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Mary Queen of Heaven: A Welcoming Catholic Community in Elmhurst - Contact us at: parishoffice@maryqueen.org |
March 2, 2008
4th Sunday of Lent
Elmhurst, Illinois
Mary Queen of Heaven Church
At this weekend’s Masses, March 1-2, we have the second collection for Catholic Relief Services, the international Catholic relief agency of the Church. By giving to the Catholic Relief Services Collection, you are responding to “Jesus in disguise.” Thank you for your generosity! Please visit www.usccb.org/crscollection for more information.
Our parish also has the opportunity this Lent to help those who are in need at home and abroad through Operation Rice Bowl, one effort of Catholic Relief Services. Coin containers for this collection were included in last week’s bulletin and families may also use their own containers. Parishioners are invited to bring their Rice Bowl donations to Mass on Easter, when the collection will be accepted and blessed before being sent to CRS.
Mixed Marriages and Blended Families: A Day of Refreshment and Renewal
Saturday, March 8, 2008
11 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Mixed Marriage = Catholic and Protestant Couple
Blended Families = his kids + her kids
The Mary Queen of Heaven Adult Spirituality and Education Committee is pleased to sponsor a day of refreshment and renewal for couples who are in mixed marriages and/or blended families. This is a wonderful opportunity to enrich your faith and the life of your family. This free program runs from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday, March 8, and includes lunch, speakers from different denominations, break-out sessions on issues unique to mixed marriages and blended families and sharing opportunities for couples and small groups.
This program is being funded by a gift from Marion Young-Bodmer and Gerald A. Bodmer. Jerry Bodmer was a faithful member of Mary Queen of Heaven from 1986 until his death in May 2007. He was a graduate of Immaculate Conception High School and Loyola University. Marion is an elder at Elmhurst Presbyterian Church, where she serves as church librarian and is active in the church mission and adult studies. The couple raised a blended family of nine.
To RSVP for this special program please call the Parish Office at 630-279-5700.
Religious Education Department will be our hosts for Fellowship today, March 2 following the 10:30 AM Family Mass. All are invited to join us in Barrett Hall for conversation with parishioners, while enjoying juice, coffee and goodies. Our Religious Education Department will have a table with information on their programs and activities. Our Preschool will also have a table with information and registration forms. We hope you will stop in and visit.
This past weekend our Parish welcomed 2 individuals into the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults. Rich Emich and Brian Biggs seek to learn more about the faith and enter into the sacramental life of the church. We ask the entire parish community to pray for them and their sponsors. Check out the bulletin board in the back of church to see photos of the candidates and their sponsors! If you have questions about RICA, please contact Mimi Wolak @ 941-3851 or Tom Nanak @ 530-4502.
Parish Lenten Reconciliation Service
Tuesday, March 4
Father John Enright, presiding
7:30 p.m.
Stations of the Cross
Friday evenings at 7 p.m.
March 7 and 14
Good Friday
Friday, March 21
Living Stations at 3 p.m.
Passion of Our Lord at 7:30 p.m.
Holy Saturday
Saturday, March 22
Blessing of Easter Baskets at 11 a.m. in church
Easter Egg Hunt for Children Ages: Toddler to 5th Gr. (Immediately following Blessing of Baskets)
Easter Vigil Mass at 7:30 p.m.
Easter Sunday
Sunday, March 23
8:30 AM
10:30 AM
12:30 PM
St. Vincent DePaul “Easter Food Basket” Collection
Believe it or not, Easter is just a few weeks away! As in past years, we have adopted 10 needy families to take care of for the Easter Holiday. We will have our “Easter Food Collection” the weekend of March 8th and 9th at all the Masses. We would appreciate canned fruit, canned vegetables, soups, peanut butter, jelly, non-perishable prepared foods i.e. Hamburger Helper, Scalloped Potatoes, Baked Beans, Sweet Potatoes, Rice, Pasta, Chili, etc. Also, boxed cereal, cake mixes, cookie mixes, Jell-O, pudding, canned juices, coffee, tea, spaghetti sauce, condiments, laundry soap, personal soap, dish soap, Kleenex, paper towels and toilet tissue. We could also use donations of Easter Candy, eggs, etc. for the children’s baskets. It is our practice to give each family a gift card to either Dominick’s or Jewel to purchase a Ham or some other meat product for Easter dinner, and donations of gift cards or monetary contributions are always appreciated.
