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Mary Queen of Heaven: A Welcoming Catholic Community in Elmhurst - Contact us at: parishoffice@maryqueen.org |
Elmhurst, Illinois
Mary Queen of Heaven Church
Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity
May 18, 2008
Mary’s Page
Today, we celebrate Trinity Sunday. I remember hearing a minister once say that all around the world today, preachers are making fools of themselves by trying to explain the Trinity. I once heard another former pastor say that Trinity Sunday is every preacher’s nightmare. It is true that when we speak of God as Trinity, we are talking about something that is mystery. But just because something is a mystery doesn’t mean that we can’t understand some part of it. (In this last sentence, I am paraphrasing an often quoted statement of our parish elder statesman, William Barnds.)
When I consider Trinity Sunday, two things especially come to mind for me. One is the day when I came to appreciate the Trinity in a much deeper way than ever before. It was the day I had to do an oral defense of a major paper before members of the faculty during my master’s degree program about 10 years ago. I was asked questions about the section of my paper on Jesus. As I talked about the person and ministry of Jesus, everything was fine at first. The longer I talked about Jesus, however, the more a nagging sensation came into my awareness which finally got its own voice when I clumsily blurted out to my examiners, “But Jesus is not enough for me!”
I could not believe that I said that out loud. My professors stared back at me with blank looks on their faces. I was shocked at myself but at the same time, I felt strangely relieved. For it was true. Jesus alone was not enough for me. I awkwardly tried to explain. It was not that I doubted that Jesus was the Son of God or that he was fully divine. I just knew that there was more to God than the person of Jesus alone. I haltingly explained how I had come to this realization once during the celebration of the sacrament of reconciliation. After making my confession, the priest said to me, “Jesus understands everything that we go through.” I knew in that moment that there was no way that Jesus – as a male human being – could ever understand everything I experience in my bodily life as a woman. But I knew that God could. The God who created male and female in God’s image could understand everything.
I stopped and again faced silent stares. I thought to myself that I would never be allowed to graduate, that I must have committed some heresy. What would they do to me? Then one of my professors finally relieved my anxiety by saying, “Isn’t it a great thing that we have the Trinity as a way of talking about who God is?” This professor articulated something that I already knew in faith.
Another event I am reminded of today is a retreat I once experienced during the week of Trinity Sunday. It was led by the Anglican Bishop Rowan Williams, then Bishop of Wales, now the Archbishop of Canterbury. The other day, while going through some of my books, I came across my journal notes from this retreat. I will close today’s column with some of the words of Archbishop Rowan Williams, who can give us food for thought on this Trinity Sunday:
“Speaking about the Trinity is the way Christians talk about God. Trinitarian language is something that evolved among Christians because they felt they had to [talk this way]. If the Trinity is the way Christians talk about God, then there is no one way to talk about God. [Trinitarian language] insists that we see God in the atmosphere of our life. We do not have an easy God. We have a difficult God. God demands to be known. The Christian God is difficult like that.
[In thinking of the Trinity], we must move from one way of thinking to another or else focusing on one can lead to idolatry. We can see God as Father, as Source, as the One who takes responsibility from us, as the one to whom we can refer questions, as the One who is “over there.” Do we want a way of believing that remits everything, appealing always to God the Father? Or we can think like Jesus and the authority and the freedom Jesus takes, at Gethsemane and at Calvary? True freedom requires not repetition but response. In what ways do we refuse to stand where Jesus stands – in relation to the generative Source, Abba Father? We must discover afresh day after day the One who generates Jesus and brings new life.
Jesus is a siphon for generalized benevolence and universal love – a codeword for our most tolerant feelings. Is this the Jesus who was rude to the Pharisees? The Jesus who was a peasant in occupied territory? What difference would it make if we stand where Jesus stands? The Gospel tells us with some clarity. All that is done by Jesus is done from the root that dwells within. To try to understand Jesus without understanding the joy of being in relation is not to understand Jesus at all. The peace Jesus makes springs from that intense, costly relatedness. It does not sidestep conflict but seeks to bring people in conflict into something fresh. It is not a broad benevolence but a highly specific work to weave into God’s people those who are left out. Walking his way, risking his risks, to be part of the community is to set your feet upon a highly specific way of gift, love, and cost.
