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Mary Queen of Heaven: A Welcoming Catholic Community in Elmhurst - Contact us at: parishoffice@maryqueen.org |
Elmhurst, Illinois
Mary Queen of
Heaven Church
March 16, 2008
Palm Sunday
Mary’s Page
Today, we begin Holy Week and prepare to enter more deeply into the
mystery of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. I want to invite everyone to join in the
parish celebration of the Triduum (meaning the three days) on Holy Thursday,
Good Friday, and Holy Saturday this week.
Each day there are very special liturgical celebrations, which some
Catholics have never experienced and some have not participated in for a long
On Holy Thursday at 7:30 p.m., we
celebrate the Mass of The Lord’s Supper and remember the last time that Jesus
shared a meal with his apostles, when he prayed for them and showed them how to
be a servant of others. This celebration
is a regular Mass which includes a special foot washing ceremony. Parishioners will be invited forward to have
their feet washed by the priest or another layperson, as we live out the
experience that the apostles had on that last night before Jesus was
crucified. The symbol and the action
itself are important ways for us to experience ourselves and others as beloved
disciples of Christ.
On Friday, we will once again hear
the reading of the Passion of Christ, first with the Living Stations service
put on in church at 3:00 p.m. by our Religious Education children. At the 7:30 evening service, we will have the
reading of the Passion and also distribution of Communion from the reserved
Sacrament (because there is no Mass in any Catholic church anywhere in the
world on this day). The Good Friday
service also includes a special ritual, when everyone is invited forward to
reverence the cross. For this service,
the large cross which has been behind the altar for all of Lent will be brought
down to the front of the altar and adults and children come forward to make a
gesture of reverence before the cross.
This gesture can be kneeling or bowing before the cross, embracing it,
touching it, or kissing it. Once again,
this action and palpable touch lead us deeper into the experience of the One
who suffered for us.
On Holy Saturday evening, we begin the
celebration of Easter with the Easter Vigil.
This service begins at 7:30 p.m., with a fire outside of our church
building. The brand new Easter candle is
lit and as it is brought forward into a darkened church, individual worshippers
have their own candles lit from its light.
Then the entire first part of Mass is celebrated by candlelight (the
Liturgy of the Word has many different readings on this night, telling our
history as the People of God from the time of creation to the time of Jesus),
before the whole church is illuminated with light and sound as we celebrate the
Resurrection of our Lord! This is the
night when, in Catholic churches around the world, catechumens come forward for
baptism and candidates are fully received into the church with the celebration
of First Eucharist and Confirmation.
This celebration is the longest liturgical celebration of the entire
year and it is the most beautiful.
We hope that you will join us and
invite your friends to enter more deeply into preparation for Easter by coming
out for these liturgies during this holiest of weeks for Catholics. May God bless us and enlighten us as we
accompany Jesus on his journey.
Dr. Mary
Mary Foley, Pastoral Life Coordinator
Come Walk with Christ
Come walk with Christ this Holy
Week, as we celebrate the Triduum. You
can walk the last three days of Jesus’
life by attending in the Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday, the
Easter Vigil Services.
On Holy Thursday, you will be able
to walk with Christ during the Last Supper.
This not only includes Holy Eucharist, but also the opportunity to
celebrate being in our Lord’s Service.
All are invited to take part in this moving ritual of the Washing of the
Feet. Not only is it a time to dedicate
your life to the service of the Lord, but also to the service to each
On Good
Friday, we see Jesus in the Passion. We
walk with Christ through his trials, beatings and humiliation, including His
death on the cross. You are offered two
ways of being with Christ, during the afternoon, there will be the Stations of
the Cross. In the evening we relive the Passion and Death of Jesus, Venerate
the Cross, and have a communion service.
On Holy
Saturday, with the Easter Vigil celebration, we are reminded of our faith’s
stories of promise and forgiveness, protection and lover from our God. These bring us to the celebration of Christ’s
Resurrection. We experience all of this
through song, word, water, light and Eucharist.
