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Mary Queen of Heaven: A Welcoming Catholic Community in Elmhurst - Contact us at: parishoffice@maryqueen.org |
Elmhurst, Illinois
Mary Queen of Heaven Church
Fourth Sunday of Easter
April 13, 2008
Mary’s Page
This weekend, our parish is hosting two important celebrations. The first happens at our 10:30 Mass, when 10 of our young children will receive Eucharist for the first time.
Several years ago, we began inviting some of our second-graders to make their First Communion at Sunday Masses, so that the activities of our Religious Education program could become better integrated into the life of the whole parish. The first small group celebrations at Sunday Masses proved to be a wonderful addition to the spiritual life of our parish. Adults witnessing these children making their First Communion found themselves remembering the first time they received Eucharist – the anticipation of a child entering more deeply into the sacramental life of the church, the memories of what it was like the first time they tasted Holy Communion, the joy of their teachers and families who celebrated with them.
When we began our first small group celebrations of First Communion, I would always enjoy watching the smiling faces of people in the congregation. The witness of these young children helps to remind us of our own innocence when we began our journey of faith and it helps to inspire us as we continue that journey as adult disciples of our Lord. The powerful acts of remembering and ritual are essential to each and every Eucharistic celebration. Having children with us who are making their First Communion only makes that experience stronger.
Those first small group celebrations made an impact on the life of our parish and it has now been the request of many families that their children receive First Communion at Sunday Mass. So, during all the weekends of April, we will have the privilege of celebrating together with our young children who will be receiving the Body and Blood of Christ for the first time. We will also still have a larger group celebration on Saturday, April 19. When we talked last year about the growing popularity of these small group celebrations, the Commissions decided to name this April as “First Communion Month.” During this month of so much new life in our parish, please pray for our children, that they may grow ever stronger in their faith and let us pray, too, that as adults, we will always give good example to them in our words and in our deeds of what it means to be disciples of our Lord Jesus.
This weekend, we also celebrate Sister Honorata McNamara’s 75th Jubilee anniversary. Long-time parishioners know Sister Honorata well. For the benefit of those who are newer members of our parish, Sister Honorata is a Sister of Mercy who has served our parish for more than 40 years, first coming to Mary Queen of Heaven to serve as Principal of the former parish elementary school. Many people here have fond memories of her from their days as students here and she is affectionately known as “Sister Hot Rod” to those who love her and are familiar with her driving habits.
I do not think that she would mind me telling you that she is now 96 years old because I believe that she is proud of this fact, an accomplishment that she often attributes to drinking only water and orange juice (although I have heard her friends challenge her on this by reminding her that she also enjoys a frappacino on occasion). Beyond that, however, she would want no attention drawn to herself. However, I believe that celebrating her 75th anniversary of becoming a Religious Sister is important not only for her but for our whole parish. Sister Honorata remains active in ministry in our parish still to this day. She visits the sick and homebound members of our parish, bringing them the Body of Christ in Holy Communion. By her physical presence for those who are unable to be with us for Sunday Mass, she represents all of us and makes the Communion we share a very real part of life for those she visits.
I am very grateful for all of the ways that Sister Honorata has served our parish over the years and for the ways that she continues to serve in active ministry today. I am grateful for how she shares her faith and love with others at Mary Queen of Heaven. For those who do not know her, Sister Honorata is a tiny woman in physical stature but she is a giant in faith. She has been a role model to me as someone who speaks the truth with love and as someone who is devoted to our Lord in a life of prayer and service. Her lived commitment of 75 years in religious life is a great witness to the world of abiding faithfulness. She is a living reminder of the love that God has for us. I want to thank Sister Honorata for all of the love and kindness that she has shared with me and with so many others in our parish.
On this day, we celebrate the first sacrament received by children who have just reached the age of reason in the eyes of our Church. Their innocence reminds me of the words of the First Letter of Peter which tell us: “Rid yourselves of all malice and all deceit, insincerity, envy, and all slander; like newborn infants, long for pure spiritual milk so that through it you may grow into salvation, for you have tasted that the Lord is good.” (1Peter 2: 1-3).
On this day, we also celebrate the witness Sister Honorata has given in her 75 years of religious life, and the maturity she has gained not only in her years but in her life of faith. May both of these celebrations help us to reflect upon our own commitment to the Lord and may they help us to grow beyond infancy to spiritual adulthood in our lives of faith.
