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Mary Queen of Heaven: A Welcoming Catholic Community in Elmhurst - Contact us at: parishoffice@maryqueen.org |
Elmhurst, Illinois
Mary Queen of
Heaven Church
April 20, 2008
Fifth Sunday of Easter
Mary’s Page
are your heroes? Perhaps I had this on
my mind because of our youth group lock-in last weekend. Their theme was “Jesus is my Superhero.” A theme song for their retreat talked about
how Jesus is greater than any other so-called superhero (and the song goes on
to list the names of many found in comic books or movies). No one real or imagined could ever be greater
than Jesus, who gave his life for us that we may have eternal life. He is the Superhero.
are our other heroes? Those we make our
heroes have great influence over us and we pattern our lives after them. Today’s sports figures are heroes for many of
our children, who often tell me they want to grow up to be basketball,
baseball, or football players. It is a
good thing if these kinds of heroes can challenge children to be athletic and
healthy and if they help children to set goals for themselves. As we all know, however, children need more
than sports figures in their lives to inspire them to be all that they can be.
eighth graders will soon receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. It is always part of their preparation to
consider the lives of the saints and to choose the name of one that they wish
to take as their Confirmation name.
Hopefully, some of the saints they learn about in this process can
become role models and heroes for them.
We all need heroes. We are also all called to be heroic in the
way we live our lives. Maybe we do not
have superpowers or extraordinary physical talent; maybe we will not die a
martyr’s death or be canonized as saints.
Yet each one of us should be a hero for someone. Each one of us should be someone who can be
looked up to for the way we live our lives for others, for the ways we love or
help other people.
morning, I had breakfast with a friend who is now a Baptist minister and
pastors a church in South Carolina. We
talked together about living lives of faith in challenging circumstances,
especially when bearing our share of the cross as disciples
of Christ. I told him about my mother,
who is one of my greatest heroes. I
didn’t always feel that way about her when I was growing up. She was different from other Moms. I remember wanting her to be like everybody
else. Children never want to be
different and none of us likes it when negative attention is drawn to us. I remember that my mother did things that it
seemed no one else ever did in our neighborhood. She took me to civil rights marches and to
meetings about working for peace during a time of war. My Mom was not a hippie or involved in any
kind of radical action. But she was
still someone who was different from the parents of my friends and I knew that
some people did not like some of the things she became involved in. Today, I understand those things to be
matters of peace and justice and love of neighbor. Today, I understand those
things to be about preaching the Gospel by the way we live our lives. At the time, however, she was not understood
by others, including me.
As I
got older, I began to realize how much courage in faith my mother had. She stood up for what she believed was right,
in spite of the fact that she was often not accepted. I know some of the ways that she was disliked
or shunned. It was not until just a few
years ago that I learned from my father some really terrible things that were
done to her, things that my parents never wanted to tell us about when we were
children. I was shocked by what he told
me but it made me even prouder of my mother.
ago, my mother became a hero for me. I
had to get beyond childhood and have more of an understanding of life to
realize that the world needs more people like her, people who stand up for what
is right, people who have integrity even if it does not bring them popularity,
people who have faith in the face of suffering and rejection.
years ago, I served my first internship in parish ministry with my first priest
mentor. He was someone I admired for his
courageous faith. One of the greatest
things I learned from that experience was how much he reminded me of my
mother. It was a strange feeling at
first – because he was not feminine at all!
It was then that I realized that he reminded me of my mother because he
reminded me of Jesus, who I first came to know through my mother and the way
she lived her life.
I enjoyed
stopping by last weekend’s retreat for the kids and singing along with them
their theme song, “Jesus is my Superhero.”
Hopefully, the weekend helped them to look beyond popular images of
heroes to consider who should really be the most important heroes in their
lives – Jesus, first of all, and others who model for us the love he had for
are our heroes? More importantly, how
heroically are we living? Are we living
in such a way that our lives will point others to the One who is the true
Dr. Mary, Pastoral Life Coordinator
If you would like to participate in the Music
Ministry, please see Interim Music Director/Pianist Tim Barton or call
to heaven
6-8 pm
4th - 8th graders join us May 18th for our welcome ice cream social..
