Each year, I choose one or two of our parish ministries and give each of the members a small Christmas gift. This year, the Ushers and the Garden Club members received small booklets written by John L. Allen titled, "10 Things Pope Benedict Wants You to Know." It is a very fine little booklet in which Mr. Allen addresses the Pope's views on these 10 matters of importance:
* God Is Love
* Jesus as Lord
* Truth and Freedom
* Faith and Reason
* The Eucharist
* Christianity's Positive Message
* The Church Forms Consciences
* The Importance of Catholic Identity
* Christ and the Church are Inseparable
* The Virtue of Patience
I would recommend Mr. Allen's booklet to you. It is published by Ligouri Publications. I would also like to begin writing some columns about matters that are important in terms of Catholic identity and the life of the Church. Today, I would like to offer some words about the Eucharist.
For Roman Catholics, the Eucharist is at the very center of our identity. In our Eucharistic Prayer, we remember the Last Supper, when Jesus instituted the Sacrament of the Eucharist for the Church. When we celebrate this Sacrament as Catholics, we believe that through the power of the Holy Spirit and the action of the priest, ordinary elements of bread and wine are changed; they become the very real presence of Christ in His Body and Blood given for us. This understanding is different from that of many other Christians who instead see the bread and wine as important symbols. For us, they truly become the Body and Blood of Christ, meant to nourish and transform us into the Body of Christ on earth.
The Eucharist is a sacrament of unity. I remember my first theology professor using an analogy that almost made some of the students fall off of their chairs! While tempering his use of explicit language, he basically said that for Catholics, the meaning of the Eucharist is similar to the meaning of the physical expression of love for married couples. For many students hearing this idea for the first time, it seemed shocking that there be any comparison between the Holy Eucharist and what happens between married people in their bedrooms. It just didn't seem right to talk about these things in the same sentence. This professor certainly made a very strong impression upon us, so strong, in fact, that we were drawn into deep reflection upon the meaning of his analogy. For us as Catholics, the Eucharist is the point of our greatest intimacy with God. We literally receive God's Body, freely given, into our own. If we become truly able to give ourselves fully to God in this sacrament, our union with God becomes life-giving, in much the same way that married love produces new life. Through us, it is possible for more grace, more love, and more peace to enter into the world. For this to be possible, we must accept God's invitation for Communion with a sincere heart. The attitude of a person receiving Holy Communion does not change the real presence of the Body and Blood of Christ but it can interfere with the spiritual benefit of the Sacrament. This is why the Church offers the Sacrament of Penance for those aware of serious sin in their lives. The Penitential Rite at the beginning of every Mass also offers us all the opportunity to express sorrow for other sins before celebrating Eucharist.
In the Eucharist, we celebrate our unity with God. The Eucharist is also a sacrament of unity for the Church. We know that in every Catholic Church of the world, people of every race and language worship and pray together - and for each other - in the way that we do. When we gather for the celebration of the Eucharist, we should do so conscious of the reality that God hopes for us - that we would truly be one people of faith and love. Every one of us, especially those who serve in liturgical ministry for the Church, are called to share in a ministry of unity at Mass, helping others to more fully enter into the mystery we celebrate.
The document on liturgy produced by the bishops of the world at the Second Vatican Council said this about our Eucharistic celebrations: The liturgy is the summit toward which the activity of the Church is directed; at the same time it is the fountain from which all her power flows...The liturgy in turn inspires the faithful to become "of one heart in love"...it prays that "they may grasp by deed what they hold by creed."...In order that the sacred liturgy may produce its full effect, it is necessary that the faithful come to it with proper dispositions, that their thoughts match their words, and that they cooperate with divine grace lest they receive it in vain.
The recent General Instruction on the Roman Missal adds: In the celebration of the Mass the faithful form a holy people, a people whom God has made his own, a royal priesthood...They should, moreover, endeavor to make this clear by their deep religious sense and their charity toward brothers and sisters who participate with them in the same celebration. Thus, they are to shun any appearance of individualism or division...Indeed, they form one body...