Dr. Mary, Pastoral Life Coordinator
Parish News
The CCW will host a special program on Internet Safety for Children and Teens on Tuesday, April 15th at 7:30 p.m. in Barrett Hall. This program is being held in conjunction with the Elmhurst Police Department and all parents are encouraged to attend. Are you aware that as of April 2006, MySpace had a growth rate of 367% from April 2005 to April 2006. Blogger, another popular site for children and teens, grew 80%? Not only did these social networking sites have tremendous growth in one year, they also have extremely high retention rates due to their interactive nature. Parents must take an active role in protecting their children if these sites are used. Please join us and find out what you should be doing to protect your children and teens. Refreshments will be served following the program.
A Fond Farewell
Dear Friends,
I have been with Mary Queen of Heaven for fifty years as a parishioner and founder. I have always loved this parish and it will always be my parish even though I’ll be moving to St. Cloud, Wisconsin by the middle of April. I will be living close to my daughters and grandchildren. My fondest memories will always be the years of fun times and activities that we enjoyed working at. Ray and I were closely associated with all the priests who were here, from Fr. O’Keefe to Fr. Barrett. I will not say good-bye, only farewell, as I hope to be back from time to time. To all, keep Mary Queen of Heaven alive and active
. God Bless,
Viola (Vi) Sabel
music ministry
If you would like to participate in the Music Ministry, please see Interim Music Director/Pianist Tim Barton or call 847-223-0760.
Little Rock Scripture Study
The next Scripture Study offering by the Adult Ed and Spirituality Committee will be the Book of Wisdom. We will be studying the importance, background, and composition of this Old Testament Book. Was this book actually written by Solomon? Can the Wisdom of the Old Testament be relevant in our lives today? Come and help us find the answers to these and many more interesting questions that await us in this new study.
Sign-up today. The study will begin the week of April 28, 2008 and continue through the week of June 2, 2008.
If you are interested in becoming a facilitator please contact one of the committee members or the Parish office. You will be given training and materials to help you in your groups. Our final leader meeting for all facilitators, new or returning, will be Sunday, April 27, 2008. More information will be forthcoming.
Study materials will be available for purchase on the sign-up weekends for $12.00 and scholarships are available by contacting Dr. Mary Foley.
Lynn Suwanski, 630-530-2523, Alex & Marie Grozik 630-530-0503, Parish Office 630-279-5700.
mqh respect Life Committee will be selling carnations to honor the nurturing women in our lives (mothers, grandmothers, aunts, sisters, cousins, friends). The carnations will be placed at Mary’s statue in the Gathering Place for Mother’s Day, May 11th.
Carnations can be purchased for $1.00 each. Order sheets will be available the weekend of April 26th and 27th. A member of CCW will be in the church vestibule after all the Masses to accept orders at that time, or during the weekend of May 3rd and 4th.
The names of all those being honored will be published in an insert in our parish bulletin the weekend of Mother’s Day, May 10th and May 11th.
Market Day
Orders for April are due Monday, April 21, at noon. Turn in your order form in the box in the back of church or at the rectory. Pickup on Saturday, April 26, from 9:30 – 10:30 a.m. in the Social Hall.
If you have questions or would like to place an order, please call Karen at 279-4108 or Beth at 833-5469 or email her at ekujawa121@sbcglobal.net .
Christian Education Commission
Monday, April 14, 2008 6:00p.m.-8:00p.m.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008 6:00p.m.-8:00p.m.
SCHOLARSHIPS AVAILABLE Please call the Preschool for information. Become a part of our growing school. Schedule a visit, meet the teacher, come “Light the Way” with us.
The Preschool is accepting Registration for the 2008-2009 school year. We look forward to being able to serve your child and your family. We are offering Open Houses for those interested in visiting our classroom.
Please see our website at www.maryqueenpreschool.org and contact the school office for more information and registration. (630) 833-9500
Preschool tours scheduled upon request.
Registration forms for the 2008-2009 RE year have been mailed. If you did not receive one or know someone who needs one, please call the RE office. We encourage everyone to return his or her forms before the end of the school year to insure your choice of session time. Be aware that our Kindergarten and Pre School RE space is limited, so register early.
Please consider being a catechist.
Every year there are catechists who cannot return for one reason or another. This year will be no different. Remember you don’t have to be a theologian; you just have to love children, love your faith and want to share it. Our more than 75 volunteer catechists, assistants, office helpers, etc. etc. are the backbone of our RE program. Please consider joining them. We are looking forward to hearing from you.
Mark your calendar:
Saturday, April 19th- Large group First Communion
Celebration at 11:00AM
Small group First Communion
Celebration at 5:00PM
Sunday, April 20th-Small group First Communion
Celebration at 10:30AM
Saturday, April 26th-Celebration of Confirmation at 5:00PM
Sunday, April 27th-Small group First Communion
Celebration at 10:30AM
If you have any questions or need more information, please call Mary Ann Woods at the REO, 832-8962.
