what you hear!

Parish News

50th Anniversary  Mass and Raffle 

	To culmination of our 50th Anniversary Celebration  today, 
Sunday, April 22, 2007, Bishop Roger Kaffer will celebrate a special 
liturgy at the 10:30  Mass.  All are invited  to join us at this 
Mass.  After the mass, refreshments will be served and we will have 
the raffle drawing in Barrett Hall.   

	Raffle tickets are still available and can be purchased at all 
the masses this weekend. The ticket donation is $100 and the 1st 
prize is $10,000, 2nd prize is $2,000 and 3rd prize is $1,000.  A 
maximum of 250 tickets will be sold, so the odds of wining a prize 
are great.  The raffle proceeds will be used to lower our parish 

	Help us make this final event a success and an enjoyable 
occasion for all.

PRESCHOOL Director/Teacher

	We believe you are out there!  We are looking for a pre-school 
director/teacher who will help us build a premiere preschool for the 
western suburbs. This preschool is a ministry of Mary Queen of 
Heaven Parish, a lively, welcoming, family-oriented Catholic 
community in Elmhurst. Our director must be a practicing Roman 
Catholic in good standing. This position is for a part-time director 
and part-time teacher. 

	Requirements for candidates applying for this position are:
*	Baccalaureate degree with 04 (IL) early childhood teacher 
*	Master's degree in early childhood or related field preferred.
*	2-3 years' teaching experience.
*	Familiarity with Howard Gardner's Multiple Intelligence 
*	Enthusiasm for curriculum and program development and 
*	Commitment to working collaboratively with staff members and 
parents within a church community setting.

	Enrollment has already begun for our play-based preschool, 
which will have a multiple intelligence curriculum following Howard 
Gardner's guidelines.  Please send your resume' to: Search 
Committee, Mary Queen of Heaven, 426 N. West Avenue, Elmhurst, IL 
60126.  Interviews will be conducted in April and early May, start 
date in July.  Come enjoy a very pleasant working environment with 
wonderful parish staff, and have the opportunity to create new 

	Mary Queen of Heaven Preschool registration continues!  Please 
see our website at and contact the parish 
office for more information and registration.  
	Preschool tours scheduled on request.

CCW Mother's Day Tribute

	Again this year, Mary Queen of Heaven Council of Catholic 
Women Respect Life Committee is selling carnations to honor the 
nurturing women in our lives (mothers, grandmothers, aunts, sisters, 
cousins, and friends).	Carnations can be purchased for $1.00 each. 
Order sheets will be available this weekend, April 21/22 and next 
weekend, April 28/29.  Order sheets must be returned on or before 
May 6th.  A CCW member will be in the church vestibule after all the 
Masses to accept orders.
	The names of all those being honored will be published in an 
insert in our parish bulletin the weekend of May 12/13.  Proceeds 
will benefit Project Gabriel.  The carnations will be placed at 
Mary's statue in the gathering place for Mother's Day, May 13.

2 0 0 7

"Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least 
brothers of mine, you did for me."		
	Mt 25:40

	The Catholic  Ministries Annual Appeal begins this week.  
Every family will receive a letter from Bishop Sartain and Mary 
Foley asking for your partnership in the diocese's important 
ministry work. Please give prayerful thought to your gift and be 
as generous as you feel able.

Diocesan News

Day of Prayer With
Fr. Benet Fonck. OFM

Thursday, May 3,   9:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m.
At The Warrenville Cenacle

	The Cenacle is pleased to welcome Fr. Benet Fonck, back for 
a prayerful and enlightening Day of Prayer on the San Damiano 
Cross.  A Franciscan Friar, Fr. Fonck is the coordinator of 
communications for Sacred Heart Province of the Order of Friars 
Minor (Franciscans).  

