A Vocation View Do whatever is necessary to see Jesus; climb a tree, make a retreat, confess your sins, read His life, help an enemy, say a prayer. He will stay with you today. ST. VINCENT DEPAUL "HELP WANTED" Do you have some spare time? We could use your help with making up Thanksgiving Food Baskets on Monday evening, November 12th at 7:00 p.m. in the Church. Many hands are needed to help sort the food collected in our Thanksgiving Food Collection and to make up the baskets for the needy. If you can give a couple hours, please call the Parish Office or Sheila Reiter (833-6657). CCW WINE AND CHEESE GATHERING The CCW will be hosting a Wine and Cheese Gathering and Homemade Cookie Exchange in Barrett Hall on Tuesday November 13th at 7:30pm. All women of the parish are invited to attend. Please plan on joining us for a relaxing evening of fun and fellowship. It will be the perfect opportunity to catch up with old friends and make some new ones before the start of the busy holiday season. If you would like to participate in the Cookie Exchange, please bring three dozen homemade cookies, copies of your recipe to share, and an empty tin to fill. For more information contact Karen Vicary at 630-279-4108. BREAD FOR THE WORLD....YOU made a difference!!!! Many thanks to all those who took the time to write letters to their representatives in Congress after Mass last weekend. This project of BREAD FOR THE WORLD was part of a larger effort (many members of many churches across our country) to urge their Congressional representatives to fund legislation which would bring relief to the poor of our country and of the world. It takes just a few minutes to write... BUT it sends a message of urgency to Mr. Peter Roskam, our representative for the 6th Congressional District and to Mr. Dick Durbin and Mr. Barack Obama, the two senators who represent all of the people who live in the State of Illinois in the Senate of the U.S. Congress in Washington, D.C We particularly want to thank all the young people who wrote letters last weekend. It is so important that every young citizen of the USA learns how to communicate with their representatives in Congress. Finally, we wish to thank to all the individuals who contributed money to purchase stamps for the envelopes. The generosity of our parishioners is noteworthy Unfortunately, the paperwork associated with this project won't be done until later this week, so Tom Goebel and I can't give you a final count of letters written until later this month. If you have any ideas for improving this project, please contact me: co-chair of the Peace and Justice Committee, Milt Honel at (630) 279-7086. CHRIST RENEWS HIS PARISH (CHRP) DEADLINE FOR REGISTRATION FAST APPROACHING!!! NOVEMBER 5th FOR MEN'S WEEKEND NOVEMBER 9th FOR WOMEN'S WEEKEND Don't miss out - attend the Men's Christ Renews His Parish (CRHP) the weekend of November 16-18. The women's weekend CHRP will be November 30-December 2nd. Give yourself this gift of time to slow down, think, pray, and renew your relationship with Jesus. Cost: $30 If you cannot afford the cost of the weekend or if you cannot stay overnight do not let this prevent you from this awesome experience. Contact Karen Sutkus at (630) 279-3240 with any questions or concerns or Alex Grozik at (630) 530- 0503. ----------------------------------------------------------- ---- Mary Queen of Heaven's CHRP Reservation Form Cost $30.00 Name: ___________________________________________ Address: ___________________________________________ City/Zip: ___________________________________________ Phone ___________________________________________ Email: ___________________________________________ Emergency Contact: ___________________________________________ Emergency Phone Number: ___________________________________________ Special Dietary Needs:_____________________________________________________ _________________________________ Please make check payable to Mary Queen of Heaven and return with your reservation form to Mary Queen of Heaven, Attn: CHRP - Karen Sutkus , 426 N. West Ave., Elmhurst, IL 60126, OR drop it in the collection basket. VOLUNTEER TUTORS NEEDED The Congregation of St. Joseph of La Grange Park is greatly in need of volunteers for its Adult Literacy Program, School on Wheels. New