Mary's Corner

Mary Queen of Heaven Catholic Church
426 N. West Avenue
Elmhurst, Illinois 60126-2171
Parish Office: 630/279-5700
Fax: 630/279-4667

As I sit down to write this bulletin column, some events of the last week come to mind. I attended a cluster meeting with priests of the area and heard the newest statistics on the priest shortage. I wonder how many people know that we now have only 114 diocesan priests actively serving in parish ministry for 121 parishes and 11 missions (they have the help of some religious-order priests) and that within the next eight years, 46 of these priests will reach retirement age (not to mention others who will die or become unable to minister due to disability). We do have some men in seminary, more than in the recent past, and yet there are nowhere near enough to replace those we are losing. More parishes lost their associates this summer and are down to one priest. Some of those priests are beginning to cancel some weekday Masses due to the strain of their workload.

Also in this last week, I was contacted by the Serra Club, a diocesan organization focused on encouraging vocations to priesthood and religious life. I was invited to be the speaker for their next meeting. I was surprised by their call, since I serve in an alternative ministry for the church that is allowed in times of priest shortage. I thought that my ministry might present some challenges to those who were working and praying hard so that we might have more priests. To me, it was a great sign of a healthy ministry to hear both of their great love for our church and their understanding of the reality of the situation we are now facing. In the midst of their devotion to priestly vocations, they are interested in learning more about other models for pastoral ministry and leadership, for the good of our church. I will be happy to represent our parish at this gathering and share with people there not only what it has been like for me to serve in this ministry for our church but also how it has enabled this parish to continue to serve as an effective center for evangelization that continues to grow year-by-year in new life and in its number of parishioners! It is truly a privilege (and my own vocation) to serve in a ministry of pastoring - especially in this parish, where we have wonderful priests helping with sacramental ministry and faithful lay people who share in pastoral leadership.

As I write this article, I sit before an open window in my office. The air is cool today, a reminder that the seasons are changing and fall really is upon us (in spite of tropical temperatures which fooled us for a few days!) The lawn is full of leaves and those still on the trees are now dry and turning yellow. Plants are dying and it is easy to see that soon, winter will be here, when things will be cold and hard.

And yet, there are also signs all over that none of this is to be the end. The squirrels are running around and having a ball. They swish through the leaves and chase each other up and down the trees. Soon, we will not see them as much as we do now, but their endless hunt for the acorns and walnuts on our grounds are reminders that they will be back in full force in the spring. The songbirds that now flitter to the birdfeeder outside my window remind me of seasonal migration patterns and the fact that as bleak as things may soon seem to get, it is built into the very nature of creation that new life always comes again. More than anything else today, the children whose voices fill the schoolyard next door are a reminder that in the midst of whatever season we are in, there is always life around us, if we just take the time to be quiet and look and listen.

This is the way of the order of creation. Life, death, resurrection. When we become burdened by our losses in life, when we are weighed down by mourning the loss of people we love or even the loss of familiar structures that hold so much meaning for us, we can lose sight of the new life that God always promises to us. Just as this is true in the live of the world, so it is true in the life of the church. It is inevitable that 10 years from now, things will look differently within our own diocese because of the priest shortage. I believe that God will always provide priests for our church because our sacramental life, most especially the Eucharist, is central to our lives as Catholics. However, with fewer priests, ministry will continue to change. I do not know what the future holds but I hope that here at Mary Queen of Heaven, you and I together can live as a sign of hope for the larger church that there is always new life to come.

Dr. Mary Foley, Pastoral Life Coordinator

A Vocation View
Courage!  Courage when you follow the Lord. Remember, people may 
not be convinced, even if one should rise from the dead.  Live, 
in order to convince of resurrection and life.

Religious Education News
	Once again we thank everyone who makes up our MQH RE 
family. We had an amazing first session. We are truly blessed at 
Mary Queen.

Reminder to all RE families and friends
We continue to accept registrations for this year. If you have 
not registered yet, do so now before too much class time has 
passed. Please remind your friends and neighbors. 

With the start of RE, please be very cautious in the parking lot 
on Wednesday afternoons and evenings. Our little ones and even 
our not so little ones are our precious gifts from God.

For more info on any of the above, please call Mary Ann Woods at 
the REO, 832-8962.