These three days are the Highest of
Holy days in our Church. Christ walks
with us every day, consider walking with Him.
DESTINY high school group
join us this summer for
YLC - youth leadership conference.
June 27-29
Lewis University, Romeoville
deadline to apply is March 31st
incoming Freshman for 2008 can also go
call Kathleen Gusloff if you are interested
WINGS TO HEAVEN 5th-8th grade
April 11th - April 12th
7pm-8:30 am
fee $15
deadline for all applications is Wed March 19th
you can get permission slip in the religious ed office or
call Kathleen Gusloff 630-832-4348
Little Rock Scripture Study
next Scripture Study offering by the Adult Ed and Spirituality Committee will
be the Book of Wisdom. We
will be studying the importance, background, and composition of this Old
Testament Book. Was this book actually
written by Solomon? Can the Wisdom of
the Old Testament be relevant in our lives today? Come and help us find the answers to these
and many more interesting questions that await us in this new study.
Weekends will be April 5/6 and April 12/13, 2008. The study will begin the week of April 28,
2008 and continue through the week of June 2, 2008.
you are interested in becoming a facilitator please contact one of the
committee members or the Parish office.
You will be given training and materials to help you in your
groups. Our final leader meeting for all
facilitators, new or returning, will be Sunday, April 27, 2008. More information will be forthcoming.
materials will be available for purchase on the sign-up weekends for $12.00 and
scholarships are available by contacting Dr. Mary Foley.
Suwanski, 630-530-2523, Alex & Marie Grozik 630-530-0503, Parish Office
are looking for volunteers and or donations to help continue this
tradition. The children look forward to the
hunt and the families come together to join in the fun! Please consider offering a hand to help with
this activity. Many hands help to make
for a light load. We also welcome those
who are looking to volunteer for service hours.
Contact Jerry Cote at 630-530-8882 for further information or to make a
donation to our activity.
annual Easter Egg hunt has been the tradition at our parish. The Easter Egg hunt (for children ages
toddler-5th grade) is held on Holy Saturday morning immediately following the
Blessing of Easter Baskets. It is held
on the parish grounds. Come and join us.
Please join us in wishing Fr. Tapper a speedy
and healthy recovery from his hip surgery.
Get well prayers and wishes may be sent to the Parish Office. We will forward these thoughts and prayers to
"Woman of the Year"
slips will be distributed in the pews. All parishioners, ages 18 and older,
will be asked to nominate a woman they feel leads a life of faith and love and
who has given generously of her time and
talent to the various ministries and organizations in our parish. They will
also be asked to give a reason why they feel their nominee should be chosen. To
be eligible for the "Woman of the Year", nominees must be MQH
parishioners, not on staff at the parish, over 18 years of age, and not have
held the title in the last 10 years.
will be held on Easter weekend, March 22 and 23. All women of the parish, ages 18 and older,
are invited to vote.
New Parish Missalette
Peace and Justice Committee has been encouraging us to be better aware of immigration
here in the United States. In solidarity
with their mission of immigration education we will be providing our
Missalettes in a bilingual version beginning the weekend of March 29-30. Please join us in support of our rich
Music ministry
If you
would like to participate in the Music Ministry, please see Interim Music
Director/Pianist Tim Barton or call 847-223-0760.
We are beginning a national search process for our new Music
Director. The search process will be led
by parishioner Paul French, who is Music Director of Our Lady of Mount Carmel
Church in Chicago. Paul is a nationally
known liturgical musician who has served on the Board of Directors for the American
Federation Pueri Cantores, the official student choral organization of
the Roman Catholic Church. If you are
interested in being part of the committee working together with Paul, please
contact the Parish Office.
A Vocation View
Today’s world is so filled with suffering, injustice, anger,
depression and loneliness that it cries for people waving palm branches of hope
and resurrection, proclaiming new life.
Our annual
collection of Easter Basket items for Marillac House is now closed. Thank you
to all who were so generous. If anyone still has items to donate, please put
them in the box for our parish Easter Egg hunt.