7th 8 pm
18th 8:30 am
confirmed 8th graders are welcome to join our high school meetings.
to get your permission slips in for the youth leadership conference
june 27th- june 29th
and certainly not least a very special thank you to all those that helped with
our lock in. It was a HUGE success.
and Dan Connelly, Mary and Stephie Japczyk, Sophie Armengol,
Kathleen McCall, Sam Caskey, Dani
Deboni, Brittany Biggs, Bridget McGing,
Gloria Martinez, Jake Zielinski, Anna Stasica, Marisa
Stefani, Katie Converse, Rachel and Jessie Rodgriguez,
Kerstyn Jankovec,Katie Mueller, David Gusloff , Marie McCall. Jerry Cote, Susan Huster, Tom Gusloff, Terri Kevil
to all of them for giving so generously of their time.
Market Day
for April are due Monday, April 21, at noon.
Turn in your order form in the box in the
back of church or at the rectory. Pickup on Saturday, April 26, from 9:30 – 10:30 a.m. in the
Social Hall.
you have questions or would like to place an order, please call Karen at
279-4108 or Beth at 833-5469 or email her at ekujawa121@sbcglobal.net .
is the last weekend to place your orders for the CCW Plant Sale. All the plants and vegetables on the order forms, are first quality and very reasonable, from Albert Bernocchi Greenhouses in LaPorte,
have an extensive variety of annuals, great hanging baskets, and planters
especially nice for giving to Mom or Grandma on Mother’s Day. All proceeds from the sale will be used to
purchase vessels, altar cloths, and other needed items for our parish
liturgies. Take an Order Form home
today! Order plants for your home, for
Mother’s Day and even for your friends and neighbors. Be sure to tell them about this great
opportunity. Your orders will be
delivered on May 10th. If you have any
questions, please give Sheila a call at 630-833-6657 or Phyllis at
respect Life Committee will be selling carnations to honor the
nurturing women in our lives (mothers, grandmothers, aunts, sisters, cousins, friends). The
carnations will be placed at Mary’s statue in the Gathering Place for Mother’s
Day, May 11th.
can be purchased for $1.00 each. Order
sheets will be available the weekend of April 26th and 27th. A member of CCW will be in the church
vestibule after all the Masses to accept orders at that time, or during the
weekend of May 3rd and 4th.
names of all those being honored will be published in an insert in our parish
bulletin the weekend of Mother’s Day, May 10th and May 11th.
RCIA - Missing Photos
took down the RCIA bulletin board, please return the photos. We need those for
our next bulletin board and eventually they are placed in our RCIA album. It is
time now to create a post-Easter bulletin board so please return the pictures
ASAP to Dr. Mary Foley, Mimi Wolak or Tom Nanak.
Thank you!
What to do with old gym
sponsors a program to turn old athletic shoes into new ones and to recycle into
playgrounds (sport surfaces) (see www.nikego.com)
Styka will take your old gym shoes and give the
really good ones to St. Vincent DePaul, and the rest she will bring to a
Recycling Event listed below. OR you
can bring the stuff yourself to one of the events below:
Recycling Extravaganza
Parking Lot Corner of Carlton and Liberty
April 19
am - 3:00 pm
phones, and bicycles, and gym shoes
Roosevelt Rd
2, Ste 108
22- May 20 - Call to arrange drop off
(630) 545-9710
Call Debbie Styka at:
(630) 941-7224
April 18, 2008
A Vocation View
new ministry of “Deacon” is mentioned in today’s Scripture. Perhaps the Lord is calling you to assist
with the charitable, educational or liturgical needs of the Lord’s People today.
Education Commission
We are taking registrations for the 2008-2009
RE year. If you did not receive one or know someone who needs one, please call
the RE office. We encourage everyone to return his or her forms before the end
of the school year to insure your choice of session time. Be aware that our
Kindergarten and Pre School RE space is limited, so register early.
Please consider being a catechist.
Our more than 75 volunteer catechists, assistants, office helpers,
etc. etc. are the backbone of our RE program. Please consider joining them. Our
children depend on you to pass on our faith. Call the REO for details.
Mark your calendar:
Saturday, April 26th - Celebration of Confirmation at
Sunday, April 27th - Small group First Communion
Celebration at 10:30AM
Wednesday, April 30th - Last session of the 07-08 RE year Annual RE Food
Just a reminder: Our 8th
graders are celebrating the sacrament of Confirmation at the 5:00PM mass on
April 26th. All are welcome to attend. However, be aware that there
are over 70 Confirmation candidates, so the church will be crowded and the
liturgy will be longer than usual.