	In this capacity he writes a weekly newsletter, prepares 
news releases and publishes a quarterly journal.  He has given 
retreats, workshops and seminars for Secular Franciscans and for 
Franciscan religious.  He has also presented days of recollection 
to various church-based groups and has facilitated a number of 
parish missions and renewals.  The offering for this program is 
$50 and includes lunch.  For further information or to register, 
please call 630-393-1231

Wings to Heaven News

	Our Lock in was held on Friday the 13th and was a wonderful event! 
Our theme this year was "GOD ROCKS". This was thanks to so many that 
helped to make it a HUGE success!  Our adult leaders Tom Gusloff, Terri 
Kevil, Susan Miner, Marie McCall and Jerry Cote.  Special to thanks to 
the Stefani, Japczyk,, Mueller and Rhea families for behind the scenes 
work they did. Last and certainly not least is our wonderful group of 
high school leaders: Bridget & Colleen McGing, Allie Fazzio, Steve & 
Laura Adkins, Katie Mueller, Brittany Biggs, Mary Alex & Stephanie 
Japczyk, Bob Golen, Katie Converse, Marisa Stefani, JT Nateras, David 
Gusloff, Kathleen McCall, Nina Doughty, Derek Maple, Meghan McManus and 
Kim Vicary.  What a great group of people we have at Mary Queen of 
Heaven....  From the adults, to the high school leaders to the students 
attending the lock in...WE ARE BLESSED!

	Our New Member welcome will be held on Sunday May 6th 6-8 pm in 
Barrett Hall.  This is for all 4th- - 7th graders and current members.  If 
you are interested in finding out what Wings to Heaven youth group is 
all about we hope you will join us.    New Members call Kathleen Gusloff 
to R.S.V.P.  832-4348 or email

	We made beautiful butterflies for the Elmhurst Extended Care 
nursing home for Easter.  What a great way to symbolize the risen Christ 
to those not able to go out and see the beauty in our world any longer.  
Now they can have a little piece of Gods love in their own room J. 

	Please also notice in a basket in the back of church God Rocks.  
We made these as part of our lock in service project for our parish.  
There is a little God Rock with a prayer, some positive thoughts 
and maybe you will get a God Rocks tattoo in yours.  Just a little 
something to take if you need a little encouragement or support in 
your life.  Keep your God Rock somewhere to always remind you that 
"God Rocks" your world, and is always with you!

Destiny High School Group

	We had our own lock in retreat to plan for the lock in one weekend 
in March.  Thanks to all those high schoolers that give so generously of 
their time for the younger people of our parish. A big part of our 
meetings in the past 4 months have consisted of planning and organizing 
the lock in. As a parish you can be very proud

Prayer  Requests
To pray for our sick is an important privilege of our parish 
family.  We hope that you will pray for these persons every day.

	Natalie Baker				Pam Bondfide
	Pat Caffarelli				Rose Caffarelli
	Kathy Calzante				Cosmore Ciancio
	Dennis Ciancio				Geroge Cibula
	Paul Cirone				Ida Corriedo
	Cynthia Catalano Family			Deacon Bob Delbeke
	Trudi Dolato				Baby Dobrowolski
	Virginia Feret				Kathy Filipiak
	Cecilia Garstki				Mary Goggins
	Mary Hagerty				Anna Heffel
	Jen Huwalt				Tom Huwalt
	Michelle Humann				Maureen James
	Kathy Johnston				Irene Kmieciak
	Bernadette Kohn				Anne Kostas
	John Larkin				Baby Emma Lynde
	Marie Mangano				Robert Manion
	Dennis McCabe				Mary Piszczor
	Raymond Mitchell			Fred Moss
	Mary Sabel Oye				Geri Pstrzoch
	Baby Faith Reid				Robert Restivo
	Vera Rossiano				Agnes Sabel
	Patricia Sabel				Joaquina Scroppo
	Jess Smith				Mary Spierowski
	Rachael Thompson			John Unger

	If you or a family member would like to be included in our 
prayers, please call the rectory at 279-5700.  Also, please let 
us know when a name should be removed.