I will continue with more in the new year. God bless you!
Dr. Mary Foley, Pastoral Life Coordinator
REST IN PEACE Louis Ciancio Mary Glorioso Mary Spierowski EUCHARISTIC ADORATION During this wonderful Christmas season when refrains of "O Come Let Us Adore Him" are heard, what better time than now to come and adore the King of kings. Come and pay homage to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament at our next day of Eucharistic Adoration, by spending one hour with him in adoration. Let your heart, mind and soul feel and celebrate the true meaning of Christmas, His presence among us in the Eucharist to last to the end of time. Now that the shopping is done for another year, you owe this special Christmas present to yourself!!! Why not spend some time with Him present in the monstrance at our next day of Eucharistic Adoration? You can do this any time from 9 AM to 7 PM, on Monday, January 7th . The day of adoration and prayer closes with Benediction at 7:00 PM. All are invited to join us for any period of time during the day as well as for Benediction. We are in particular need for someone to sign up for the 3 PM and the 6 PM hours. If you can help, please see the large sign-up poster in the back of church. Thank you. CELEBRATE THE "20's" at our 10th Annual Evening Under the Stars Auction & Dinner Dance When: Friday, February 1, 2008 Where: Alta Villa Banquets 430 N. Addison Rd Addison, Illinois Cash Bar: 6:30 pm Dinner Served: 7:30 pm Ticket Donation: $45 per person Be sure to mark your calendar and invite your family, friends and neighbors! We're planning an evening of fun and enjoyment for all. Delicious Food, Music for Dancing and many, many beautiful auction items. Please join us in making this 10th year a special one! Celebrate the "20's" and if you wish dress the part. Our committee is working especially hard to make this year a memorable occasion for all. Reservations and Tickets will be available after all Masses. As in previous years, we will be having a raffle and tickets will be mailed to all parishioners in the near future. Even if you are unable to attend the event, we would appreciate your support of the raffle. "All proceeds from the Auction/Dinner Dance will be used to support the many ministries in our parish, the youth and the needy." MARY QUEEN OF HEAVEN BLOOD DRIVE SUNDAY JANUARY 13, 2008 8:00AM TO 12:30PM Next Sunday we will have our Parish Blood Drive from 8:00a.m. to 12:30p.m.. Did you know that your one donation can help save up to 3 lives? After donating your blood is tested and prepared for distribution to patients. Most units are broken into 3 components: Red Blood Cells - they carry oxygen throughout the body and are used for trauma and surgery patients. Platelets - these cells are important for clotting, they help repair damage caused by chemotherapy. Plasma - these cells assist with volume replacement for burn victims and others with severe blood loss. A person requiring blood will be given only the component that is needed. Half of us will require blood sometime during our lifetime.... And yet right now only 5% of the population donates. This is why it is so important that everyone who is eligible - donates! BLOOD DRIVE: Sunday January 13, 2008 8:00 a.m.- 12:30p.m. For appointment call Judy 628-1959 Parish News WOMEN IN THE OLD TESTAMENT Our new Scripture study of Women in the Old Testament begins the week of January 7, 2008. Please make sure you have your materials so you can be ready for your first meeting. If you have not registered it is not too late. Please call Lynn Suwanski (630-530-2523) or Alex and Marie Grozik (630-530-0503) and they will arrange to get the materials to you. Come and join us! YOGA CLASSES FOR THE NEW YEAR Start something new for yourself this New Year. New Yoga Class Schedule - Come for one or more classes. Recommended for ages 15 to 75 (however, everyone is welcome) Increase your flexibility, strength, and decrease your stress. It is about balance, strength, and mobility. Tuesdays 9 am to 10 am January 8, 15, 22, and 29 $4 per class ($6 for families) Call Debbie Styka at 630- 941-7224 Please bring a non-slip yoga mat if you have one. Required: comfortable clothing, socks that can come off Please see our website at