It is the Holy Spirit that brings Jesus into being. What is formed in Mary is the Spirit’s work. The Spirit has the complex shape of mission and of healing, the shape of Jesus’ relation with the Father. The Divine overflowing of creativity forms what it comes from – the Source and the Word – that is all the Spirit knows how to do. There is no limit to the ways the Spirit can make and remake the love of the Father and the Son over and over in people’s lives. God’s love is such that it gives itself over and over in the life of the other.
What the mystery is will only unfold in our life as we live it. May our life become more and more that reality. Amen.”
Dr. Mary, Pastoral Life Coordinator
Parish News
JOIN US FOR A SPECIAL FELLOWSHIP the weekend of June 7th and June 8th
Please mark your calendars and bring your families to express your appreciation and say “Farewell” to Dr. Mary Foley, our Pastoral Life Coordinator. The weekend of June 7th and 8th all parishioners are cordially invited to attend Fellowship which will be held after every Mass that weekend. Please watch the bulletin for further information concerning the Fellowships being held after every Mass.
If you would like to participate in the Music Ministry, please see Interim Music Director/Pianist Tim Barton or call 847-223-0760.
Garden Club News
Calling all garden club members, as well as those who may want to come out and help beautify our grounds for the summer. Memorial Day weekend isn’t far away! So put the date of Saturday, May 24th on your calendar for planting some perennials and the annuals in our already prepared garden beds. We will meet at 9:30 AM in front of church. Just bring your gloves, your planting tools, your kneeling pad, and any other items you may need to plant and we’ll see you there. For questions or to let us know you can join us, please call Rose Wilkes at 630-833-7238.
Today’s fellowship has been rescheduled to June 7th and June 8th. Please join us on that weekend to show appreciation and say good-bye to Dr. Mary Foley, our Pastoral Life Coordinator.
The Mary Queen of Heaven St. Vincent de Paul Society is sponsoring a clothing drive to benefit the needy the weekend of May 31st and June 1st.
Now is as good a time as ever to clean your dressers, closets and cabinets. Clear out all those items that you no longer need. Perhaps your children have outgrown some of their clothing again. Pass on those barely worn items so that children from low-income families may present themselves with pride and dignity. We are in need of clean, gently used clothing, jackets, shoes and accessories for the spring and summer months.
Also, needed are small household items: dishes, glassware, cookware, small clean working appliances, knick-knacks, lamps, lines, toys, books, jewelry, etc.
Bags will be available in the vestibule of church the weekend of 5/17 & 5/18. Please fill them with your donations. You may also use your own heavy duty bags and boxes. The St. Vincent de Paul Truck will be in the parking lot beginning at 9:00 a.m. on May 31st and will be leaving around 1:00 p.m. on June 1st. Drop off your things on Saturday or bring them when you come to Mass on Sunday. Receipts are always gladly given!
For donations of furniture and other large items, please call 630-231-4658 to schedule the truck.
Once again we want to thank you for your past donations and for your extreme generosity when it comes to helping those less fortunate.
Time for some
Youth Group News
Wings to Heaven
Our Welcome Ice Cream Social
For all 5th-8th grade students
Today, Sunday May 18th
6-8 pm
Barrett Hall
Come and join us and learn from youth group members about why they are part of our group. Hear about the fun things planned for next year.
We hope you will join us
Christian Education Commission
June1st is just 2 weeks away. If you want to register at the discounted fee, get those forms in to the office today. FYI – if you have a preschool or kindergarten child you would like to see in the program next fall, get your registration in today. These classes always fill up quickly and enrollment is limited at those grade levels. Please register for RE before summer vacation begins.
Before school is out for the summer break, please consider helping us as a catechist next fall. We thank those who have responded to our plea. However, we are still in need of catechists at various grade levels at various session times. If you are a loving, welcoming, accepting, forgiving person of faith, you have the most important qualifications for being a catechist. You don’t have to be a theologian, just someone who can help our children understand how the Gospel can be applied to their lives. Come share your Faith with the over 500 young people of our RE program. Call for more info. Our children depend on you to pass on our faith.
If you have any questions or need more information, please call Mary Ann Woods at the REO, 832-8962.
SCHOLARSHIPS AVAILABLE Please call the Preschool for information. Become a part of our growing school. Schedule a visit, meet the teacher, come “Light the Way” with us.
The Preschool is accepting Registration for the 2008-2009 school year. We look forward to being able to serve your child and your family. We are offering Open Houses for those interested in visiting our classroom.
Please see our website at www.maryqueenpreschool.org and contact the school office for more information and registration. (630) 833-9500
Preschool tours scheduled upon request.