Christian Worship Commission

If you have any questions or need more information, please call 
Mary Ann Woods at the REO, 832-8962.

Confirmation Candidate Parents:  

	Please note that Confirmation will be celebrated in the 
parish on Saturday, May 12, at 5 p.m.

Religious Education News
	Registrations for the 2007-2008 RE year have been mailed. 
If you did not receive yours or if you know someone who would 
like one, please call the REO. We ask that you return your 
registration forms ASAP in order to secure your first choice of 
	Reminder to Parents of First Communicants: If your child is 
celebrating with the large group on May 5, there is still time to 
place your order for a video of the Liturgy. Please turn your 
forms in to the RE office.
	Are you being called to be a catechist?  We only have a 
short time left of this RE year, so if you have always wondered 
what goes on in the building after you drop your children off, 
this is the perfect time to stop by and say hi. Remember you 
don't have to be a theologian; you just have to love children, 
love your faith and want to share it. We are looking forward to 
hearing from you.
Mark your calendar:
Wednesday, April 18-Confirmation Candidates 	Reconciliation 
Service, 7 p.m. in church
Wednesday, April 25 - Last RE class of the year. All 	
	school 8th annual Food Drive
Saturday, April 28 -  First Communion practices:
:			10:00 a.m. in church, May 5 Large group 		
			First Communion (Children 	Only)  
			12:00 noon in church, April 29 Small group 		
		First Communion 	(children & 1 parent)  		
	12:30 p.m. in church, May 6 Small group 				
	First  Communion (children & 1 parent)
Sunday, April 29  - Family Mass at 10:30 a.m. & Small 			
	group First Communion 
Tuesday, May 8-Confirmation Practice at 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 .m. in 

Christian Education Commission

Market Day
	Orders for April are due Monday, April 23, at noon.  Turn 
in your order form in the box in the back of church or at the 
rectory.  Pickup on Saturday, April 28, from 9:30 - 10:30 a.m. in 
the Social Hall.  	If you have questions or would like to 
place an order, please call Maria at 279-2238 or Karen at 279-

Christian Education Commission

of the young people here that care so much about the younger students of 
our parish! They did everything from designing the t-shirts to having 
them made, to helping get the craft together, to planning activities, 
facilitating groups, to running the show.  

Come Join Us

	A large part of our meetings typically consist of discussion on 
topics that relate to the students every day lives and our world around 
us.  We hope if you have not yet participated in Destiny you will come 
to our Welcome breakfast.  To meet new students and find out what we are 
all about.  We will meet Sunday morning May 6th 8:30 am.  Questions ?? 
Call Kathleen Gusloff 832-4348.

Come Pray the Psalms

Beginning the week of May 21, the Adult Education Ministry of Mary 
Queen of Heaven will be offering a study of the Psalms through the 
Little Rock Scripture Study.  This work examines fifty-five psalms, 
approximately one-third of that unique biblical book.
	Psalms I begins with an introductory chapter that is followed 
by a fixed format in analyzing the Psalms.  We will not only be 
studying but actually learning how to pray the Psalms and see them 
in relation to our lives.  The author shows us the Psalms can be 
prayed "for the ups, downs and in-betweens of life."  Come join us.
	You will be given an opportunity to sign up and purchase books 
(including a Bible if you need one) on the weekends of May 5/6 and 
May 12/13.  More information will be forthcoming.  You may call any 
of the planning people with questions:  Lynn Suwanski evenings - 
630-530-2523 or Alex and Marie Grozik at 630-530-0503.

Catholic Charities is in need of 
new born/infant clothing, diapers, and newborn 
"care packages"

	Last year, Children's Services of Catholic Charities, 
provided loving care for 398 children in foster care, many of 
whom needed long-term, specialized therapy to heal from the abuse 
and neglect they have suffered.  Our maternity services helped 
mothers with keeping and raising or finding an adoptive home for 
15 of their infants.