Volunteers are needed to teach one hour or so per week from 9am to 2 pm or 3 pm to 8 pm in Cicero, Hodgkins, Lombard, Summit, Westmont and Woodridge. New hours of training are provided on Friday, November 30th, 2007 from 6 PM to 9 PM and on Saturday December 1st, 2007 from 9AM to 3 PM. No prior second language skills are needed. For more information, call (708) 482-5060 or (708) 482-5085 MQH Garden Club News Thanks to all whose schedules permitted them to help clean up our gardens around the church, school and the parish house on Saturday, October 27th. The old saying "many hands make light work" surely applied, thanks to Jerry Cote, and of course, his little gardeners, CJ and Patrick, Chuck Dolesy, Ed Hayes, Don Jacobsen, Jose and Rosemarie Pizarro Nancy Stern, and Debbie Styka. We managed to get everything cleaned up with time for a short rap session by 11:15! Now that the gardens are "put to sleep" for the winter, we look forward to a season of thinking and dreaming about the flowers and plants we might be planting in Spring '08. Thanks again to ALL who helped make the MQH campus look bright and beautiful this summer! Sheila Reiter and Rose Wilkes Religious Education News Reminder to all 8th grade RE families: The meeting for our Confirmation candidates and their parents and guardians, scheduled originally for Wednesday, November 14th at 7:00PM in church has been rescheduled to December 12th. You have all received this information in the mail. Please disregard the notation found in the parish calendar of last week's bulletin. Eucharistic Adoration Jesus waits for you to spend some time with Him present in the monstrance at our next day of Eucharistic Adoration, Monday, November 5, 2007 from 9 AM to 7 PM. The day of adoration and prayer closes with Benediction at 7:00 PM. All are invited to join us any time during the day as well as for Benediction. We are in particular need for someone to sign up for the 6 PM to 7 PM hour. Please see the large sign-up poster in the back of church. Thank you. Market Day Orders for November are due Monday, November 5, at noon. Turn in your order form in the box in the back of church or at the rectory. Pickup on Saturday, November 10, from 9:30 - 10:30 a.m. in the Social Hall. If you have questions or would like to place an order, please call Karen at 279-4108 or Beth at 833-5469 or email her at ekujawa121@sbcglobal.net . Prayer Requests To pray for our sick is an important privilege of our parish family. We hope that you will pray for these persons every day. Natalie Baker Joyce Belasiek Katherine Brennan Pam Bondfide Pat Caffarelli Rose Caffarelli Kathy Calzante Cosmore Ciancio Dennis Ciancio Lou Ciancio George Cibula Paul Cirone Ida Corriedo Cynthia Catalano Family Rosemary Davis Deacon Bob Delbeke Trudi Dolato Baby Dobrowolski Virginia Feret Kathy Filipiak Cecilia Garstki Mary Goggins Mary Hagerty Anna Heffel Jen Huwalt Tom Huwalt Michelle Humann Maureen James Richard Jones Kathy Johnston Irene Kmieciak Bernadette Kohn Anne Kostas John Larkin Baby Emma Lynde Marie Mangano Robert Manion Mary Martin Dennis McCabe Mary Piszczor Raymond Mitchell Fred Moss Mary Sabel Oye Geri Pstrzoch Baby Faith Reid Robert Restivo Vera Rossiano Agnes Sabel Patricia Sabel Joaquina Scroppo Joan Skimina Linda Barone Simons Jess Smith Mary Spierowski Rachael Thompson John Unger Richard Vanni If you or a family member would like to be included in our prayers, please call the rectory at 279-5700. Also, please let us know when a name should be removed. Please see our website at www.maryqueenpreschool.org and contact the school office for more information and registration. (630) 833-9500 Preschool classes have begun. We still have some openings in our Tuesday/Thursday class. Come join us! Preschool tours scheduled upon request. RETREAT OPPORTUNITIES FOR YOUNG MEN Encounter With God's Call, held November 10-12 at Conception Seminary College in Conception, MO, is a discernment retreat for young men 16 and older who are considering the vocation to Priesthood. This retreat is free. The Diocese of Joliet Vocation Office will be sponsoring a trip to Conception. Vianney Visit - The Diocese of Joliet will be sponsoring a similar trip to visit St. John Vianney College Seminary in St. Paul, MN on November 15-17. This is for young