If you have any questions or need more information, please call
Mary Ann Woods at the REO, 832-8962.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008 6:00p.m.-8:00p.m.
the Preschool for information. Become a
part of our growing school. Schedule a
visit, meet the teacher, come “Light the Way” with us.
The Preschool is accepting Registration for
the 2008-2009 school year. We look forward to being able to serve your
child and your family. We are offering
Open Houses for those interested in visiting our classroom.
Please see our website at
www.maryqueenpreschool.org and contact the school office for more information
and registration. (630)
tours scheduled upon request.
Worship Commission
prayer requests
To pray for our sick is an important
privilege of our parish family. Please
call 630-279-5700 to have a name added to our list. A new listing will appear in bold face. When calling the parish office, please leave
contact information and your relationship to the person. Names will remain on the prayer list for four
weeks. Contact the parish office to
renew the individual’s name on our prayer list. We hope that you will pray for
these persons every day.
Helena Giryn Alan
Alice Jacob Robert
Faith Sharing
(Use with your family or to open meetings)
1. Read the
daily gospel.
2. Pause for
a minute of silence.
3. Read it
again slowly.
4. What word
or phrase “jumps out” at me?
5. Share the
word or phrase (no explanation).
6. Share a
sentence or two about why this touched you.
7. Thank
your friends or family.
8. Thank God
for the opportunity to share faith (brief
Joliet Diocese Peace Day
Challenge of Peace" - Celebrating the twenty-fifth anniversary of the U.S.
Bishops' Pastoral Letter. With Keynote Speaker John Carr, Secretary of the
Department of Justice, Peace and Human Development of the U.S. Conference of Catholic
Bishops. Workshops: Global Climate Change and How it
Can Lead to Conflict; An introduction to Catholic Social Thought for Young
People; Conflict, Peace, and Christian Vocation; and Hiroshima: A Survivor's
Story. May 3, 2008. 8:45 - 2:00. St. Charles Pastoral Center.
Full details at www.paxjoliet.org/events Contact: Joyce Ruhaak
at 815-834-4028 or joyceru@dioceseofjoliet.org
2008 Catholic Ministries
Annual Appeal
Diocese of Joliet
Your pledge continues the good work of the Catholic Church in
seven counties that comprise our diocese.
We ask that you give prayerful consideration to making the most generous
gift you can. Please make your gift
mission to Naivasha, Kenya
Diocese of Joliet is beginning preparations for its next mission to Naivasha, Kenya (August 29th to September 13th, 2008). An “Information Evening” for prospective
missioners will be held on Wednesday, May 7th, 2008 at 7:00 PM at the St.
Charles Pastoral Center, 402 S. Independence Blvd., Romeoville. Persons interested in participating in this
mission are invited to attend. We are
looking for persons with willing hands and loving hearts. For this medical team we will need Infectious
Disease and Internal Medicine practitioners, Surgeons in all specialties and
anesthesiologists and/or CRNA’s. There is also need for RN’s and APN’s to serve
in pediatric, obstetrical, post-op and OR units. We are also seeking a dentist.
the construction team, we need 5 people to assist repairing homes and doing
general handyman types of jobs.
must be submitted by May 15th. You may
download an application from our website: www.paxjoliet.org/missions. Then click on “get involved’.
people of Naivasha are very poor. The population has been devastated by
HIV/AIDS. The economic outlook is poor
and there are very few opportunities for employment. This is a life changing opportunity to make a
difference as Jesus has asked us to do.
The face of Christ is visible in the face of every person that our
missioners encounter.
Questions? Call Helen Bills @815-834-4017.
The parishes of Naperville/Lisle/Woodridge present Dr. Brent
Atkinson, a nationally known counselor, speaker and author, who will speak to
married couples about Breaking the Cana Code; Secrets of a Successful
Marriage. This highly interactive presentation will contain many break-out
opportunities for the couples attending.
Breaking the Cana Code; Secrets of a Successful Marriage
Date: Saturday,
April 26
Time: 12:00
p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Place: Krasa
Center of Benedictine University
Cost: $25/couple
through April 12 and $30/couple after that date
Register: Cathy
or Phil Gorski (630-971-2406) or
FORMING: Dominican
University in River Forest is starting a second cohort for the MA in Family
Ministry and Faith Development with a summer intensive starting July 11-19. For
more information, please consult the attached flier
go to www.dom.edu (go to school for Leadership and Continuing Studies –MLFM) or
contact Kathy Heskin, Director by phone
((708-524-6970) or email kheskin@dom.edu.
