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Christ Renews His Parish


OCTOBER 3-4,2009


NOVEMBER 14-15,2009

On October 3-4 (men’s weekend) and November 14-15 (women’s weekend), we will have the first men’s and women’s Christ Renews His Parish spiritual renewal weekends. Please contact Karen Sutkus at 630-279-3240 ( or Alex Grozik at (630) 530-0503 or Deacon Tom Nolan at (630) 833-4396 with any questions. To register, download the Registration Form and return it to the office. Below are answers to some frequently asked questions.

What is CRHP?

    Christ Renews His Parish is a spiritual renewal weekend designed to help individuals grow in their personal relationship with Jesus Christ and with others in the faith community of Mary Queen of Heaven. CRHP originally started in 1969. It was recommended by the renewal office of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops as the primary instrument of personal and parish renewal for Catholic parishes in the U.S. and Italy.

What happens during the weekend?

    During the weekend you will listen to a number of individuals who have volunteered to give a personal witness to the power of Jesus Christ in their lives. There will be readings of scripture, time for prayer, and time set aside for personal reflection.

Will I have to get up and talk?

    Other than a brief introduction you will not have to get up and talk in front of others unless you want to. The weekend is structured around talks given by previous CRHP participants. Group discussion and activities take place after each talk. Weekend participants are usually broken up into tables of 4-5 people. Most in-depth discussions take place amongst your own table. You are free to share much or as little as you are comfortable with. All conversations and experiences are confidential.

Who may attend?

    CRHP is open to all Mary Queen of Heaven adult parishioners, age 18 and older. It is for anyone seeking spiritual renewal. You do not have to be spiritual to attend the weekend. In fact, many people attend because they are not as spiritual as they would like. Many attend because they feel something is missing from their lives.

What about sacraments?

    Sacraments are an integral part of the weekend. There will be an opportunity for reconciliation and the weekend will conclude with a private Mass on Sunday.

When and where do these weekends take place?

    One weekend for men (October 3-4) and one weekend for women (November 14-15) will take place in our parish school. The weekend will begin at 8:00 a.m. on Saturday and continue until approximately 4:00 p.m. Sunday.

Where do I sleep?

    Sleeping accommodations are in the parish school. You are asked to bring your own sleeping bag, pillow, or other bedding, along with your own towel, soap and other toiletries that you may need. Cots or pads will be provided. IF YOU NEED TO SLEEP AT HOME IT IS NOT MANDATORY TO SPEND THE NIGHT.

What about meals?

    You will be pampered with great meals while on the weekend. They will be provided by outside volunteers. There are also regular breaks for coffee, soft drinks, and snacks. If you have a special diet please let us know when you register so we will be able to provide for your needs. There will be plenty of good, nutritious foods on this weekend.

What types of clothes do I bring for this weekend?

    Casual and comfortable clothing is appropriate for the weekend (especially with waistbands that expand – you will eat well!).

Can I afford the cost of the weekend?

    There is a suggested donation of $35 per person. If you cannot afford it, please do not let cost be a factor in experiencing this life changing weekend.

What about you?

    If you’ve read this far you must be at least a little bit interested. It’s a great opportunity for developing meaningful and lasting relationships. Say a prayer. Ask God what you should do. I think he wants you here. Don’t you?

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Last updated August-12-2009