Are you being
called to be a catechist?
Every year there are catechists who cannot return for one reason
or another. This year will be no different. So if you have always wondered what
goes on in the building after you drop your children off, this is the perfect
time to stop by and say hi. Remember you don’t have to be a theologian; you
just have to love children, love your faith and want to share it. Our more than
75 volunteer catechists, assistants, office helpers, etc. etc. are the backbone
of our RE program. Please consider joining them. We are looking forward to
hearing from you.
Mark your calendar:
Wednesday, Mar. 19th
- No Class – Holy Week
Good Friday, March 21st
- Living Stations at 3:00PM in
Wednesday, March 27th - RE class at the normal times
Wednesday, April 2nd
- No Class – Spring Break
If you have any questions or need more information, please call
Mary Ann Woods at the REO, 832-8962.
Preschool for information. Become a part
of our growing school. Schedule a visit,
meet the teacher, come “Light the Way” with us.
The Preschool is accepting Registration for
the 2008-2009 school year. We have
opened up a second classroom for the Monday, Wednesday, Friday class and look
forward to being able to serve your child and your family for the 2008-2009
school year. We are offering Open Houses
for those interested in visiting our classroom.
Monday, April 14, 2008 6:00p.m.-8:00p.m.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008 6:00p.m.-8:00p.m.
Please see our website at
www.maryqueenpreschool.org and contact the school office for more information
and registration. (630) 833-9500
tours scheduled upon request.
Service Commission
Now hold on. Don’t stop reading!! At least
read a few more sentences before you turn the page...
a Diocesan Construction Corps is a wonderful opportunity to visit another
country, work with fellow Catholics from our diocese, and learn a few construction skills.
Barrett Hall Date: Monday, 3-31-08, Time: 7:30pm. To learn more about these
opportunities to visit foreign lands, mark your calendar. Bruce and Karen
Carlson will talk about their experiences as members of the Catholic
Construction Corps of our diocese. This meeting is for both women and men. You don’t
have to know one end of hammer from the other end.
Prayer requests
To pray for our sick is an important
privilege of our parish family. Please
call 630-279-5700 to have a name added to our list. A new listing will appear in bold face. When calling the parish office, please leave
contact information and your relationship to the person. Names will remain on the prayer list for four
weeks. Contact the parish office to
renew the individual’s name on our prayer list. We hope that you will pray for
these persons every day.
Margaret Barone Jim Brankin
Katherine Brennan John Brennan
Pam Bondfide Pat Caffarelli
Rose Caffarelli Kathy Calzante
Josephine Castro Cosmore Ciancio
Dennis Ciancio George Cibula
Paul Cirone Ida Corriedo
Cynthia Catalano Family Deacon Bob Delbeke
Trudi Dolato Baby Dobrowolski
Virginia Feret Cecilia Garstki
Mary Hagerty Anna Heffel
Bob Hummell Jen Huwalt
Tom Huwalt Maureen
Richard Jones Kathy Johnston
Sr. Emmanuel Kattner, OSF Irene
Anne Kostas John Larkin
Baby Emma Lynde Marie Mangano
Robert Manion Mary Martin
Dennis McCabe Mary Piszczor
Jennie Milazzo Raymond Mitchell
Fred Moss Baby
Faith Reid
Robert Restivo Vera Rossiano
Patricia Sabel Vi Sabel
Joaquina Scroppo Joan Skimina
Jess Smith Steve
Patricia Sullivan Rachael Thompson
Richard Vanni
Seven church midnight pilgrimage
for young adults
With Joliet Bishop J. Peter Sartain
special event for men and women in college and in their 20s and 30s
Holy Thursday, March 20, 2008
7:00 p.m. to Midnight
Cathedral of St. Raymond
604 N. Raynor Ave., Joliet
with the Mass of the Lord’s Supper at 7:00 p.m., join Bishop Sartain and other
young adults for a pilgrimage tour of seven churches in the Joliet area until
midnight. Free shuttle service will be
by the Diocese of Joliet Young Adult Ministry in cooperation with the Spirit
and Truth Eucharist adoration communities.