men who are 16 and older as well. For more information to either opportunity contact Fr. Burke Masters, Vocation Director for the Diocese of Joliet at 815-834-4004 or frburke23@aol.com. IMMACULATE CONCEPTION HIGH SCHOOL HOSTING JUNIOR HIGH OPEN HOUSE Immaculate Conception High School 217 Cottage Hill Avenue Elmhurst, IL 60126 Sunday, November 4, 2007 2:00-4:00pm Open House offers junior high students and parents a personal and informal change to learn why IC provides each student and Opportunity to Achieve. For more information call Kathy Kowieski, Director of Recruiting at 630-530-3484 or go to www.ichsknights.org THANKSGIVING FOOD COLLECTION Our annual Thanksgiving Food Collection will be next weekend November 10th and 11th. If you forget to bring your food, we will be accepting food Monday, November 12th at 7:00 p.m. in Church. We invite all parishioners to participate in sharing their blessings with those who are in need. This year as in the past we will be making up Thanksgiving Baskets for 25 needy families in the parish and the surrounding areas. We are in need 25 each of all kinds of canned soups, vegetables, and fruits; cereal, processed meats and fish (tuna, salmon), jello, packaged cake mixes, frosting, peanut butter, jelly, spaghetti sauce, pasta, coffee, tea, juice, laundry and dish soap, hand soap, paper towels, toilet tissue and kleenex. Also, dressing mix, cranberry sauce, canned sweet potatoes and other items for Thanksgiving Dinner. Should you wish to donate gift certificates for turkeys, please purchase the gift certificates, place them in envelopes marked "St. Vincent DePaul Thanksgiving" and put them in the collection basket or drop them off at the Parish Office. As always, monetary donations are appreciated too! Thanks again for sharing your blessings with those who are less fortunate! Fenwick High School Blackfriars Guild Presents "Alice in Wonderland" Friday, November 9, 2007 at 8:00p.m. Saturday, November 10, 2007 at 8:00p.m. Sunday, November 11, 2007 at 7:00p.m. $9.00 Adults $7.00 Students Fenwick High School Auditorium 505 W. Washington Blvd. Oak Park, Illinois MARY QUEEN OF HEAVEN "CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY" RAFFLE Looking for money to pay off those "Christmas Gift" Bills. Why not take a chance on our "Christmas Holiday" Raffle. YOU COULD BE A LUCKY WINNER! All Raffle proceeds will benefit our Parish. Only 250 tickets will be sold and the winners need not be present. The odds of winning a Raffle Prize are great! The Ticket Donation is $100. Each ticket contains 10 slots so that the cost of the ticket can be divided with as many as 10 people if you choose. 1st Prize $10,000 2nd Prize $2,000 3rd Prize $1,000 The Drawing will take place on December 16th in Barrett Hall immediately following the 10:30 a.m. Mass. Refreshments will be served. Please consider helping us make this event a success so that we can continue to grow as a welcoming parish that provides ministries involving all walks of life and continued spiritual growth to our families and their children. Invite your family, friends and co-workers to participate in the Raffle. Tickets will be available beginning next weekend in the vestibule of church or can be obtained by contacting the Parish Office or one of the following committee members: Sheila Reiter (833-6657), Derrick StaRosa (291-9115) Phyllis Twardowski (279-6239) or Mary White (833-9809) THE SOCIETY OF ST. VINCENT DE PAUL SENDS OUR SINCERE APPRECIATION COMMUNITY OF MARY QUEEN OF HEAVEN CHURCH FOR THE GENEROUS DONATIONS RECEIVED FROM THE CLOTHING DRIVE THANK YOU FOR HELPING US TO HELP PEOPLE Parish News FROM THE MARY QUEEN OF HEAVEN PARISH FINANCE COUNCIL Streamline your MQH contributions! You have the ability to make your Sunday offertory contributions to Mary Queen of Heaven electronically. There are numerous benefits to you and to the parish, including: 1. The funds can be deducted automatically from either your checking account or credit card using the service "Parish Pay." Eliminate the need to hurriedly write checks, get envelopes, etc. just before leaving for Mass- this hassle is eliminated! 2. If you are maintaining a budget for your expenditures, this creates a uniform, predictable stream of expenses. 