Christian Service Commission
Catholic Relief Services
The Catholic International Aid Agency
“What Can I Do?
How Can I Help?”
Cyclone Nargis struck Myanmar (Burma) on Saturday, May 3, bringing a deadly tidal surge across the low-lying coastal areas of the country. The storm hit the Irrawaddy Delta region, an area populated by 24 million people. Nargis toppled infrastructure in Myanmar’s largest city, Yangon (Rangoon), and destroyed tens of thousands of homes. Communications lines were down in the first few days, but more news is coming from the region on the magnitude of the cyclone’s destruction.
“Cyclone Nargis could not have happened in a worse stretch of land. The surge hit in the low lying coastal areas. With the tidal surge at 12 to 15 feet, presumably thousands of people living along the Delta were simply washed away,” says Pat Johns, director, CRS emergency response team.
The latest reports of some 100,000 dead and 1 million homeless demonstrate dire conditions in which basic food, shelter and water are urgently needed.
CRS Response:
CRS is supporting the emergency relief and response efforts of the Caritas Internationalis network in the worst affected areas. Assessments on the level of devastation are still underway as communications remain difficult and news trickles out of the country.
Significant support is critical to ensure life-saving assistance reaches the most vulnerable people quickly. It is anticipated that food, shelter and water will be of urgent need. The Caritas network will coordinate with local and international agencies to determine how best to provide help where it is most needed.
How to Help:
Donate via phone: 1-877-HELP-CRS
Donate online: www.crs.org
Write a check: Catholic Relief Services
P.O. Box 17090
Baltimore, Maryland 21203-7090
Memo line: Southeast Asia Natural Disaster
More about CRS in Asia and Across the World:
Christian Worship Commission
To pray for our sick is an important privilege of our parish family. Please call 630-279-5700 to have a name added to our list. A new listing will appear in bold face. When calling the parish office, please leave contact information and your relationship to the person. Names will remain on the prayer list for four weeks. Contact the parish office to renew the individual’s name on our prayer list. We hope that you will pray for these persons every day.
David Francetic
A Vocation View
Each of us experiences a story of God’s self-revelation in a unique way. Tell your story. Add to the beautiful mosaic of God’s life in this world by the story of your life.
Market Day
Orders for May are due Monday, May 19, at noon. Turn in your order form in the box in the back of church or at the rectory. Pickup on Saturday, May 24, from 9:30 – 10:30 a.m. in the Social Hall.
If you have questions or would like to place an order, please call Karen at 279-4108 or Beth at 833-5469 or email her at ekujawa121@sbcglobal.net .
Diocesan News
“Greet one another with a holy kiss. All the holy ones greet you”. Do you believe in the holiness of the kiss you give your spouse? If you want a little more holiness in your marriage, consider enriching it by taking time away together. Plan to attend the next Worldwide Marriage Encounter weekend on June 6-8, 2008. Contact Tom and Mary Leonard 630-577-0778. For more information visit our website at: www.mejoliet.org.
2008 Catholic Ministries
Annual Appeal
Diocese of Joliet
Our Faith helps us to recognize that gratitude is at the heart of generosity. We are all “Rays of Hope & Love” that continue to shine and supply the needs of God’s people with expressions of thanks to God. If you have not made a gift to the Catholic Ministries Annual Appeal, please do so today. Your gift touches many lives.
The New Melleray Trappist Monastary in Peosta, Iowa will be hosting an exciting “Live-In Experience” vocational retreat soon. They only have this once a year so don’t miss it. Work and pray with the monks on their 3500 acre farm and enjoy the vocational talks. The date is Memorial Day weekend May 23-26th. There is no cost but space is limited. For more information call toll free 1-800-221-1807.
Community News
Wednesday, beginning June 4th through October 15, from 7:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., local farmers, bakers and other vendors will be here to sell fresh fruit, vegetables, bread, pastries, cheese, flowers, honey and more!
An ongoing summer tradition, the York and Vallette Business Association is pleased to bring the Elmhurst Farmer’s Market to the intersection of York and Vallette.
Visit www.yorkandvallette.com or call (630) 279-5530 for more information.
Beat the lunch rush! For best parking come before 10:00 a.m. or after noon. The market is located just east of York on Vallette Street in the municipal lot.