Recycling at the MQH Picnic
	Many thanks to all who deposited their empty pop cans and 
empty plastic water bottles in the designated barrels. My 
committee and I hope that all parishioners are  also striving to 
live GREEN at home.
	Here's an idea which would help the environment and our 
parish. When you come to church for Mass, please be sure to 
deposit your bags of newspapers, discarded mail, etc. in the 
dumpster located in the southwest corner of the church parking 
lot. Every little bit helps our parish treasury and contributes 
to protecting the environment.
	Finally, I wish to thank my Recycling At The Parish Picnic 
Committee members for a job well done: Carlos Montenegro and Tom 
--Milt Honel

	BREAD FOR THE WORLD is a nationwide Christian citizens 
movement seeking justice for the hungry people by lobbying our 
representatives in Congress. BREAD FOR THE WORLD is supported by 
the Roman Catholic Church and all major Protestant denominations. 
	Hunger is one problem we can actually solve, but churches 
and charities can't do it all. Individuals (like you and me) must 
get involved. WE MUST MAKE A DIFFERENCE by participating in this 
project of writing letters to our representatives in Congress. 
	That is why our parish is hosting this project in Barrett 
Hall. After the Masses on October 27 and 28 parishioners will be 
invited to participate in an OFFERING OF LETTERS to our elected 
representatives in Congress to fully fund legislation which will 
reduce poverty around the world.
	If you have any questions, please phone the chairperson for 
this project Deacon Tom Goebal at (630) 782-9577 or check out 

	There is an exciting new program starting at Mary Queen of 
Heaven called Christ Renews His Parish (CRHP).  Over the past few 
years we have seen ongoing renewal of the liturgy and of the 
parish structure that has kept our parish alive and growing.  It 
is vital to the life and future of our parish that we continue to 
make a special effort to renew ourselves spiritually in Christ.  
We hope to do this through Christ Renews His Parish, a process 
which has been found effective in making parishes become more 
spiritually vibrant and alive.
	Our need is for 18 men and 18 women who feel a call from 
the Holy Spirit to be part of this initial program for the 
parish.  There will be two weekend retreats - one for the men, 
and one for the women.  They will take place in the school 
building and food, drink, and sleeping arrangements will be 
provided.  They will start Friday evening and end on Sunday 
afternoon.  The Men's weekend will be November 16 -November 18 
and the Women's will be November 30 - December 2.  A team from 
the archdiocese of Chicago will be giving us the gift of these 
first two weekends.  The men and women who participate will then 
go into formation to give a similar weekend to other parishioners 
in our parish.  Thus, a second team will be formed and they will 
hold a weekend experience for a third group, and so on.
	No program can renew a parish, only Christ can.  But 
through our cooperation with his power in a process like "Christ 
Renews His Parish," we can increase the enthusiasm, spirituality 
and dedication of our people to Christ and his Church.
	For further information, or if you are interested in 
attending the weekend, please contact Karen Sutkus at (630) 279-
3240 or Alex Grozik at (630) 530-0503.

	The Mary Queen of Heaven St. Vincent de Paul Society is 
sponsoring a clothing drive to benefit the needy the weekend of 
October 13th and 14th.
	Now is as good a time as ever to clean your dressers, 
closets and cabinets.  Clear out all those items that you no 
longer need. We are in need of clean gently used clothing, coats, 
shoes and accessories for the fall and winter months.
	Also, needed are small household items: dishes, glassware, 
cookware, small clean working appliances, knick-knacks, lamps, 
lines, toys, books, jewelry, etc.
	Bags will be available in the vestibule of church the 
weekend of 9/29 & 9/30.  Please fill them with your donations.  
You may also use your own heavy duty bags and boxes.  The St. 
Vincent de Paul Truck will be in the parking lot beginning at 
9:00 a.m. on October 13th and will be leaving around 1:00 p.m. on 
October 14th.  Drop off your things on Saturday or bring them when 
you come to Mass on Sunday.  Receipts are always gladly given!
For donations of furniture and other large items, please call 
630-231-4658 to schedule the truck

Feast of St. Francis Blessing of Pets
	You are all invited to share in celebrating the Feast Day 
of St. Francis of Assisi by bringing your pets for a special 
blessing.   This is a traditional celebration which recognizes 
the love of St. Francis for all of creation.  While his actual 
feast day occurs on Oct. 4, we will be having our Blessing of 
Pets on Wednesday, Oct. 3 at 4:45 p.m., in order to make it 
convenient for our Religious Ed families.  Last year, we had pets 
of the sea, earth, and sky!  Please join us in front of church on 
Thursday afternoon with your beloved pet for a special blessing 
on that day!

Market Day

	Orders for OCTOBER are due Monday, OCTOBER 8, at noon.  
Turn in your order form in the box in the back of church or at 
the rectory.  Pickup on Saturday, OCTOBER 13 from 9:30 - 10:30 
a.m. in the Social Hall.  

	If you have questions or would like to place an order, 
please call Maria at 279-2238 or Karen at 279-4108.