3. Most importantly, these predictable streams of contributions in turn help us to more accurately budget revenue. 4. By committing to the monthly amount to be deducted, it keeps your contributions flowing, even if you cannot attend Mass for whatever reason. It also is an easy way to acknowledge how important our parish is to you. 5. Recordkeeping is much easier for you- 12 monthly deductions of an equal amount (plus any special contributions) make it easy to maintain records for tax purposes. 6. If you use Parish Pay and your credit card is billed, you will possibly earn miles or cash based on your card benefits. If you would like to enroll in either of these programs, please contact the Parish Office. You may also enroll in Parish Pay yourself by going to their website at www.parishpay.com. Do you know anyone who is interested in becoming Catholic? Here is some testimony from Beth Wrobel, who went through our RCIA program last year: I had been thinking about going through the RCIA for a long time. It was hard for me, as an adult, to make the commitment to a new denomination. However, my husband was Catholic and my children were growing up Catholic, so more and more I felt like an outsider, since I couldn't participate in the church as fully as I wanted to. As a young person I was involved in non-denominational Christian churches in the state of Oregon, where I grew up, and went on mission trips. I felt I had a strong relationship with God. I had always seemed drawn to spiritual things. After getting married, we would attend the Catholic Church and I slowly learned what the mass was; however, I didn't understand all the symbolism. I was intrigued by the sense of tradition and history. It seemed rich and deep to me and something solid. I would read all the bulletins "religiously" for information and when I would see "RCIA" it would always spark my interest, but I wasn't ready to make the commitment. When our family moved to Elmhurst one year ago, we were so close to Mary Queen and I wondered if this was the time. A new beginning, a new start, a new journey... My husband and son attended several masses at Mary Queen and remarked that there were lots of young families there and the atmosphere was very friendly and open. Once again, I would read each bulletin and was especially captivated by Mary's columns. Then, I saw "RCIA" advertised again and I decided it was time to call Mimi! I called and then met with Mimi Wolak and Tom Nanak. In subsequent weeks, I came to know so many nice people at Mary Queen, in addition to my two brothers in the faith journey, Jerry Cote and Jes Nelson. We had wonderful discussions in the "upper room" of the parish house and great dismissals at all the different masses. The dismissals were not bad! Dismissals were a very nice way to prepare for the Easter Vigil. My older son fully participated in many of the dismissals with me and it was a special time for us. All in all, the RCIA was a tremendous experience. I really do miss our meetings and the special fellowship we shared during that time. The RCIA experience was made all the more special by having gone through it at Mary Queen. I'm sure of that. After the Easter Vigil and my first communion, it was several weeks before I could take communion without being overcome with emotion. Maybe all the years of waiting just made it all the more special... Peace, Beth Wrobel If you or anyone you know would like more information about our Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) program, please contact the Parish Office at (630) 279-5700 or call Mimi Wolak at (630) 941-3851 or Tom Nanak (630) 530-4502. Reminder to all RE families: Our next family mass is next Sunday, November 11th at 8:30 AM. All of our 8th Confirmation Candidates will take part in a special commitment Ritual. There will be no class on Wednesday, November 21st due to the Thanksgiving holiday. There will be no class on Wednesday, November 28th due to a catechist evening of reflection. Please disregard the notation found in the parish calendar of last week's bulletin. The time change this weekend means our little ones will be even more difficult to see. Please continue to be very cautious in the parking lot on Wednesday afternoons and evenings. For more info on any of the above, please call Mary Ann Woods at the REO, 832-8962.