Christian Worship Commission
To pray for our sick is an important privilege of our parish family. Please call 630-279-5700 to have a name added to our list. A new listing will appear in bold face. When calling the parish office, please leave contact information and your relationship to the person. Names will remain on the prayer list for four weeks. Contact the parish office to renew the individual’s name on our prayer list. We hope that you will pray for these persons every day.
Helena Giryn Alan Jacob
Alice Jacob Robert Restivo
Diocesan News
mission to Naivasha, Kenya
The Diocese of Joliet is beginning preparations for its next mission to Naivasha, Kenya (August 29th to September 13th, 2008). An “Information Evening” for prospective missioners will be held on Wednesday, May 7th, 2008 at 7:00 PM at the St. Charles Pastoral Center, 402 S. Independence Blvd., Romeoville. Persons interested in participating in this mission are invited to attend. We are looking for persons with willing hands and loving hearts. For this medical team we will need Infectious Disease and Internal Medicine practitioners, Surgeons in all specialties and anesthesiologists and/or CRNA’s. There is also need for RN’s and APN’s to serve in pediatric, obstetrical, post-op and OR units. We are also seeking a dentist.
For the construction team, we need 5 people to assist repairing homes and doing general handyman types of jobs.
Applications must be submitted by May 15th. You may download an application from our website: www.paxjoliet.org/missions. Then click on “get involved’.
The people of Naivasha are very poor. The population has been devastated by HIV/AIDS. The economic outlook is poor and there are very few opportunities for employment. This is a life changing opportunity to make a difference as Jesus has asked us to do. The face of Christ is visible in the face of every person that our missioners encounter.
Questions? Call Helen Bills @815-834-4017.
A Vocation View
This is the World Day of Prayer for Vocations. “The harvest is great but the labourers are few,. Pray to the Lord of the harvest to send more
labourers into the Harvest.”
Diocesan News
2008 Catholic Ministries
Annual Appeal
Diocese of Joliet
Sign-Up Weekend,
April 12/13, 2008
This is Sign-Up Weekend for the Diocesan Catholic Ministries Annual Appeal. Your pledge continues the good work of the Catholic Church in seven counties that comprise our diocese. We ask that you give prayerful consideration to making the most generous gift you can. Please make your gift today.
Prayer for vocations
This year's celebration of vocations around the world, WORLD DAY OF PRAYER FOR VOCATIONS, is April 13, 2008.
Joliet Diocese Peace Day 2008
"The Challenge of Peace" - Celebrating the twenty-fifth anniversary of the U.S. Bishops' Pastoral Letter. With Keynote Speaker John Carr, Secretary of the Department of Justice, Peace and Human Development of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. Workshops: Global Climate Change and How it Can Lead to Conflict; An introduction to Catholic Social Thought for Young People; Conflict, Peace, and Christian Vocation; and Hiroshima: A Survivor's Story. May 3, 2008. 8:45 - 2:00. St. Charles Pastoral Center. Full details at www.paxjoliet.org/events Contact: Joyce Ruhaak at 815-834-4028 or joyceru@dioceseofjoliet.org
Reporting Sexual Abuse
Anyone who has reasonable cause to suspect the sexual abuse of a minor by a member of the clergy or other Church personnel is urged to report the matter immediately. To inform the Diocese of Joliet, call Sr. Mary Frances Seeley, OSF (Victim Assistance Coordinator) at 1-815-263-6467 or write the Diocese of Joliet, 524 Summit Street, Joliet 60435.
Contact DCFS at 1-800-252-2873 or call the office of the local County States Attorney.
Community News
Day of Prayer for our Holy Father
A Journey of Faith with the successor of St. Peter
In remembrance of the Pope’s first visit
to the United States
Begins Thursday, April 17th, Christ the King Church, Lombard at 8 am. Concludes with a Holy hour of prayer at 7 p.m. Parishes of the Joliet diocese gather for this special prayer event, during this Easter Season. During the holy hour at 7 pm. you can bring a small index card with the names of the loved ones that Father Peter will bring to the Papal Mass on April 19th. Let us hope that through our prayers and sacrifices this Easter Season, we together can bring a moment of peace to our world.
Christ the King Catholic Parish,
1501 South Main Street
Lombard IL 60148
Church: 1-630-629-1717
Sponsored by the Joliet Catholic Academy Alumni Association and JCA Band Parents to raise funds for Band uniforms.
2008 Matching funds project for KSKJ Lodges St. Francis de Sales #29 and St. John the Baptist #143.
Everyone is invited to the JCA Band Spring Concert at 7 PM April 23rd in the JCA Activity Center.