Joliet Diocese Nun Run, October 12-13, 2007
	A Nun Run is a twenty-four hour experience of exploring 
Religious Life for women. Fasten your seatbelts and prepare 
yourself for a whirlwind weekend of discovery: see where we live, 
eat with us, pray with us, and laugh with us. Transportation 
provided. No fee for the weekend. Open to single women 18-35 
years of age. 
E-mail Sr. Barb Kwiatkowski, 
or call her at 708-254-6646 for registration information by 
October 9, 2007. 
Sponsored by the Joliet Diocesan Vocation Association 

Would you like to donate some of your time for the 
	I would add you to our email list  or if you don't have 
email, I could call you.  Once per month, on the fourth Sunday of 
the month, I will be looking for a few volunteers to help at a 
PADS site at St. Alexis in Bensenville.  St. Alexis has finally 
finished their kitchen, so this will be "our location" to help.  
The hours are from 6:00 to 7:30 am,  and you can do any of these 
chores:  wash dishes, serve food, put away bedding, bleach 
mattresses.  This job is very flexible and I may only need you 
one or two times per year.  Please call Debbie Styka 941-7224 
with any questions or to volunteer.
The first date that I need a few volunteers is
Sunday October 28th, 6:00 to 7:30 am
St. Alexis, 400 W. Wood St. (off Church Road)
between York and Rt 83.
	Please call me so I can add you to my list or if you want 
to try it one time. Thanks, Debbie Styka

	The Congregation of St. Joseph of La Grange Park is greatly 
in need of volunteers for its Adult Literacy Program, School on 
Wheels. New Volunteers are needed to teach one hour or so per 
week from  am to 2 pm or 3 pm to 8 pm in Cicero, Hodgkins, 
Lombard, Summit, Westmont and Woodridge. New hours of training 
are provided on Friday, October 5, 2007 from 6 PM to 9 PM and on 
Saturday October 6, 2007 from 9AM to 3 PM. No prior second 
language skills are needed. For more information, call (708) 482-
5060 or (708) 482-5085.

Joliet Catholic Explorer
	Your diocesan paper has it all-good news coverage at home 
and around the world, sharp photos packaged in a  stunning 
design, food for thought in a full page of editorial commentary, 
etc.  What are you waiting for?  Subscribe today call 815-834-
4062 or email camillea@dioceseofjoliet,org.

Please see our website at and contact 
the school office for more information and registration.              
(630) 833-9500
Preschool classes have begun.  We still have some openings in our 
Tuesday/Thursday class.  
Come join us!
	         Preschool tours scheduled upon request.

Teacher Aide Position Available
	Do you enjoy working with children, fostering their growth 
spiritually, academically, physically, and emotionally?  We are 
currently accepting resumes for the teacher aide position for our 
Preschool here at MQH.  Please direct resumes to Mrs. Liz Lowrey 
at MQH Preschool 426 N. West Ave. Elmhurst, IL 60126 

University of St. Francis to host Adult, Graduate and Transfer 
Open House - Noon -7 p.m. Wednesday, October 10th - Moser 
Performing Arts Center (Wilcox and Douglas Streets, Joliet). This 
event is perfect for adult students looking to return to college 
and continue their pursuit of a higher education degree, or those 
wishing to continue their current education journey. Those 
attending can learn about financial aid options and transfer 
scholarships, receive a credit evaluation from a counselor, talk 
to USF faculty and MUCH more. RSVP today by calling (800) 735-
7500, e-mail to or reply online at 

Prayer  Requests
To pray for our sick is an important privilege of our parish 
family.  We hope that you will pray for these persons every day.

	Natalie Baker				Joyce Belasiek
	Katherine Brennan			Pam Bondfide
	Pat Caffarelli				Rose Caffarelli
	Kathy Calzante				Cosmore Ciancio
	Dennis Ciancio				Lou Ciancio
	George Cibula				Paul Cirone
	Ida Corriedo				Cynthia Catalano Family
	Rosemary Davis				Deacon Bob Delbeke
	Trudi Dolato				Baby Dobrowolski
	Virginia Feret				Kathy Filipiak			
	Cecilia Garstki				Mary Goggins			
	Mary Hagerty				Anna Heffel			
	Jen Huwalt				Tom Huwalt			
	Michelle Humann				Maureen James			
	Richard Jones				Kathy Johnston			
	Irene Kmieciak				Bernadette Kohn		
	Baby Emma Lynde				Marie Mangano			
	Robert Manion				Mary Martin			
	Dennis McCabe				Mary Piszczor			
	Raymond Mitchell			Fred Moss			
	Mary Sabel Oye				Geri Pstrzoch			
	Baby Faith Reid				Robert Restivo			
	Vera Rossiano				Agnes Sabel			
	Patricia Sabel				Joaquina Scroppo		
	Linda Barone Simons			Jess Smith
	Mary Spierowski				Rachael Thompson			John Unger		
	Richard Vanni

Robert Kmieciak
If you or a family member would like to be included in our 
prayers, please call the rectory at 279-5700.  Also, please let 
us know when a name should be removed.

Eucharistic Adoration
      If there's anything you need to thank or praise God for, to 
express sorrow or to ask for, know that He waits for you to come 
and spend some time in His presence at our next Day of 
Eucharistic Adoration, Monday, October 1, 2007 from 9 AM to 7 PM.  
The day of adoration and prayer begins with Mass at 8:30 and 
closes with Benediction at 7:00 PM.  All are invited to come and 
pray any time during the day, as well as for Benediction at 7 PM. 
If you can commit to a particular hour on this day, you are 
invited to sign up for an hour of adoration on the large sign-up 
poster in the back of church. 

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