more information, contact Paul Jarzembowski at the Diocese of Joliet at (815)
727-6411, ext. 261, or email pjarzembowski@dioceseofjoliet.org
Joliet Diocese Peace and
Social Justice Ministry
Annual Environmental
Workshop and
“The challenge of peace”
Joliet Diocesan Committee on the Environment will present a workshop on Care
for Creation and Environmental Issues. There will be a special focus on Mountain
Top Removal with guest speakers from Appalachian Voices. April 12, 2008. 9:00 -
2:00, St. Charles Pastoral Center. Full details at www.paxjoliet.org/events
Contact: Maribeth Meaux at 815-834-4028 or mmeaux@dioceseofjoliet.org
Peace Day 2008
"The Challenge of Peace" - Celebrating the twenty-fifth anniversary of the U.S. Bishops' Pastoral Letter. With Keynote Speaker John Carr, Secretary of the Department of Justice, Peace and Human Development of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. Workshops: Global Climate Change and How it Can Lead to Conflict; An introduction to Catholic Social Thought for Young People; Conflict, Peace, and Christian Vocation; and Hiroshima: A Survivor's Story. May 3, 2008. 8:45 - 2:00. St. Charles Pastoral Center. Full details at www.paxjoliet.org/events Contact: Joyce Ruhaak at 815-834-4028 or joyceru@dioceseofjoliet.org
Due to the Easter Holy Days, all articles for
the upcoming bulletins will have the following deadlines: Thank you for your cooperation.
For Bulletin On Articles due by noon on :
Ministry Schedule
Holy Thursday, MARCH 20,2008 |
Good Friday march 21, 2008 |
7:30 PM |
7:30 PM |
Presider |
Fr. Benet |
Fr. Benet |
Lector |
M. McCall |
R. Styka R. Wilkes |
Eucharistic Ministers |
Dr. M. Foley. D.StaRosa (S) G. Los (C) R. Styka D. Styka |
Dr. M. Foley M. White (S) S. Pingatore (C) D. StaRosa M. Reed |
Altar Servers |
M. St. Peter C. McManus |
M. Jankovec M. Nosek |
Good friday services
The Elmhurst Ministerium is hosting two:
March 21, 2008
at 12:00 Noon
First Congregational UCC
235 S. Kenilworth
Elmhurst, IL
Pastor Rick Mangnall
March 21, 2008
at 1:30 PM
Lexington Square
400 W Butterfield Rd.
Elmhurst, IL
Pastor Dennis Beach
Contact person
Do something Extra for Lent!!
IC is planning the second annual Good Friday Walk for Peace &
Justice and we need your help.
walk will take place on Friday, March 21st at 10AM. We’ll go to different areas around the church
(about 1 mile total) praying the Stations of the Cross with a peace &
justice theme. We’ll stop back at I.C.
(MPH Hall) for a simple soup and bread lunch around 11:30am. Questions:
Call Tom Goebel 630-782-9577
Finding the Love That Lasts
A conference for the divorced and widowed,
entitled Finding the Love That Lasts takes place on Saturday,
April 5 at St. Charles Pastoral Center in Romeoville. This enrichment day features nationally known
speaker and author, Rose Sweet.
The day begins with a 9 a.m. check-in and ends with a 4:00 p.m. vigil
mass celebrated by Bishop Sartain.
For information or to register, call The Center for Family Ministry at
815-838-5334. The suggested donation of
$35 includes materials and lunch.
Your dining out and your checking
account can help the parish!
Parishioners who dine at the Elmhurst Family Restaurant on Lake
Street can help contribute to the parish.
Just identify yourselves as being from Mary Queen of Heaven and 10% of
your restaurant bill comes back to the parish.
parishioners who open a new checking account with $100 at Standard Bank and
Trust in Villa Park will receive $75 from the bank and another $75 will come to
the parish. For details, please contact
parishioner and banker Karen Biggs at (708) 499-2062, ext. 61115.