A Memorial Day Mass will be celebrated:
Monday, May 26th
at 9:00 AM
in the Assumption Cemetery Chapel
Mausoleum 1
Located at 1S510 Winfield Road
Wheaton, IL
“Choosing Your Cup of Life: A Discernment Tea” will be offered at Loretto Convent on Saturday, May 24, 2008, 9:00 am-12:00 noon, free of charge, for women ages 20-45 who desire more information about discerning God’s call in daily life. Sister Nancy Kennelly, IBVM, is the featured speaker addressing how we experience discernment throughout our life. Aids for discernment that morning include quiet prayer, journal writing, labyrinth prayer, and mini-spa treatments for the hands—paraffin dips and a hand massage. Lunch is optional for $10. Reservations are appreciated. Please contact Sister Claire Vandborg, IBVM, at 630-868-2904 or CLVand@aol.com
Labyrinth Overview
The labyrinth—an ancient tool for spiritual reflection and growth—provides an opportunity for centering reflection, self discovery, and mindful movement to all who take the time to walk or wheel its path. Led by Marianjoy Director of Spiritual Care, Rev. Dr. Patricia Roberts, this class will start with a brief introduction to walking the labyrinth with time for questions and answers. Then participants will be on their own to experience the labyrinth. Presentations are at Marianjoy on May 19 or June 2 at 6:30 p.m. Registration is required. Please call 630-909-7102.
Your dining out and your checking account can help the parish!
Parishioners who dine at the Elmhurst Family Restaurant on Lake Street can help contribute to the parish. Just identify yourselves as being from Mary Queen of Heaven and 10% of your restaurant bill comes back to the parish.
Also, parishioners who open a new checking account with $100 at Standard Bank and Trust in Villa Park will receive $75 from the bank and another $75 will come to the parish. For details, please contact parishioner and banker Karen Biggs at (708) 499-2062, ext. 61115.
Ministry Schedule |
Saturday, May 24,2008 - |
Sunday, May 25, 2008 |
5:00 PM |
8:30 AM |
10:30 AM |
Presider |
Fr. Benet |
Fr. Wolter |
Fr. Wolter |
Lector |
D. StaRosa |
G. Dolesy |
P. Reynertson |
Eucharistic Ministers |
Dr. M. Foley M. White (S) K. Diggins (C) S. Pingatore M. Reed |
Dr. M. Foley J. Unger (S) G. Regan (C) K. Vicary D. Bernstein |
Dr. M. Foley P. Twardowski (S) F. Tremmel (C) T. Kevil J. Spears J. Eichorst |
Altar Servers |
M. Jankovec M. Reno |
J. Simon K. Pierzchala |
J. Alonso J. Drake |
Mass Intentions For the Week
Sunday, May 18, 2008
8:30 AM + Albert P. Kabat
10:30 AM + Hazel Woods
Monday, May 19, 2008
8:30 AM Victims of China's Earthquake
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
8:30 AM Communion Service
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
8:30 AM Victims of China's Earthquake
Thursday, May 22, 2008
8:30 AM Communion Service
Friday, May 23, 2008
8:30 AM + Hope Pingitore
Saturday, May 24, 2008
8:30 AM Communion Service
5:00 PM + Ruth Grainer Tanet
Sunday, May 25, 2008
8:30 AM + Jose J. Alonso
10:30 AM + Michele and Veronica Botta
+ indicates person is deceased
Gospel Verse
God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him might not perish but might have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world might be saved through him.
- Jn 3:16-17
Readings for the Week of May 18, 2008
Sunday: Ex 34:4b-6, 8-9/2 Cor 13:11-13/Jn 3:16-18
Monday: Jas 3:13-18/Mk 9:14-29
Tuesday: Jas 4:1-10/Mk 9:30-37
Wednesday:Jas 4:13-17/Mk 9:38-40
Thursday: Jas 5:1-6/Mk 9:41-50
Friday: Jas 5:9-12/Mk 10:1-12
Saturday: Jas 5:13-20/Mk 10:13-16
Next Sunday:Dt 8:2-3, 14b-16a/1 Cor 10:16-17/Jn 6:51-58
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Enter www.goodsearch.com for web site.
Type “Mary Queen of Heaven Catholic Church” into the
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Collection total for Sunday,
May 11, 2008
amounted to $6385.15
Thank you for your support.
Making it Easier to Give
Please consider this option when choosing how to best support our Parish Family at Mary Queen of Heaven.
Contact www.parishpay.com, or call 866-PARISH-1 for further information.
“God loves a cheerful giver”