www.maryqueenpreschool.org and contact the school office for more information and registration. (630) 833-9500 Preschool classes have begun. We still have some openings in our Tuesday/Thursday class. Come join us! Preschool tours scheduled upon request. The Preschool will begin Registration for the 2008-2009 school year beginning in January. We will be offering Open House for those interested in visiting our classroom. OPEN HOUSE SCHEDULE FOR JANUARY 2008 Saturday January 12, 2008 9:00am-11:00am Sunday January 13, 2008 9:30am-12:30pm After the 8:30am and 10:30am Masses Tuesday January 29, 2008 6:30pm-8:00pm For more info on any of the above, please call Mary Ann Woods at the REO, 832-8962. RE Class sessions will resume at the normal time on Wednesday, January 9th. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION NEWS On behalf of everyone in the REO, you are wished a 2008 filled with much peace and joy. A Vocation View More valuable than material gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh, is the invaluable gift of our lives. There is no greater gift than to lay down one's life for one's friends. MASS IN CELEBRATION OF ALL LIFE Sunday, January 13, 2:00 p.m. - The first annual Mass in Celebration of All Life in honor of those who respect & protect life will be held at the Cathedral for parish Respect Life coordinators and their families. Bishop J. Peter Sartain will serve as celebrant and homilist. Bishop Roger L. Kaffer will concelebrate. There will be a Children's Candle and Roses Procession. Special blessings will be given to all who are or who have worked for Respect Life as well as those traveling to the March for Life in Washington or San Francisco. A reception will follow the Mass. For more information, contact John or Mary Therese Egizio ((815-722-1600) or the Life Office ((815-838- 1002). Market Day Orders for January are due Monday, January 21, at noon. Turn in your order form in the box in the back of church or at the rectory. Pickup on Saturday, January 26, from 9:30 - 10:30 a.m. in the Social Hall. If you have questions or would like to place an order, please call Karen at 279-4108 or Beth at 833-5469 or email her at ekujawa121@sbcglobal.net . NEW, IMPROVED PARISH COMMUNICATION! Our Parish Pastoral Council has been working on ways to improve communication within the parish: 1. For some time, work has been underway to update our parish website, and by the first of the year, our redesigned home page will be ready. The website address is http://www.maryqueen.org. This is a work in progress - you will find some pages already updated and others will be updated in the weeks to come. 2. Parishioners are always invited to Parish Pastoral Council meetings, usually held on the 4th Monday of the month (September - June) at 7 p.m. At the end of each PPC meeting, there is an open session. The next regular PPC meeting is scheduled for Jan. 28. 3. In the coming year, the PPC will also be scheduling quarterly evening "Listening Sessions." The dates of these events will be published in advance in the bulletin, giving the opportunity to parishioners to submit their concerns, thoughts, issues, comments, questions, likes, dislikes, etc. to a moderator in advance for inclusion in an agenda. The purpose of these sessions is to build community. The setting for these evenings will be informal, and wine, cheese, coffee, water, and cookies will be served. 4. One of the best ways to improve communication within the parish is for all Commission members to be in attendance at their regular monthly meeting. All Commission members are encouraged to be present at each meeting, sending a substitute if you are unable to come. 5. Finally, there is a new E-mail address for those who wish to write to the Parish Pastoral Council. It is: PPC@maryqueen.org. IMMACULATE CONCEPTION HIGH SCHOOL ENTRANCE EXAM CLASS OF 2012 ENTRANCE EXAM- SATURDAY, JANUARY 12TH 8AM-12PM ENTRANCE EXAM WORKSHOP THURS., JAN. 10TH 7-8:15PM The workshop will offer test taking techniques and strategies. The fee is $30 and will cover the workshop and entrance exam on the 12th. Registration for the workshop is required. For more information or to register, please call the Admissions Office at 630-530-3484 or the Main Office at 630-530-3460.