	In order to continue providing these services Catholic 
Charities needs your help.  One way you can help is by conducting 
clothing drives or "baby Showers" for new clothes and 
newborn/infant "care packages" (wipes, lotion, powder, shampoo, 
bibs, pacifiers, grooming sets, medical kits, newborn 
developmental toys, diapers, etc.) for these babies.

	You are in a unique position to dramatically impact the 
first days of a baby's life or a child's first stay in their new 
foster home by helping us replenish our supply of newborn, infant 
and children's clothing for boys and girls sizes 0 to 3T.  Please 
do not donate used clothing, as we cannot use those.

	We will accept any size clothing and diapers.  For more 
information, please contact Rose Bayr Maritato at (630)495-8008 x 

2-Part Peace & Justice Program
At St. Margaret Mary Parish, 
1450 Green Trails Dr., Naperville, (630) 369-0777

What Does the Catholic Church Teach About 
Health Care?  Principles of Catholic Social Teaching

Tuesday, April 24, at 7:30 p.m., COR Center
	Fr. Thomas Nairn, OFM will give a presentation on what the 
Church teaches regarding health care. Fr. Nairn is the Erica and 
Harry John Family Professor of Catholic Ethics and is the 
Director of the Health Care Mission Leadership Program at 
Catholic Theological Union in Chicago. Fr. Nairn earned a Ph.D. 
from the University of Chicago. Fr. Nairn has written and spoken 
on a wide range of ethical issues.  Most of his research has been 
in the area of health care ethics.
Health Care & Public Policy:  What Are the Options?
A Panel Discussion of Policy Options.
Wednesday, May 2, at 7:30 p.m., COR Center
	Dr. Robert McKersie is a family physician who works on the 
South Side of Chicago. He travels regularly to Nepal where he 
sees patients and teaches physical diagnostic skills to Nepalese 
healthcare providers. He lives on the South Side of Chicago with 
his wife Michele and two children, Robbie and Mia. Dr. McKersie 
will be advocating for a Universal Health Care or Single Payer 
Health Care approach to health care in the United States.
	Joining Dr. McKersie will be a representative from Blue 
Cross and Blue Shield who will be advocating for a Free Market 
approach to providing health care in the United States.

Eastern DuPage Council of Catholic Women 
Spring Institute, Dinner &Meeting

Wednesday, May 2nd
St. John the Apostle,
330 S. Westmore, Villa Park

Theme: "We are Called"
Registration:  5:15 p.m. - Dinner: 6:00 p.m.

	A short business meeting follows and then we have  Fr. 
James Antiporek, Moderator of Western DuPage Deanery CCW, 
an insightful homilist.  The evening will conclude with 
Mass at 8:30 p.m., celebrated by Bishop Roger Kaffer.  
Registration is $10.00 per person.  For reservations or 
more info. call Pat Lord at 21-102 or

Saint Peregrine Feast Day Mass

	Mass for the feast of St. Peregrine, the cancer saint will 
be celebrated Sunday, May 6 at 2:00 p.m. at the National Shrine 
of St. Peregrine, Our Lady of Sorrows Basilica.  Persons with 
cancer and others seeking healing will be invited to come 
individually for a blessing with a relic of St. Peregrine at the 
conclusion of Mass.

	Our Lady of Sorrows is located in Chicago at 3121 W. 
Jackson Blvd., adjacent to I-290.  There is ample, secure parking 
at the rear of the Basilica.  For more information, call 773-638-
5800, ext. 19.

Parish News

Project Gabriel Angel Training
Thursday, April 26.

	There will be a Project Gabriel Angel Training Session here 
in Elmhurst at Visitation Parish in Podesta Hall, (Church lower 
level) on the corner of York Road and Madison Avenue, on Thursday 
night, April 26th. The time is 7:00 pm to 9:30 pm.

	If you are interested in learning about being Angels, 
please come the training session or contact MQH's parish 
representative Terri Kevil at 630-279-4165.

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