If you would be interested in helping sort the food and making up the baskets for the families, we could use your help on Thursday, March 13th at 7:30 p.m. We will be working in the Church. For further information, please call Sheila Reiter, 833-6657.
Yoga Classes - Tuesday and Wednesdays Stop in anytime. Recommended for ages 10 to 75 (however, everyone is welcome)
Increase your flexibility, strength, and decrease your stress. It is about balance, strength, and mobility.
All Tuesdays in March
9 am to 10 am
Wednesdays, March 5, 12, 26 -
8:30 pm to 9:30 pm
$4 per class ($6 for families)
Call Debbie Styka at 941-7224 or email debbie@styka.com
Please bring a non-slip yoga mat if you have one.
Required: comfortable clothing
We are beginning a national search process for our new Music Director. The search process will be led by parishioner Paul French, who is Music Director of Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church in Chicago. Paul is a nationally known liturgical musician who has served on the Board of Directors for the American Federation Pueri Cantores, the official student choral organization of the Roman Catholic Church. If you are interested in being part of the committee working together with Paul, please contact the Parish Office.
…Pope John Paul II says: “The encouragement and the deepening of Eucharistic worship are proofs of that authentic renewal which the Council set itself as an aim, and of which they are the central point. The Church and the world have a great need of Eucharistic worship. Jesus waits for us in this Sacrament of Love. Let us be generous with our time in going to meet Him in adoration and in contemplation... May our adoration never cease.”
If you would like a chance to spend one hour, or any part of an hour in prayer, our next Day of Eucharistic Adoration is Monday, March 3rd, from 9 AM to 7 PM. The day of adoration and prayer closes with Benediction at 7:00 PM. All are invited to join us any time during the day as well as for Benediction. We are in need of people to sign up for an hour of adoration, especially the hours of 3 and 6 PM. Please see the large sign-up poster in the back of church.
An annual Easter Egg hunt has been the tradition at our parish. The Easter Egg hunt (for children ages toddler-5th grade) is held on Holy Saturday morning immediately following the Blessing of Baskets. It is held on the parish grounds. We are looking for volunteers and or donations to help continue this tradition. The children look forward to the hunt and the families come together to join in the fun! Please consider offering a hand to help with this activity. Many hands help to make for a light load. Contact Jerry Cote at 630-530-8882 for further information or to make a donation to our activity.
A Vocation View
If we can’t see where we’re going, we’ll never get there. The Good Shepherd leads us to green pastures; refreshes our souls and brings light to a darkened world.
SCHOLARSHIPS AVAILABLE Please call the Preschool for information. Become a part of our growing school. Schedule a visit, meet the teacher, come “Light the Way” with us.
The Preschool is accepting Registration for the 2008-2009 school year. We have opened up a second classroom for the Monday, Wednesday, Friday class and look forward to being able to serve your child and your family for the 2008-2009 school year. We are offering Open Houses for those interested in visiting our classroom.
Thursday, March 6, 2008 6:00p.m.-8:00p.m.
Monday, April 14, 2008 6:00p.m.-8:00p.m.
May date to be scheduled
see our website at www.maryqueenpreschool.org and contact the school office for
more information and registration.
(630) 833-9500
Preschool tours scheduled upon request.
This year as in the past, we are asking all our families to donate items that would be appropriate for a child’s Easter basket. These items can be candy, small toys or stuffed animals, baskets, etc. etc. We will then send all these items to Marillac House on the near West Side of Chicago. Your generosity will bring smiles to many small faces on Easter morning.
There will be a “basket” in the hall of the school on the next two Wednesdays, March 5th and March 12th. Thank you in advance. I know that Sister Antoinette and all her families thank you too.
RE families please mark your calendars:
Saturday, March 15th - Market Day Pick –up in the Social Hall from 11:30 to 12:15PM. Please note the change of time for this one date only.
Wednesday, March 19th - NO RE Class – Holy Week
Good Friday, March 21st - Please join our 7th graders for their annual depiction of the Living Stations at 3:00PM in church.
For more info on any of the above, please call Mary Ann Woods at the REO, 832-8962.