Catholic Charities Wants to
See You on
The Fairway to Heaven
your calendars and plan to attend Catholic Charities Fairway to Heaven Golf
Invitational on Friday, May 16th at Ruffled Feathers Golf Club in Lemont.
Afternoon shot gun start begins at 1:30 p.m. Lunch, beverages, snacks, dinner
and special fun attractions at featured holes are provided. Tickets are $250 if
purchased by May 2nd. After May 2nd,
tickets are $275 each. For more information or to register visit www.cc-doj.org
or call Sue Kaiser at 815-724-1139. Catholic Charities hopes to see you on the
Fairway to Heaven!
Your dining out and your
checking account can help the parish!
Parishioners who dine at the Elmhurst Family
Restaurant on Lake Street can help contribute to the parish. Just identify yourselves as being from Mary
Queen of Heaven and 10% of your restaurant bill comes back to the parish.
parishioners who open a new checking account with $100 at Standard Bank and
Trust in Villa Park will receive $75 from the bank and another $75 will come to
the parish. For details, please contact
parishioner and banker Karen Biggs at (708) 499-2062, ext. 61115.
Sponsored by the Joliet Catholic Academy
Alumni Association and JCA Band Parents to raise funds for Band uniforms.
Matching funds project for KSKJ Lodges St. Francis de Sales #29 and St. John
the Baptist #143.
Everyone is invited to the JCA Band Spring
Concert at 7 PM April 23rd in the JCA Activity Center.
Annual All-You-Can-Eat
Spaghetti Dinner
Boy Scout Troop 14 is sponsoring its Annual All-You-Can-Eat Spaghetti Dinner on
Saturday, April 26, from 4 to 8p.m. in the Valentino Center (school gym) at 815
S. York Rd. Donations are $5.00 each,
and children ages 4 and under are FREE!
Tickets can be purchased at the door.
Call Pat Jankauski at 630-782-5529 for more
Ministry Schedule |
Saturday, April 26,2008 |
Sunday, April 27, 2008 |
5:00 PM |
8:30 AM |
10:30 AM |
Presider |
Fr. Jim Murphy |
Fr. John Enright |
Fr. Don Blaeser |
Lector |
B. Lawlor |
G. Dolesy |
S. Napolilli |
Eucharistic Ministers |
Dr. M. Foley M. White (S) C. Reisenbuckler
(C) H. Todd K. Diggins |
Dr. M. Foley K. Vicary (S) D. StaRosa (C) J. Fuchsen J. Unger |
Dr. M. Foley B. Fazzio (S) F. Tremmel (C) T. Kevil J. Spears P. Twardowski |
Altar Servers |
J. McDonough M. McDonough |
B. Gornick G. Gornick |
J. Drake N. Simon N. Simon |
Sunday, April 20, 2008
AM + Jeane Allen
AM + Aris Villamil
Monday, April 21, 2008
AM People of
the Parish
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Communion Service
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
AM + Edward Weissert
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Communion Service
Friday, April 25, 2008
AM People of
the Parish
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Communion Service
5:00 PM Confirmation
Class of
Sunday, April 27, 2008
AM + Joyce Smiss
AM + Steve Cleary
+ indicates person is deceased
Gospel Reflection
"Do not let your hearts be troubled. You have faith in God;
have faith also in me. In my Father's house there are many dwelling places. If
there were not, would I have told you that I am going to prepare a place for
you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back again and take
you to myself, so that where I am, you also may be."
- Jn 14:1-3
Readings for the Week of April 20, 2008
Sunday: Acts
6:1-7/1 Pt 2:4-9/Jn 14:1-12
Monday: Acts
14:5-18/Jn 14:21-26
Tuesday: Acts
14:19-28/Jn 14:27-31a
Wednesday: Acts
15:1-6/Jn 15:1-8
Thursday: Acts
15:7-21/Jn 15:9-11
Friday: 1
Pt 5:5b-14/Mk 16:15-20
Saturday: Acts
16:1-10/Jn 15:18-21
Next Sunday: Acts
8:5-8, 14-17/1 Pt 3:15-18/Jn 14:15-21
Collection total for Sunday,
April 13, 2008
to $6946.81
Thank you for your support.
Making it Easier
to Give
Please consider this option when choosing how
to best support our Parish Family at Mary Queen of Heaven.
Contact www.parishpay.com, or call 866-PARISH-1 for further information.
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