Catholic Charities Wants to See You on
The Fairway to Heaven
Mark your calendars and plan to attend Catholic Charities Fairway to Heaven Golf Invitational on Friday, May 16th at Ruffled Feathers Golf Club in Lemont. Afternoon shot gun start begins at 1:30 p.m. Lunch, beverages, snacks, dinner and special fun attractions at featured holes are provided. Tickets are $250 if purchased by May 2nd. After May 2nd, tickets are $275 each. For more information or to register visit www.cc-doj.org or call Sue Kaiser at 815-724-1139. Catholic Charities hopes to see you on the Fairway to Heaven!
Diocese of Joliet
Office of the Bishop
425 Summit St. 815-722-6606
Joliet, Illinois 60435 Fax: 815-722-6632
Dear Friends in Christ,
Jesus Christ gave his life on the cross that we might have life and have it to the full. Each year people of all ages gather from around the country to March for Life in our nation’s capitol. This is an opportunity for all those who believe in the sanctity of each human person to express themselves in a peaceful and prayerful way.
The focus is life. Bishops, priests, deacons and faithful gather to celebrate the Holy Eucharist the evening before the March at the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception. The experience of celebrating the Eucharist with thousands of young people is truly inspiring.
The March for Life is held on the anniversary of the Supreme Court Decision, Roe vs. Wade, January 22nd. The Diocese of Joliet Life Office will be sponsoring a trip which will depart by bus from various locations around the Diocese on the evening of January 20, 2009 and return early in the morning on January 23, 2009. Fr. Thomas Milota will be sending out more detailed information and registration materials before the end of this academic year.
I am looking forward to the opportunity of being with you on the trip during our entire time in Washington, DC, so please mark your calendars. We will be able to celebrate the Eucharist together and spend time discussing the sanctity of human life.
Sincerely in Christ,
J. Peter Sartain
Bishop of Joliet
Ministry Schedule |
Saturday, April 19, 2008 - |
Sunday, April 20, 2008 |
5:00 PM |
8:30 AM |
10:30 AM |
Presider |
Fr. John Enright |
Fr. Jim Murphy |
Fr. John Enright |
Lector |
D. StaRosa |
A. & M. Grozik |
P. Reynertson |
Eucharistic Ministers |
Dr. M. Foley T. Sabel (S) J. Fuchsen (C) K. Diggins G. Pstrzoch |
Dr. M. Foley K. Passarelli (S) D. Bernstein (C) T. Nanak K. Vicary |
Dr. M. Foley M. McCall (S) P. Twardowski (C) K. Gusloff P. Mason J. Eichorst |
Altar Servers |
E. Zielinski C. McManus |
J. Alonso K. Pierzchala |
M. St. Peter M. Renno |
Sunday, April 13, 2008
8:30 AM Catholic Bishops of the
United States
10:30 AM All Mary Queen of Heaven
children making their
First Communion
Monday, April 14, 2008
8:30 AM + Alex C. Villamil
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
8:30 AM Communion Service
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
8:30 AM + Sharon Jacobson
Thursday, April 17, 2008
8:30 AM Communion Service
Friday, April 18, 2008
8:30 AM + Nancy Moroney
Saturday, April 19, 2008
8:30 AM Communion Service
5:00 PM + Dorothy J. Zielinski
Sunday, April 20, 2008
8:30 AM + Jeane Allen
10:30 AM + Aris Villamil
+ indicates person is deceased
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Gospel Reflection
"All who came before me are thieves and robbers, but the sheep did not listen to them. I am the gate. Whoever enters through me will be saved, and will come in and go out and find pasture. A thief comes only to steal and slaughter and destroy; I came so that they might have life and have it more abundantly."
- Jn 10:8-10
Readings for the Week of April 13, 2008
Sunday: Acts 2:14a, 36-41/1 Pt 2:20b-25/Jn 10:1-10
Monday: Acts 11:1-18/Jn 10:11-18
Tuesday: Acts 11:19-26/Jn 10:22-30
Wednesday: Acts 12:24-13:5a/Jn 12:44-50
Thursday: Acts 13:13-25/Jn 13:16-20
Friday: Acts 13:26-33/Jn 14:1-6
Saturday: Acts 13:44-52/Jn 14:7-14
Next Sunday: Acts 6:1-7/1 Pt 2:4-9/Jn 14:1-12
Collection total for
Easter, 2008,
amounted to $20,057.53
Collection total for Sunday,
April 6, 2008
amounted to $6727.69
Thank you for your support.
Making it Easier to Give
Please consider this option when choosing how to best support our Parish Family at Mary Queen of Heaven.
Contact www.parishpay.com, or call 866-PARISH-1 for further information.
“God loves a cheerful giver”