Market Day
Orders for March are due Monday, March 10, at noon. Turn in your order form in the box in the back of church or at the rectory. Pickup on Saturday, March 15, from 9:30 – 10:30 a.m. in the Social Hall.
If you have questions or would like to place an order, please call Karen at 279-4108 or Beth at 833-5469 or email her at ekujawa121@sbcglobal.net .
Prayer Requests
To pray for our sick is an important privilege of our parish family. We hope that you will pray for these persons every day.
Margaret Barone Jim Brankin
Katherine Brennan John Brennan
Pam Bondfide Pat Caffarelli
Rose Caffarelli Kathy Calzante
Josephine Castro Cosmore Ciancio
Dennis Ciancio George Cibula
Paul Cirone Ida Corriedo
Cynthia Catalano Family Deacon Bob Delbeke
Trudi Dolato Baby Dobrowolski
Virginia Feret Cecilia Garstki
Mary Hagerty Anna Heffel
Bob Hummell Jen Huwalt
Tom Huwalt Maureen James
Richard Jones Kathy Johnston
Sr. Emmanuel Kattner, OSF Irene Kmieciak
Anne Kostas John Larkin
Baby Emma Lynde Marie Mangano
Robert Manion Mary Martin
Dennis McCabe Mary Piszczor
Jennie Milazzo Raymond Mitchell
Fred Moss Baby Faith Reid
Robert Restivo Vera Rossiano
Patricia Sabel Vi Sabel
Joaquina Scroppo Joan Skimina
Jess Smith Steve Snyder
Rachael Thompson Richard Vanni
Bert Handing
If you or a family member would like to be included in our prayers, please call the rectory at 279-5700. Also, please let us know when a name should be removed.
Catholic Social Teaching and Immigration
The United States is a nation of immigrants and the descendents of immigrants. Yet when the numbers of immigrants entering the country rises dramatically as it has in recent decades, worries about such immigration and opposition to some aspects of it arise in American society. The U.S. bishops have urged that attitudes and policies toward immigrants be governed by Scriptural guidance and Catholic Social Teaching. The parish Peace and Justice Committee has begun to examine this complex and difficult issue, and will periodically address various aspects of it in the future.
Between 1961 and 2005 the U.S. admitted 29,155,000 legal immigrants, as well as 3,281,000 refugees, for a total of 32,436,000 legal immigrants. Nonetheless, because of harsh conditions in other countries and the demand for labor in this country, there are now estimated to be 10-12,000,000 undocumented or illegal immigrants in the
U.S. (Statistical Abstract of the United States)
—Leviticus 19:32-34. If a stranger live with you in your land, do not molest him. You must count him as one of your own countrymen and love him as yourself—for you were once strangers yourselves in Egypt. I am Yahweh your God.
During the year ending Sept. 30, 2006, Customs and Border Protection officers turned away an estimated 200,000 people who tried to enter the country. The number of undocumented immigrants deported during that year rose to more than 261,000, up from approximately 177,000 two years earlier.
—Most estimates are that approximately half of the illegal immigrants now in the country entered legally on valid visas as tourists, students or other visitors but remained when their visas expired. Thus complete border security would ameliorate but not solve the issue if illegal immigrants.
—A 2002 joint Pastoral Letter concerning migration issued by the Catholic Bishops of Mexico and the united Sates proclaimed that public policies should assure persons the right to find opportunities for a decent life in their homeland, that persons have the right to migrate, and that sovereign nations have the right to control their borders. Balancing these rights will not be simple or easy.
Immigrants (legal and undocumented) pay income, property, sales and Social Security taxes at the federal and state level, yet in some cases (as regards Social Security) receive no return for their payments.
—United States Bishops dealing with migration recently denounced the U.S. economic stimulas package for explicitly excluding undocumented immigrants from receiving rebates even though they have paid income taxes.
Several national polls show that a majority of citizens of both parties favor allowing illegal immigrants who have been in the U. S. for a number of years and do not have a criminal record to enter a path to citizenship if they pay fines, learn English and meet other requirements. A significant minority of citizens oppose such a policy, and some state legislatures have enacted laws seeking to restrict the activities of undocumented immigrants in various ways.
—The U.S. bishops have called for comprehensive immigration reform that would permit undocumented immigrants to move along the path toward eventual citizenship, while being treated in a humane manner in the interim.