Ministry Schedule |
Easter Vigil, MARCH 22 |
Easter Sunday,
MARCH 23, 2008 |
7:30 PM |
8:30 AM |
10:30 AM |
12:30 PM |
Presider |
Fr. Barrett |
Fr. Enright |
Fr. Wolter |
Fr. Benet |
Lector |
E. Walker M. Grozik D. StaRosa A. Grozik R. Villamil M. Reed T. Kowalski B. Lawlor |
G. Dolesy |
P. Reynertson |
S. Napolilli |
Eucharistic Ministers |
Dr. M. Foley M. White (S) D. Styka (C) D. StaRosa D. Bernstein |
Dr. M. Foley J. Fuchsen (S) H. Todd (C) K. Vicary T. Nanak |
Dr. M. Foley M. McCall (S) J. Unger (C) G. Regan P. Twardowski B. Fazzio |
Dr. M. FoleyK. Passarelli (S)M. Reed (C)F.
TremmelP. Mason |
Altar Servers |
M. St. Peter K. Pierzchala |
B. Gornick G. Gornick |
M. Japczyk J. Drake |
V. Maple J. Alonso |
mass intentions for the week
Sunday, March 16, 2008
AM + Albert P. Kabat
AM + Aris C. Villamil
Monday, March 17 2008
AM + Al Fuchsen
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Communion Service
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
AM + Deceased Parishioners of
Mary Queen of
Thursday, March 20, 2008 The Lord’s Supper
PM Parishioners of Mary
Queen of
Friday, March 21, 2008 Good Friday
Passion of Our Lord
Saturday, March 22, 2008 Easter Vigil
PM All Parishioners of MQH
Sunday, March 23, 2008 Easter Sunday
AM All Parishioners
AM All Parishioners
AM All Parishioners
+ indicates person is
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Enter www.goodsearch.com for web site.
Type “Mary Queen of Heaven Catholic Church” into the
support” box, & click “verify”.
Continue your search.
Palm Sunday
to the Son of David; blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord; hosanna
in the highest." And when he entered Jerusalem the whole city was shaken
and asked, "Who is this?" And the crowds replied, "This is Jesus
the prophet, from Nazareth in Galilee."
Mt 21:9-11
Readings for the Week of March 16, 2008
Sunday: Mt
21:1-11/Is 50:4-7/Phil 2:6-11/Mt 26:14--27:66 or 27:11-54
Monday: Is
42:1-7/Jn 12:1-11
Tuesday: Is
49:1-6/Jn 13:21-33, 36-38
Wednesday: Is
50:4-9a/Mt 26:14-25
Thursday: Chrism
Mass: Is 61:1-3a, 6a, 8b-9/Rv 1:5-8/Lk 4:16-21
Evening Mass of the Lord's Supper: Ex 12:1-8,
11-14/1 Cor 11:23-26/Jn 13:1-15
Friday: Is
52:13-53:12/Heb 4:14-16; 5:7-9/Jn18:1-19:42
Saturday: Vigil:
Gn 1:1-2:2 or 1:1, 26-31a/Gn 22:1-18 or 22:1-2, 9a, 10-13, 15-18/Ex
14:15-15:1/Is 54:5-14/Is 55:1-11/Bar 3:9-15, 32-4:4/Ez 36:16-17a, 18-28/Rom
6:3-11/Mt 28:1-10
Next Sunday: Acts
10:34a, 37-43/Col 3:1-4 or 1 Cor 5:6b-8/Jn 20:1-9 or Mt 28:1-10
Collection total for Sunday,
March 9, 2008
amounted to $7432.47
Thank you for your support.
Making it Easier
to Give
Please consider this option when choosing how
to best support our Parish Family at Mary Queen of Heaven. Contact www.parishpay.com, or call 866-PARISH-1 for
further information.
“God loves a cheerful giver”