Future activities of the Peace and Justice Committee will address other aspects of this important issue.
———–Bill Barnds and Mary Queen of Heaven Peace and Justice Committee Members
Seniors Invited to Defer Property Taxes
Qualified senior citizens, aged 65 years and older are invited to apply for the Senior Citizen Real Estate Tax Deferral Program. The program allows participants to defer property tax payment until the property is sold. The deferral is treated as a loan and accrues 6 percent simple interest until paid. To qualify, the applicant’s household income cannot exceed $50,000. Additionally, the property must be used exclusively for residential purposes.
The application period closes March 1, 2008. For more information, contact the DuPage County Treasurer’s Office at 630-407-5900 or www.dupageco.org/treasurer.Gwen Henry, Treasurer
Your dining out and your checking account can help the parish!
Parishioners who dine at the Elmhurst Family Restaurant on Lake Street can help contribute to the parish. Just identify yourselves as being from Mary Queen of Heaven and 10% of your restaurant bill comes back to the parish.
Also, parishioners who open a new checking account with $100 at Standard Bank and Trust in Villa Park will receive $75 from the bank and another $75 will come to the parish. For details, please contact parishioner and banker Karen Biggs at (708) 499-2062, ext. 61115.
Ministry Schedule |
Saturday, MARCH 8, 2008 |
Sunday, march 9,2008 |
5:00 PM |
8:30 AM |
10:30 AM |
Presider |
Fr. Wolter |
Fr. Enright |
Fr. Barrett |
Lector |
R. Styka |
R. Villamil |
P. Reynerston |
Eucharistic Ministers |
Dr. M. Foley. M. White (S) T. Sabel (C) G. Los S. Pingatore
Dr. M. Foley D. Bernstein (S) D. StaRosa (C) J. Unger G. Regan |
Dr. M. Foley M. McCall (S) P. Twardowski (C) F. Tremmel P. Mason T. Kevil |
Altar Servers |
M. Renno M. Jankovec |
B. Gornick G. Gornick |
J. Drake C. McManus |
ParishPay - Making it Easier to Give
Please consider this option when choosing how to best support our Parish Family at Mary Queen of Heaven. Contact www.parishpay.com, or call 866-PARISH-1 for further information.
“God loves a cheerful giver”
Sunday, March 2, 2008
8:30 AM + Dino Fuggiti
10:30 AM + Al Fuchsen
Monday, March 3 2008
8:30 AM Mary Queen of Heaven Music Ministry
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
8:30 AM Communion Service
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
8:30 AM Mary Queen of Heaven Preschool Program
Thursday, March 6, 2008
8:30 AM Communion Service
Friday, March 7, 2008
8:30 AM Mary Queen of Heaven Religious Education Program
Saturday, March 8, 2008
8:30 AM Communion Service
5:00 PM + James & Margaret Kulavic
Sunday, March 9, 2008
8:30 AM + Charles Smith
10:30 AM + Larry Ryder
+ indicates person is deceased
Fourth Sunday of Lent
When Jesus heard that they had thrown him out, he found him and said, "Do you believe in the Son of Man?" He answered and said, "Who is he, sir, that I may believe in him?" Jesus said to him, "You have seen him and the one speaking with you is he." He said, "I do believe, Lord," and he worshiped him.
- Jn 9:35-38
Readings for the Week of March 2, 2008
Sunday: 1 Sm 16:1b, 6-7, 10-13a/Eph 5:8-14/Jn 9:1-41 or 9:1, 6-9, 13-17, 34-38
Monday: Is 65:17-21/Jn 4:43-54
Tuesday: Ez 47:1-9, 12/Jn 5:1-16
Wednesday: Is 49:8-15/Jn 5:17-30
Thursday: Ex 32:7-14/Jn 5:31-47
Friday: Wis 2: 1a, 12-22/Jn 7:1-2, 10, 25-30
Saturday: Jer 11:18-20/Jn 7:40-53
Next Sunday: Ez 37:12-14/Rom 8:8-11/Jn 11:1-45 or 11:3-7, 17, 20-27, 33b-45
Collection total for Sunday,
February 24, 2008
amounted to $4889.16
Thank you for your support.
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